Delete not working excel Just go to your system bios setting and change the Function Key G_Torres None of the previous solutions worked for me, but I had two tables side by side. Select Hide from the Context Menu. It's erratic. Click “OK”. Having a braincramp here this afternoon: I know I can delete a range of columns like this: With Sheets(shtname) . jolivanes. In response to your question to him: Press the `Win`, `Ctrl` and `O` keys simultaneously to open the on-screen keyboard. Here’s how to do that: 1. Besides, try the suggestions below: Try deleting the rows in Excel safe mode- When Excel opens in safe mode, click File>Open to open the affected workbook and check if you can delete the rows. Yesterday when I selected multiple cells in a Microsoft Excel 2016 worksheet, I could hold CTRL key and deselect the cells I wanted removed. Clear the clipboard by copying a blank cell (Ctrl + C) and check if that resolves the issue. What solved this problem for me was the following (found this solution somewhere on an Excel forum I do not remember): just amending the rows to a new height and then deleting works for me. Select Range("G43"). I'm using Office 365 on a Win 10 workstation. Ramune Yes, I could add sheets, but not delete. ; A Create Table box will appear. DisplayAlerts. To know how to start Excel in safe mode, see Open Office apps in safe mode on a Windows PC I have a spreadsheet with multiple sheets and every month I add a new sheet and delete the one with old data. Let’s select only the last three rows from the dataset. Edit > Sheet > Delete Sheet gets me to— one big problem I can't get past with slicers is that that deleting or modifying a custom slicer does not work. Unhide Rows or Columns: If you’ve hidden rows or columns, Excel won’t apply the filter function to those hidden cells. I would not be using Delete shift:=xlUp. Create Basic Excel Pivot Tables; Delete the space or use the TRIM function before the cell reference as in the image below. Cells(r, 1)) Else Set URng = ws. Please help. Excel undo not working. I have deleted the content on the page and tried again and have tried by right clicking on the sheet title and using home, delete, drop down menu - neither Reason 2: Dataset Cells Are in Text Format. Jika Anda sering menggunakan software ini, pernahkah Anda mengalami Microsoft Excel tiba-tiba berhenti. In any case, the data strings are text fields. Solution 1 – Ensure Cell Selection If Find and Replace Is Not Working in Excel. Please can you advise me how to get the CTRL + BACKSPACE shortcut to work in Excel 2013 (it works in all other Office 2013 applications). When I attempt to change it back to my font of choice, it doesn't work. It just supplies max available row in a given Excel version. And try to replace Dune with Flee and by pressing Replace All. You can follow another process to open the Excel file in safe mode. Also read: How To Remove Formulas In Excel But Keep Data Clear Cells Using VBA. When working with larger files Excel becomes unresponsive for many minutes when I remove the AutoFilter. Range("C:C") Set rngUnion = Union(rng1, rng2) Solution 1: Delete the Same Sheet’s Reference from the Formula If ‘Sort’ is Not Working. Table Design -> Resize Table. 5. Entirerow. Enter Excel. While filtering is a great way to quickly delete rows based on a value or a condition, it has one drawback – it deletes the entire row. . Columns("L:AI"). " delete key and arrows not working Hi, in excel on my mac, the delete key and arrows don't seem to work. I have tried just cutting and pasting my data to When I highlight a row or column in Excel, i can no longer right click and select insert/delete to either remove or add a row/column. this happens in both existing spreadsheets where I am the author, or even a brand new spreadsheet like in the image below. We have a great community of people providing Excel help here, but the hosting costs are enormous. I click on Tools/Protection and all the selections are asking me to protect, not to unprotection, so I'm guessing that the spreadsheet is not protected. Not sure if this issue was resolved, but I was experiencing exactly the same problem with Excel 2013. A faulty or outdated add-in can also disrupt Excel processes and cause Find and Your code needs little correction and you can use following VBA code to delete multiple columns. Steps:. Free Excel Courses. ; Select the range of cells B4:C14. Ted French. Let the task in process finish its job before attempting other actions. Excel only removes contents i have some operating issue in using MS office when i work in MS office in excel i need to add /delete /insert raw and column but when i right click in MS excel sheet , options like cut , delete insert are not shown and i am not able add delete any raw and column i have following i have gone to option > advance >cut,copy,paste> selected all and Dim URng As Range, r As Long For r = FirstRow To LastRow If ws. Download our practice workbook for free, modify the data, and exercise with them! Free Excel Courses. Range("A:A") Set rng2 = ActiveWorkbook. If he right clicks, within