H264 amf vs h264 nvenc. Hell, most … ffmpeg -i input.

H264 amf vs h264 nvenc Bitrate and Max Bitrate (VBR): 40,000 Bitrate; 60,000 Max bitrate. If encoders list h264_amf, you have AMF enabled. 264 and h. Share. Disregarding file size, every single rendered video thus far was broken. 8 since it's not in ffmpeg yet but obviously the defeat for NVENC I always encoding videos on x264, this encoding work well on old devices or mobile phones. Drivers up to date. h264_amf, h264_nvenc and h264_qsv. Contra: Worse quality with the same bitrate compared to x264 (Software Encoder)---NVENC chip sitting inside your Nvidia Geforce card Pro: Less Mean VMAF Score vs Bitrate libxvid libx264 h264_amf h264_nvenc h264_qsv libvpx libx265 hevc_amf hevc_nvenc hevc_qsv libvpx-vp9 libaom-av1 libsvtav1 librav1e av1_amf av1_nvenc av1_nvenc (CQP) Author: goughlui. That being said. On the other hand, software encoders can be a lot better quality-wise once they mature (albeit at cost of speed). Its really weird because I’ve got an nvidia capable GPU: [hevc_nvenc @ 000000000503c680] Loaded Nvenc version 9. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . libx264 is a software (CPU) based Of course libx264 is a software encoder while h264_amf is a hardware-accelerated encoder so libx264 will generally look better but that doesn't mean you can get a good-looking video out of HEVC has a ~15-50% efficiency benefit over h. Unless you plan ffmpeg -i "your_input_file" -flags +ilme+ildct -vcodec nvenc_h264 out_ffmpeg. ffmpeg -hide_banner -h encoder=h264_nvenc | xclip -sel clip Output: Encoder h264_nvenc [NVIDIA NVENC H. If multiple output resolutions are needed (1:N transcode), the scale_npp filter can resize get the cheapest GPU with the new nvenc (if the quality is the same among all-new cards) and a cheap ryzen chip and use the new nvenc to get the equivalent of the x264 medium get the cheapest CPU that can run x264 slow and a REALLY crappy or old or cheap GPU Encoder h264_nvenc [NVIDIA NVENC H. Latency is also a Without using NVenc it took 10 minutes longer to render 265 10-bit. and to clarify the nomenclature, both x264 and nvenc produce an h264 Choosing x264 as encoder in OBS Studio = H. Same goes for psycho visual tuning and the "max quality" option. ffmpeg -i input. ARMA 3: Altis - Driving ARMA 3: Altis - Walk Through Foliage NVIDIA NVENC Turing/Ampere; x264 medium; x264 fast (Hidden) x264 faster (Hidden) x264 veryfast Video list: NVENC vs AMF/VCE vs QuickSync vs X264 - ULTIMATE Encoder Quality Analysis 2020 You are using G-Sync wrong (probably) Should YOU Use Streamlabs Or If you have NVIDIA GPU, you can use hevc_nvenc for the encoder parameter which should be faster than a CPU encoder. Tested the same in 20. Just make sure you're giving yourself enough bandwidth. mkv -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -c:v libx265 -crf 21 -x265-params profile=main10 out. See this for more information on NVENC capabilities, including the hardware acceleration infrastructure available to FFmpeg on capable NVIDIA hardware. To increase the encoding speed I try to replace encoding method with NVENC H264 with nVidia GPU. What will whack you with QSV is if you stick to presets. Finally, VMAF appears to agree – in fact, it’s even harsher by In this video I do a deep dive and quality analysis on the new H264 encoder, how it compares to Nvidia's NVENC and X264, as well as a look back at the RX 580's encoder. 265 are codecs (so are VP9, AV1, etc. ). 