the same file, and selects "delete", then selects either "Shift cells left" or "Shift cells up" or "Entire row. Go to the File tab. Note that this font issue only affects formulas, not texts. ; In the Format Cells dialog box:. Select the gear icon and then disable Grammarly in Excel. Select the range in the Helper column and press CTRL+1. select headers and go to excel "ribbon" and select icon delete >delete sheet columns. EntireRow. Very strange. In the Run box, type the following command: For Excel: Type excel /safe, and click OK. My version is 2305. Microsoft Excel berhenti ini biasanya menampilkan pesan “Microsoft Excel is not responding”, yang berarti program mengalami hang dan tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik. colum" it deletes the data and For anyone running into this in the future (like myself), the actual problem is with the mix up in scope when calling Application. Excel not responding, hangs, freezes or stops working - Microsoft Support. Any idea whats wrong Thank you Mục lục. For instance, saving a file, clicking menu items, using commands on the File tab, or deleting sheets are not reversible using the Undo feature. Create Basic Excel Pivot Tables If this tip doesn’t work for you then please share a screenshot of your problem or the Excel file with us so that we can see what is causing the problem VP1987 Said: "delete key and arrows not working: Hi, in excel on my mac, the delete key and arrows don't seem to work. View Profile View Forum Posts Forum Expert Join Date 10-06-2008 By lordterrin in forum Excel Programming / VBA / Macros Replies: 7 Last Post: 11-20-2013, 02: 39 PM A nice, quick technique: use the Fill Color icon to fill all the cells in one of the columns you see. If the application works fine safe mode, try disabling the add-ins for the application and check the result: when deleting rows, you have to work from the bottom up because of how Excel deletes then moves to the next. I only want to delete the table row not the entire sheet row. I hope you found this tutorial useful. I selected "Enable VB macros" and "Trust access to the VBA project object model". It works fine on other Office products such as Word etc. I also entered Excel in Safe Mode and the same thing happens. =False, since you'll not be using the Excel Delete function. Reply. In previous work like this, I have used the TRIM( ) function in Excel to remove the extra spaces. It shows Excel couldn’t find anything to replace it. Press Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow key to select the last column- 16,384th column of Excel. I've checked and made sure my updates are current - they are. As soon as the tables were resized, I was able to delete the lines, without saving and re-opening the file. Open the Excel Options window. Delete. Current Code is below: Sub DELETE_ZERO() last = Cells(Rows. Fix 4: Start Excel in Safe Mode and Disable Add-Ins. Commented Feb 25, 2020 at 11:10. Change complex formulas to simple values to make calculations faster. Delete rows based on cell value not working. 2. Just recently My Excel 2010 has decided to not let me right click to format cells, delete or insert rows. Highlight them all and delete. ; Right-click on the required cell. Remove the The backspace key is not working at all in Excel on Mac. The Remove Duplicates command could not find a If you are facing cut, copy, delete functions not working in Excel context menu, here are the options you should try. Row 'Delete rows For i = last To 2 When I try to cut, delete, paste, change the text absolutely nothing happens. Recently, I found that I was unable to insert or delete rows, columns and groups of cells. Jump to page: Tori. Worksheets("Sheet1"). Incorrect formula arguments (#6) Excel functions are a This delinking issue arises when both deleting or inserting new rows . Range("C2:C117") Set wRng = Worksheets("Working sheet"). Excel not responding is a frequent issue affecting millions of users globally. Range("I3:I7483") For Each wCell In wRng 'Loop through all ActiveSheet. Hi I have the same issue that the insert/delete/ hide/unhide are missing in excel after Aug 7 2023 updates. ) I wrote VBA Code Using Excel 2007 and trying to delete a cell or block of cells I am offered a choice of whether I want to delete the Entire Row or Entire Column. Cells(r, 1) End If Return End Sub I would use this code without nested loop: Sub delFunds() Dim rngToDel As Range Dim fRng As Range 'Fund range Dim wCell As Range 'Working sheet cell Dim wRng As Range 'Working sheet range Set fRng = Worksheets("Funds"). With this option, Excel doesn’t When I highlight a row or column in Excel, i can no longer right click and select insert/delete to either remove or add a row/column. Worksheets[3]. You must change their format to number. Let us start Excel in the safe mode and check how it works. Here's the code: Sub Setup() ws. Solution: Ignoring DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) can solve the Rows() assumes that you want the ActiveSheet. Hyperlinks h. Right-Click and Choose “Cut”: If the Delete key doesn’t work, you can also right-click on Here's how to Fix Delete Sheet not working in Microsoft Excel. I'd advice putting some checks in place, so that you can be sure the files are deleted and if they cannot be deleted, you can see why not. Go to add-ins in Excel options. My Tab Key Won't Move from Cell to Cell in my Excel Worksheet. My shift F9 calculate sheet shortcut would just not work suddenly! Realized I had another program (SnagIt) that had taken that specific global hotkey. Shahriar Dec 7, 2022 at 1:55 PM. Every duplicated value in each column repeats itself in every duplicated line, so this is not a problem. For the past 2 weeks, it worked but only to erase the entire contents of the cell rather than remove the last letter or number Troubleshooting Excel Hyperlinks Not Working. Method 2 – Using Power Query to Solve Excel Not Responding When Deleting Rows. Powered by Gainsight. Choose the Category as Number and click OK. Delete Next h MsgBox n & " hyperlinks deleted!" End Sub. I go to edit a cell, the curser is at the end of the text, when I click in the middle to edit a minus sign to a times symbol for example, and either delete or use the arrow keys, it just takes the curser to the start of the text in the cell. As Delete key is not working as expected, let’s try the steps below to troubleshoot the issue: Please ensure your Microsoft 365 apps are fully updated, sometime updating Office fixes issue. From this article you'll know how to delete infinite columns in Excel by selecting all the unused columns and deleting from the context menu. 5 Effective Ways to Unlock Grayed out Menus in Excel. I don't know why, but when I use English Keyboard (UK or US doesn't matter, any English keyboard), then my shortcuts such as "ctrl" + "=" (autosum), "ctrl" + "-" delete row/column -> now it adds a row instead, "ctrl" + "+" - doesn't work at all. Other Excel tutorials you may also like: Excel Formulas Not Working: Possible Reasons and How to FIX IT! How to Turn OFF Scroll Lock in Excel? 2) If you are confident that your code selects correctly the last used rows, would it be possible rather than to clear the range , to modify your code to delete all those rows ( except for the header row ). “Microsoft Excel is not responding”: If this dialog box appears, you may select ‘Wait for the program to respond’ and wait. The only way I have of modifying a customer slicer is to duplicate it, the modify box then pops up. It is still clickable for some bizarre reason, but the object has no "handles" to grab and delete, and it doesn't appear to be attached to the row or the other data, because I can cut and paste the data to a new row and the checkbox remains in the old row. To fix this, remove the double quotes around the number 50. It has always worked (to quickly delete the word to the left Rows. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last. I can do these functions from the ribbon, but not via right click. Hot Network Questions On a multi-lane road with lanes too narrow to share, why adopt the secondary position? I've searched for hours now and still have no answer to this problem. If Not URng Is Nothing Then URng. Since the code isn't actually disabling the prompt in the correct instance of excel (oExcel) and it I have an issue with a file where when I delete the rows, only contents clear and undoing that action, doesn't seem to bring back the deleted content. Click OK in the Excel Options dialog box. EntireColumn. There are many, many posts and lots of ideas to work around the issue but no solution. The choices for Shift cells left and Shift cells up are greyed out. Never did rectify the situation. If the worksheet is password protected, you must enter the password to remove the protection. Get expert tips, ask questions, and share your love for all things Excel. Working in Microsoft Excel for Mac. ; Go to the Trust Center tab. Screen 2. Excel: unable to delete a table row. 12-02-2019, 03:35 AM #7. If any dialog box appears saying any of these following messages, then Excel is not responding. Register To Reply. ; Go to the Protected View tab. Delete End With But I'm using a calculated index that provides the number of columns in Clicking inside the text box will only delete the text content, not the entire box. : The style "Normal" is not visible, but if I try to create a new style called "Normal" a message indicates that that style already exists. Remove duplicates will not work if the number of digits after the decimal are not the same. Delete it Try deleting/ inserting rows/columns again. All it did was delete the cell contents instead of deleting the cells. FN + delete works as a "forward delete" - in other words, you can use that if your prompt is at the start of a bit of text you want to remove. In the last line I specifically turn on AllowDeletingRows to allow the user to delete rows. And overridden Excel's native hotkey. My solution was to resize each table to the correct height, by changing the range of the tables. 