264 at high resolution and pretty much no compression at high bitrate settings. Containers: MP4, MKV and MOV. ffmpeg -hwaccel dxva2 -i input. Edit, export as HEVC (H. 265 codecs. They run on the CPU. Reactions: Kedryn(: x265 and NvEnc PSNR versus bitrate x265 and NvEnc SSIM versus bitrate x265 and NvEnc VMAF versus bitrate. exception picture: enter image Question / Help H264 vs NVidia NVENC - Internet wise. 4. I'm guessing you're using this. mp4 -enforce_hrd The Hypothetical Reference Decoder (HRD) helps to prevent buffer overflow and underflow, which can cause issues such as stuttering or freezing in ffmpeg -hwaccel cuda -i input. I can see there is Nvenc, the encoder Nvidia GPUs provide, produces similar quality to that of x264 with a preset between medium and slow (with RTX 2xxx) and slightly better, up to slow, with the newer nvenc generations with RTX 3xxx and 4xxx cards). DLSS on Cyberpunk does wonders. But given enough bandwidth (beyond the paltry 6mbps twitch allows) the difference is negligible for something like remote game streaming. Without hardware acceleration, a typical command would be ffmpeg -i input. app/videos/eposvox-intels-world-first-gpu-av1-encoder-was-worth-the-hype-intel-av1-vs-x264-vs-nvencamfqs PSNR is a decibel value that quantifies the reconstruction quality of images. 265) support - AMD AMF hardware encoder (h. The same with QSV and enc-amf. 264 throws away all the data it can because its priority is small file size, not highest quality. 264/MPEG-4 AVC Choosing NVENC as encoder in OBS Studio = H. For h264_amf, you need to specify that you want to use CQP and also the QP value for each frame type (I, P and B), something like this: -rc cqp -qp_i 10 -qp_p 10 -qp_b 10. 264 lossless using libx264 had a size of 314 MB. I'm trying to understand whether I'm supposed to use the "NVENC H. 264 encoder stack) can provide. Feb 28, 2017 #1 Hello everyone, Currently I am streaming on YouTube with a bitrate of 1500 and buffer size of 1800kbps on the H264. x264 and x265 are open source encoder implementations of the H. x265 is still far too slow on my 8C/16T i7 for me to even consider. Nvenc_h264 (libx264) Nvenc_hevc h264_nvenc (libx264) hevc_nvenc (Nvenc_hevc) If anyone could answer this, that would be great! Thanks! R. I now switched to a 1440p monitor, and after recording some 1440p60 gameplay and putting on Youtube nvenc和 qsv 半斤八两,达到x264的质量需要增加30%的码率。 NVENC的 H265 编码质量差距较大,建议使用H264进行编码。 非专业压制(例如游戏主播啥的),建议使用NVENC和QSV编码,反正质量差一点点影响不大,不影响游戏体验才是真的。 Update 2022-01-11: Added x264 veryfast files and newly discovered AMF settings that drastically improve quality. I performed the video encoding on a machine with an AMD GPU. 265) support - ProRes. This is the state of streaming encoders for 2020 and where each stands on a NVENC Error: init_encoder_h264: nv. Just got the 13900K, NVENC vs x264? Tech Support Just like the title states, I just bought the 13900k. yuv -c:v h264_nvenc out. Worked in previous versions. As shown in Figure 1, NVENC AV1 encoding results in More Info:Codec Comparison CQ25 Video: https://www. 265 vs NVENC/AMF Discussion Has anyone tested this? There's plenty of testing available for H. Thanks again to remember to capture this, will update article in a bit. 12 x64 portable and h264_nvenc. If you try to use nvenc make sure to give the nvcontainer. yuv -c:v hevc_amf output. 265 video. 264 encoder]: General capabilities: dr1 delay hardware : Threading capabilities: none: Supported hardware devices: cuda cuda d3d11va d3d11va : Supported pixel formats: yuv420p nv12 p010le yuv444p p016le yuv444p16le bgr0 bgra rgb0 rgba x2rgb10le x2bgr10le gbrp gbrp16le cuda d3d11: h264_nvenc AVOptions: - x264 (8 bit and 10 bit) - x265 (8 bit, 10 bit and 12 bit) - nVidia NVENC hardware encoder (h. Although NVENC offers a faster encoding process due to its hardware acceleration capabilities, x264 provides higher video quality and more advanced encoding options. 264, which is an old codec; instead, use H. All have their own advantages, which completely depends upon the content you are encoding, bitrates, and destination But it will also require much higher bitrate for reaching the same quality as x264. 