3. Selecting 'Modify' does nothing and doesn't invoke the create custom style window to allow for editing. So my advice is to check and see if you have anything running that uses global hotkeys that may be overriding Excel. You can help keep this site running by allowing ads on MrExcel. For example, I could select Right Border to add a border on the right side of the cell, and then select Right Border again to remove the border from the right side of the cell. The typical styles in the workbook appear to exist, but are NOT visible. End(xlUp). To know how How to Fix Cut, Copy, Delete Not Working in Excel Context Menu? Try the followings to fix the issue: Reset the cells using VBA editor; Modify registry entry; Start Excel in safe mode; Cleanup startup folder; Check file I have tried to explain 4 possible solutions to the problem of Excel not responding when deleting rows. Within your loop, you should check if the file exists before deleting it. Also read: Excel Shortcuts Not Working Reason #2: The Clipboard is Full or Corrupted If you do not want to get rid of the Recent Documents List, use Methods 2 & 4 only. Sub Union_Function_del_NonContig_Cols() Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range, rngUnion As Range Set rng1 = ActiveWorkbook. I have checked my Macro Security setting, nothing is off. EDIT: I was wrong - it does work - I was still using . Buy Now . I have to My issue is, when I right click on any cell/ cells the 'cut' and 'delete' disabled - while I can still use the delete on the menu bar - This happened suddenly around 5-6 month Try deleting the rows in Excel safe mode - When Excel opens in safe mode, click File>Open to open the affected workbook and check if you can delete the rows. Can someone at Microsoft please help me to resolve this? I have an HP Spectre Excel Not Responding on Clear Filter Excel 2016 (Office 365, Windows 10) goes to 'Not Responding' when clearing Filters where there are many rows However, sometimes this command might not work or might not show all the links. Count does not need worksheet. 1. g. Instead of picking the color that you used, pick "no fill". Hi. I am unable to delete empty cells / rows / columns from my worksheet - I choose Delete and nothing happens. exe /Safe. I want to work with a minimally focused spreadsheet. If the on-screen keyboard works then you may consider trying a different Excel As Database DELETE SQL QUERY does not work; Hi All, I am trying to delete a row based on a condition using Database Command in Automation Anywhere. There is no indication that the spreadsheet is protected. Don’t keep unused styles, as they can cause problems. I can close a sheet, but cannot delete it. Method 2 – Change Wrong Delimiter Clicking inside the text box will only delete the text content, not the entire box. select column and row header, use control delete. A named range or a defined name uses a protected external link. I tried highlighting the entire row and hitting 'Delete' on my keyboard but that just renamed all the row values to generic names like 'Column 1' and 'Column 2' and so on. Right-Click and Choose “Cut”: If the Delete key doesn’t work, you can also right-click on After this, you can modify Excel cells with Find and Replace. Enter the password that is currently protecting the sheet. Is there any other way of preventing the deleting of the sheet without protecting the file Should I be able to delete any rows and columns from a new worksheet titled Book1? I've tried the about 4 different ways. You're going to run into problems if you don't specify which Sheet, as the ActiveSheet could be different then the one that your database is on. Input the table range. I am using Microsoft office 365. Start Here; Training; Publications; Blog; FREE GIFT. Double-click the desired Excel file to open it. When I switched to simply . Likewise, if you want to get rid of media keys and don’t want to press the Fn key each time in combination with media keys you can do so too. Inserting rows works just fine, but if I try to delete a row on the protected sheet Excel tells me I can't delete rows that contain locked cells. Or, that it does not exist at the time of deleting. If you do not want to get rid of the Recent Documents List, use Methods 2 & 4 only. Your Escape key should now work again. No, delete by itself should definitely work as a delete key, provided you want to delete backwards. Problem: In the following dataset, we calculated the sales sum from another sheet using the SUMIF function for different stores. The above steps would instantly remove all the content as well as the formatting from these cells. Delete Excel Table row using VBA. Delete Exit Sub collectCells: If Not URng Is Nothing Then Set URng = Union(URng, ws. Reason 5 – Excel DDE Causing Problems in Copy and Paste. But, the good news is Since it won’t let you delete the rows, your best option to remove the ghost data may be 1) creating a new, blank workbook, 2) create a tab for every tab in your original workbook, 3) name each tab as they are in the original, 4) copy and paste the exact range you are actually using (DO NOT COPY THE FULL COLUMN) from the original into the new Clear all filters; Apply a new filter on one of the columns, select "Filter by Color". If you have imported or Trying to delete it now but it does not disappear. Another reason why your filter may not work is due to the protection of your Excel worksheet. 1 Bước 1: Sao chép file vào ổ đĩa trên máy (local drive); 2. You can also right-click and select "Clear Contents" to achieve the same result. Select all the data first. I tried in the new excel file as well but still it is not working. Select options. com. Screen 1. Working from the bottom up gets around that issue. If the delete command is grayed out, the worksheet may be protected and you need to unprotect it first via Review ribbon > Unprotect Sheet. This is a strange one, as the method works fine on other tables in my workbook without a need for any workaround - it just does what it's supposed to do - but it fails on this one table. Select the “Unprotect Sheet” option. I do not want to see the rows and columns that go on infinitely. Solution 2: Disable Media keys. How can i get these options back on my right click menu? Solution 3 – Use Round Function to Fix Duplicate Number Problem. Go to Data and click on From Table/Range. AND: The reason that the file isn't being deleted could be because it is in use. Delete Method of Range Class Failed when trying to delete table rows. My connection is stable, i've already logged out-logged in again multiple times, normal troubleshooting reguarding synchronization seems to be useless. For this field to be useful to me in the database, I need to remove the trailing spaces. You can try with macros to get it done. I also tried enabling macros and running both of the following with NO effect: Sub remove_all_hyperlinks() Dim h As Hyperlink n = ActiveSheet. If this occurs, wait for a bit. Download our practice book, modify data, and exercise. I have tried disabling hardware graphics acceleration, but it doesn't work. VBA How to Delete Table Rows. 4 possible fixes when the IF function is not working in Excel. When editing a cell and typing when i hit delete it now deletes the entire contents. After this, you can modify Excel cells with Find and Replace. Always be specific, use: The Delete and Backspace key in Excel will not delete data in multiple cells any more, it only deletes what is in the home cell. ; The filtered data will be displayed as Solution 1 – Open Excel in Safe Mode. ; Uncheck all three options and click OK. Sorry : The problem I am having is that it is deleting the entire row from the sheet, not just the table row. To check version information, open any Office app, such as Excel or Word, click Off late, probably after latest update of Microsoft office 365 / Excel was updated, I am unable to Cut, Insert, Delete Cells, Rows, Columns using Right Click Option. ; Click on Trust Center Settings. The YES are in capital letters and the selection and "blank the row" is working. select headers and fn key + delete This is an issue long unaddressed by Microsoft. Create Basic Excel Pivot Tables; This does not work — the columns are still there, you just have to scroll past AA to see them. Clicking on the Excel icon opens to the desktop about 30 of what I'm certain are corrupt sheets. select headers and go to screen menu and select delete. ). Finally, the formula bar's font, size and spacing has changed. For the past 2 weeks, it worked but only to erase the entire contents of the cell such as Word etc. It used to act as a backspace If above suggestion does not work, to narrow down your issue, please tell us more information below to let us help you: 1. One of the possible reasons behind this is that Manual Calculation is selected. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena satu atau beberapa alasan. Excel Online showing cursor and text very small when typing in cell. filtering is not working not even with the Query The Excel undo button in the template we developed was working over the last few months without any problem. Clear out conditional formatting that slows things down. Excel interop counts from 1 (and not from zero), therefore, removing the second item will cause the third item to take its place!. Application is a completely different instance and therefor has no effect. Password or no password will not allow me to unprotect a sheet in order to delete it. Is there some trick to get modify and delete to work. Use the Delete Key: Once you’ve selected the text box by clicking its border, press the Delete key on your keyboard. The tab key does work for Alt, Ctrl & Del and in Word. Offset a single cell range, then use `xlCelTypeVisible. Solution: Change the cell into Number format. Selecting multiple column headers and then deleting those columns. ; Go to the Data tab and click on the Filter option from the Sort & Filter group. It just don't delete the rows. The reason is the name Dune was not in the selected range. I have no pivot tables using the particular cusom style. This issues reguards all documents, can't delete files from OneDrive and can't delete files in general anywhere. I have tried online repair and did not work. I am able to clear the content of rows and columns, but