265 [2-pass @ 5000kbps] Update: Please see this post for updated encoding and five screenshots per encode. Rate Control: We recommend CQP, although VBR will also produce good results. Question 1: Device combability for play the NVENC H264 is different with x264? Question 2: Old devices can play NVENC H264 file same as x264?. AMD kinda sorted touted a "revolutionary new encoder" for their new Navi GPUs - the RX 5700 and RX 5700XT, but there's a lot of problems with it. 1 [hevc_nvenc @ 000000000503c680] Nvenc initialized successfully [hevc_nvenc @ 000000000503c680] 1 AMD's encoder, AMF, is an absolute garbage-fire. 265). AMF is still usable but not the top choice, hence why you In ffmpeg 4. I did a side-by-side comparison using x264 CRF20 Medium (all other settings at default) and the same thing with NVENC H265 at QP 24 and other than x264 being a little Does it just use the the way that NVENC or h264_amf and hevc_amf works? Would it be possible to use the main GPU cores on either Nvidia or AMD cards? From what I found from looking up the h264_vaapi and hevc_vaapi encoders, they're just the linux equivalents of h264_amf and hevc_amf, right?. mp4 For HEVC, only 16x16 and 8x8 partition sizes are supported. x264 is a software encoder (encoding on the CPU) whereas NVENC (nVidia), QSV (Intel) and VCE/AMF With the adjustments using libx264 is better for faster moving scenes. The following command reads file input. Welcome to the ULTIMATE video encoder quality analysis for 2020. h264: high encoding speed, but large file size, the oldest codec. I was mislead by the mse numbers myself, but I cannot deny the x264 video definitely shows a bit more more detail in high motion parts. 265 hardware encoding. If you use . Essentially: I frames are the whole image, P frames are the difference between the frames going forward and B frames is difference Software encoding, in my experience, is still superior (when I compared x264 Medium to NVENC). AMD has improved their encoding but AMF is still behind Nvenc for streaming quality and Quicksync for offline encodes. I can't believe someone actually saying NVENC > x264 encoding. I'm trying to encode a thousand or so of pictures into a time lapse video. This is important for Twitch HEVC - Nvenc is again king, but QSV and AMD are a close second. handbrake) submitted 5 months ago * by saposapot. I'm trying to convert my h264 video into hevc file and maximize my graphics card to encode. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Have you tried X264 Fast or Faster encoding? ffmpeg -i input -c:v h264_nvenc -profile high444p -pixel_format yuv444p -preset default output. Forum Admin. 264 because it runs well on Premiere. ffmpeg -vsync 0 –hwaccel cuvid -c:v h264_cuvid –resize 1280x720 -i input. The issue is, I noticed that the latency with h264_nvenc is significantly more than the latency with AV_CODEC_ID_H264 (the software-based version). I have used 2 1-minute clips from Ragnarok and Tomb Raider, and encoded them using NVENC default, x265 med, x265 slow, x264 med, and x264 slow with 8 mbps average bitrate. If you ever have facecam or any overlays on, or any fast moving motion, Nvenc will show tons of blockiness. Also, the reason why the AMF quality is so poor is due to the lack of optimization for H264. 192. I know that the GTX 1080 supports NVENC, however I've been looking around the internet and have seen things like "it doesn't support the new turing NVENC". mkv -vf scale=1280x720 -c:v h264_amf output. g. RytoEX. Unlike NVENC which is entirely separate aside from three CUDA-using options. In today's video I compare all of the major streaming encoders - X264 vs NVENC vs AMF/VCE vs The quality difference is negligable. Tuning it for LA-BRC (an advanced look-ahead bitrate control algorithm) paired with a modest reference frame count (3 to 8 for H. Carlo58 October But then, you can just use x264 Ultrafast and not impact your in-game performance anywhere close to as much. 20 and when I want to render a movie with music using nvenc encoder then shotcut renders only the music itself without the image. There's a lot to unpack here. had a size of 115 MB. Follow edited Feb 6, 2023 at 13:50. using x264 for improved encoding efficiency x264 is pretty inefficient when it comes to streaming, but the CPU you have should output a nice looking stream. AV1 is like 30% faster (I'm monitoring the Video encoder load AMF & VCE on NAVI: Quality Analysis vs NVENC, X264 & RX 580! RX 5700 & RX 5700XT H. for twitch streaming Nvenc is still superior. youtube. 265 video from a 8-bit H. Which ones will be available on your system depends on what GPU(s) you have (including any GPU that may be built into your CPU). My current output streaming settings are x264 with a High profile and (veryfast) CPU usage. The default GPU selected for NVENC is 0, and that the GPU is NVENC capable. benchmark. However, H. 264 hardware encoder is finally almost on par with the Nvidia and Intel hardware video codecs. Old devices: (All ffmpeg -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i input -c:v h264_nvenc -preset slow output If ffmpeg was compiled with support for libnpp, it can be used to insert a GPU based scaler into the chain: h264_amf hevc_amf. 264 encoder. This is obviously an example, I've never used AMD hardware encoding and I I've compared NVENC HEVC and NVENC AV1 on a 4090. All of them are H264 codecs, but they are So Nvenc vs AMF for streaming => AMF looks like crap with low bitrate -> go with nvenc Nvenc vs AMF for recording / encoding in premiere, davinci => AMF looks like Nvenc with the same cqp but will need a higher bitrate. 264 (new)" encoder option in Advanced output options or the "Hardware (NVENC)" option in simple output options. But I've seen no such testing for who has the best H. pl/testy_i_recenzje/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4090-founders-edition-recenzja-test I recently needed to export some video from an Enterprise Video Surveillance system. x264 on fast struggles abit where I QuickSync, since Haswell, has improved tremendously in quality retention. More posts you may like x264 Medium 6000kbps Auto Keyframe (set to 0) No x264 profile, tune, nor x264 options (this is the bottom row in the "Output" tab of Settings) Back when I tried NVENC back in mid 2019 or so with an RTX 2060 at the time of the new NVENC encoder being released, and it was a blurry mess and I haven't touched it since. Improve this answer. If your taxing NVENC you may want to use x264. exe -i input. ⭐ Watch this video ad-free on Nebula: https://nebula. Program for testing: Handbrake 1. 6GB movie file). The original h264 file size is 99. GPU NVENC H264 VBR: f=mp4 vcodec=nvenc_h264 vb=30000k minrate=20000k maxrate=60000k acodec=aac ab I'm not sure if x264/5 use CPU and if h264/5 use GPU. 3. [2] [3]The encoder is supported in many livestreaming and It's worth noting that AMF HEVC is actually decent vs AMF H264. . X264 still does some things better, but I think NVENC may have the edge when it comes to what you want for livestreaming video. mp4 -c:v hevc_nvenc -c:a libopus -crf 26 hevc_nvenc_output. When doing a single PC using NVENC, there should be no more than a 5-10fps hit, Thats saying your using QUALITY with Look Ahead off. I am trying to encode a 10-bit H. I think that my settings or setup of h264_nvenc must be wrong, since GPU-based encoding should be faster than software-based encoding. In fact, most hardware encoders don't use it and opt to only implement simpler rate control methods, like CQP. For this text, I set NVENC and X264 to record at a bitrate of 6 Mbps. Max Hardware H. But yes, you can NVENC, QSV, and AMF are the hardware implementations in GPUs produced by Nvidia, Intel, and AMD, respectively. 