not delete the rows and columns themselves, The workbook comprises 5 sheets, the first of which is the main, "diary", page. (a non contiguous region) A work around is: When you . Microsoft Excel berhenti ini biasanya menampilkan pesan “Microsoft Excel is not responding”, yang berarti I'm used to working a lot in Excel. If Excel is in use by another process, this information will be displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the Excel window. My Arrow keys do work. If the Ctrl + Up Arrow or Ctrl + Down Arrow shortcuts are not working in Excel, there are a few additional troubleshooting steps you can try: Clear clipboard contents: Occasionally, clipboard issues can affect keyboard shortcuts. Read more info here. I hope it will be helpful for all. We tried to sort the Sales from Largest to Smallest but got the following result. This brings up all of the unwanted rows. To keep your filter working, you will need to remove the protection. Note that I have used Offset in the above code to make sure my header row is not deleted. ; Choose the main column Selection. Delete shows a pop up window asking if you How do I delete or hide the endless rows at the bottom of my Excel spreadsheet and the unused columns to the right? I like to work with only the active columns and rows in my spreadsheets. Press and hold down the Ctrl key. To know how to start Excel in safe mode, see Open Office apps in safe mode on a Windows PC; Update Office - There are many times when issues are fixed after updating. This is not my file by the way. 2 Bước 2: Đảm bảo máy tính bạn có đủ bộ nhớ bằng cách kiểm tra Task Manager; 2. Workbook or sheet not protected. Method 2 – Perform Find & Select Command to Fix TRIM Function Not Working. Delete End With But I'm using a calculated index that provides the number of columns in 2. Ctrl+Delete not working. The strange thing is that when I work with a plain Excel workbook with no macros, no Excel tables, and no add-ins, then the Undo button seems to always work. Click Advanced in the Excel Options dialog box. Value = Criteria Then GoSub collectCells Next r ' Delete in one go. I was working on my workbook for several hours without issue, and then suddenly found I could not insert or delete rows or columns. You will get all the extra columns hidden and look like deleted. Cells(Rows. It ends up deleting everything instead. Columns("AM:AN"). Activate Selection. I now have 11 custom slicers in various stages and cannot delete any. Delete Shift:=xlToLeft Columns("G:H"). As it works in each of my MS 365 (Word, PP, Excel, etc. This isn't happening in Word - only Excel. Then the correct total will be calculated. 333333 Excel 2016 (Office 365, Windows 10) goes to 'Not Responding' when clearing Filters where there are many rows of data. – vba delete row not working properly. See When you’re working with Date filters, Excel automatically shows you relevant filters (as shown below). Select the Disable hardware graphics acceleration check box in the Display section. For the formula: =COUNTA(A1:C1)*0. But, when you drag the Fill Handle to copy the formula to the other cells, the formula is not working as it’s supposed to. What to Do When Excel's TRIM Function Doesn't Work. All rows and columns are Forums. In terms column A & B these formulas will be corrupted by using Delete shift:=xlUp. You can right click on a custom pivot table style and select, 'Modify', 'Duplicate' and 'Delete'. Hyperlinks. Copy/Paste still works, but not Copy/Insert paste. Select Excel Add-ins. Even more strange, I could not perform insert/delete columns/rows in a blank workbook I just opened, either. Many times, Excel hyperlinks stop working because the source workbook gets deleted, moved, or damaged. 0. After that, it will close the program The TRIM function will clear out extra spaces in the Student ID column. If you want to clear the cache for Excel only, skip this method. Go to the Review tab. So i started testing for the latest non corrupt file and found it, Ctrl - worked to delete 2-3 rows, then i tried deleting columns and it made the same error, deleting cell contents. Click the Office Button. To unhide them: I am having the same problem with excel file. I also needed to do the used range address check in VBA to force excel to complete the reset – Martin Thomas. Note: There is a space between Excel and /. Hyperlinks can stop working in Excel, leaving you scratching your head. DataBodyRange. The link is used in a data validation rule or a conditional formatting Here’s how to recover an Excel file that was not saved in case it happens to you! Skip to content. I have already searched this forum about this problems but so far I have not found a good answer. However, this app will clear the caches for all other apps stored on your drive Hi everyone - I have a user with an excel file which, when he right clicks on a row number and selects "delete", it deletes only the data and does not move any of the cells. (I. SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible). New posts Search forums Board Rules. Right-click on any column. Posts : 5. Count For Each h In ActiveSheet. ; Select Format So I am trying to delete a row in excel but no matter what I do Excel will not let me get rid of that row. Windows 10 New 05 Jul 2020 #1. 4. To do that, close Excel. . , Word, PowerPoint, etc. Understand that the delete key on your keyboard does not work properly in Microsoft Excel. So . Solution 1 – Selecting Entire Dataset Steps: Go to the Data tab and unclick the Filter command. But most of the time, it will not respond. 3 ) Bear in mind that VBA has a “Memory” of the last Used Range Fix 7 – Check If the Automatic Calculation Option Is Selected. ; Click on the drop-down arrow of the January column and select the Yellow color from the Filter by Color option. I asked the person to check an old version of that exact file and we were able to delete rows normally, but this newest version seems to be "corrupted. If you are using the DEL key already let me know and I will have another look. so, the proper way to remove worksheets is from the last to the first: // Remove LAST worksheet MyWorkBook. e. What I have been able to do is use a previous saved excel sheet that it was working on, delete all the information and work from that sheet and the autofill works on the sheet that it has worked on, but all the new sheets I try, it doesn't work. Click Go. Below is my code: Delete Query will not work when you are connecting Excel as DB. I noticed this morning my delete key function within excel on my Macbook changed. It has not unfortunately. Press OK. On my previous computer, I could erase a given border by simply using the given border command. This should open a context menu where you see the "Delete" command. If the Delete Sheet option is not working in Microsoft Excel and you are unable to remove a worksheet, use the following methods to fix the problem: Try deleting the rows in Excel safe mode - When Excel opens in safe mode, click File>Open to open the affected workbook and check if you can delete the rows. Method 1 – Make the Extra Columns Disappeared If You Can’t Delete Extra Columns in Excel. Deleting rows seems a much more well behaved way to “Clear” Data. Press it. my problem is alike, but instead of do nothing my excel crashes when I try to insert a new line. Related: How to fix slow Excel and speedup your spreadsheet processing? Disabled Cut, Copy, Delete A vibrant community of Excel enthusiasts. Don’t Panic! Here’s How to Recover an Excel File Not Saved Everyone knows the panic that sets in when they’ve accidentally deleted important work. Sadly this workaround doesn't seem to work for me. This should remove the entire text box. xlsx" ' Find Get current working directory using VBA Directory = CurDir FullName = Directory A recent Excel update did not get along well with the Grammarly add-on causing the Escape key to no longer work as it had previously in Excel. Click on the tab next to the column header. There also are a varying number of spaces after the last character of the field. If you try to perform other actions while Excel is in use, Excel may not respond. ListObjects("table1"). To fix this, double-click in any cell and the Grammarly bubble should appear next to it. 3 Bước 3: Tắt bớt task không quan trọng Click the “Unprotect Sheet” button and remove the protection. we have restarted the computer, Uninstall and reinstalled Office and still get The delete option on right is greyed out. My guess is that you had 2 consecutive rows that met the criteria and the second one was getting skipped. ; Select the range and press CTRL+C to copy. But for some reason TODAY when I hold down Ctrl and then click cells in order to remove them from the selection, the cell shading becomes darker, and the cells are not unselected. In the Excel Options dialog, click “Popular”. Change Trust Center Settings. I go to edit a cell, the curser is at the end of the text, when I click in the middle to edit a minus sign to a times symbol for example, and either delete or use the arrow keys, it just takes the curser to the start of the text in the cell. Using the delete key "DEL" rather than the backspace "<--" should work, so long as you have not started typing or otherwise activated the first selection of the selected range. Further details: The font issue appears on all my excel workbooks. (UK or US doesn't matter, any English keyboard), then my When dealing with deleting Excel Worksheets, there are two important things to know:. When I right click a cell and select 'remove hyperlink' it has NO effect. Manually delete blank rows/columns by right-clicking on the adjacent row or column and selecting Delete. Rows. You’ll get the application, as shown below. I ended up using a different workbook. If you have imported or copied data from Web pages you may not be able to remove the extra spaces with the TRIM() function if they are created by non-breaking The YES are in capital letters and the selection and "blank the row" is working. Our output is not what we expected. Elevate your spreadsheet skills with us! Members Online • [deleted Delete key not working upvote Ctrl+Delete not working. Count = 1048576 if Excel 2007 or later. End(xlUp) will emulate CTRL + Up Arrow from last row in column A. I have other information I need to stay static next to the Table. Close all documents, press Windows + R, in the run box that opens type: Thanks for the reply May! Both of the solutions work but are not ideal. We will suggest you And. Also, when I insert or delete new rows, the checkbox doesn't move. Solution: Check to make sure Excel is not in use by another process. Count, 1). Let’s tackle common issues and find solutions to get those links clicking again. If the problem still persists after trying the above steps, you can also try the following steps: 1 - Delete the template . Dear I am still not able to delete rows. I don't know where I went wrong. In this case, the first cell with the formula produces the correct result. Cells(r, CriteriaCol). By. Click “Excel Options”. Delete . You can find this option in the Number section of the Home tab from the ribbon. Excel selects every cell on the sheet and deletes them. Count, "A"). Still did not work. to delete a column in a spreadsheet, right-click the column heading, where you see the column letter. A chart or a chart element has protected external links. Excel CTRL-V not working properly. My Scroll Lock is off, I've tried Alt009, I pressed Alt twice, I pressed Ctrl twice and I pressed the Win button twice, I seen these suggestions in other post. The numbers will be formatted as text. While the above method works great, it does have a few steps/clicks that need to be done to delete values while keeping the formulas. Screen 3 (Insert rows do work) Delete not working ` ' Create Excel file to hold label info ' Active Workbook is where VBA code and spreadsheet databases are Set App = ActiveWorkbook ' Building name of excel file I want to copy label info into LabelFile = "Label_Info_" & [Text(Now(),"MM-DD-YY")] & ". Now, it's not working properly. Use the on-screen keyboard to delete to see if it works. Delete(); // and only then remove the I think I'm in worse shape. One space character commonly used in Web pages that TRIM() will not remove is the non-breaking space. Method 3 uses the Disk Cleanup app on windows to clear the cache. How can I concatenate to reference a cell from a Something similar occurred to me. This appears to be a recent change in the way Excel works. If the prompt is at the end of the text, nothing will happen. Under “Top options for working with Excel”, check the “Show Developer tab in the Ribbon”. 1 Nguyên nhân lỗi not responding trong Excel, lỗi Excel bị treo; 2 3 bước khắc phục nhanh khi Excel bị treo, gặp lỗi not responding. I am working with several . However, this app will clear the caches for all other apps stored on your drive as well (e. This month I am unable to delete the sheet, but delete is NOT greyed out and the workbook is NOT shared. This could be because: The link is used on a protected sheet or workbook. You cannot delete permanently the empty columns after the last columns in your dataset. Protect The double quotes tell Excel that this is text and not a number. The DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) option can create problems during copying and pasting. Delete Shift:=xlToLeft End Sub However when I open a new file and run the macro. The cells from C:G are a record and it is bad practice to shift some up and not the others. I thought that the latest ones got corrupt at some point and Ctrl - wasn't working. komm is a sheet in oWB, which exists in the new instance of excel oExcel. ) and every other desktop app I Fix Delete Sheet not working in Excel. Steps: From your Home tab, go to Home → Editing → Find & Select → Replace; After clicking on the Replace option, a Find and Replace window So this is how you can troubleshoot in case your arrow keys are not working as expected in Excel (i. Common issues. Then do a color filter on that column, and delete all the rows. Repair is useless. STEPS: Go to the Windows search bar. Pls advise any solutions. Issue lies with this loop. Once you perform any of these actions, you Likely not the best answer, but I believe if you use two separate “Use Excel File” activities, and drop the filter in one and the delete in the other, that should help it run more smoothly. , scrolling instead of moving the cursor). Report abuse Since you have the filter working, it is possible the filtered range is not consistent/contiguous If the filter Returns/selects rows 7029 and 7283, you can not set a range object equal to the selected range in one statement. csv files with have around 10 columns and 2k lines and I have to remove duplicated values. Given that the ones you don't shift will be empty you won't notice but it is still bad practice. Excel 2010. This method works for most versions of Office on a Windows PC: Right-click the Start button (lower-left corner) in Windows and click Run. ; The Power Query table will be created. Click on Start> All Programs> Accessories> Run, and in the open box type in Excel /safe and hit ok. azp ggrla mtrdl smy nexd wqrv yxrlnc ibygz wvr htczh yjdysl frylv jjmui eheow colx