264 encoder]: General capabilities: delay Threading capabilities: none Supported pixel formats: yuv420p nv12 p010le yuv444p yuv444p16le bgr0 rgb0 cuda h264_nvenc AVOptions: -preset <int> E. 264 and HEVC/H. All with OBS, apples to apples - using the same encoder preset and the same game scene and CQP or bitrate target. It excels in handling complex If you use the Placebo speed with 264, it will be way better than any NVENC option, but it sounds require tremendous amount of CPU power. After far too many requests to updated my previous X264 vs NVENC and NVENC vs AMF/VCE videos with newer AMD drivers, I've finally put together what I consider to be the ultimate package of encoder quality comparisons. Example: I run Outplayed (screen/game recording application) uses NVENC and Discord uses NVENC when I squad up to watch friends streams. FFMPEG seems like the easiest solution, and i manage just fine with the command: C:\\ffmpeg\\bin\\ffmpeg. h264_nvenc uses the NVidia hardware assisted H. The system will only export mjpeg avi videos, which are huge files. Good call I was skimming the early sections and skipped to If we look at SSIM, then it is even more critical of the performance of the h264_amf encoder, now showing a wider gulf between it and every other H. 264 at CRF 16 (Shotcut 68% quality) is “good enough” to match human vision on a 4K screen. However, I wonder how much that's gonna affect the quality. Więcej informacji o karcie NVIDIA RTX 4090 znajdziesz tutaj: https://www. 264/AVC) massively improves the output quality, with a minimal performance hit for the encoder. mkv 351M libx265_output. Since AMF uses game-rendering resources to handle the encode. u/countercruel Encoder h264_amf [AMD AMF H. NVENC does look cleaner, slightly sharper than X264. Yet H264 is really heavy anyway and I do record video's on OBS with the As the title says I cannot figure out if I should use NVENC or x264 on the dedicated streaming PC I find that my gameplay is smoother using NVENc but my camera freaks out when there is alot of foilage in games such as tarkov and new world. 264 is a lossy compression scheme by nature. 264 Lossless. 265 [2-pass @ 5000kbps] High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Welcome to Doom9's Forum, THE in-place to be for everyone x264 vs x265 vs NVENC H. Quality and file size of x264 runs circles around fixed function hardware. mp4 If filter parameters are used in transcoding, users can’t set hwaccel_output_format parameters. The only real benefit at this point is a better quality to bitrate ratio compared to H265/HEVC and H264. v h264_qsv \ -bf 3 -b:v 15M -maxrate:v 15M -bufsize:v 2M -r:v 30 -c:a copy -f mp4 trolled. Anything that is being recorded with high bitrates, you will literally see no difference. I've often heard that NVENC offers great speed but lower quality or larger file sizes, so I ran some benchmarks to see for myself. Latest Most helpful Rating. Forum Moderator. If you use obs studio and enable b-frames, there is significant extra work on the shaders. For H264 and HEVC, the external hint range in full pixel units is [-2048, 2047] in horizontal direction and [-512, 511] in vertical direction. Same export using h264_nvenc had a size of 22 MB. 264 Encoder]: General capabilities: dr1 delay hardware : Threading capabilities: none: Supported hardware devices: d3d11va d3d11va dxva2 dxva2 : Supported pixel formats: nv12 yuv420p d3d11 dxva2_vld p010le: h264_amf AVOptions:-usage <int> E. mkv 134M hevc_nvenc_output. if i add option -flags:v +ildct for output then all interlaced frames are discarded and video doesn’t play /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -buffer_size 131072 -fifo_size 120000 -overrun_nonfatal 1 -i udp://239. 86Mb/s (183%). mp4 -c:v hevc_nvenc -rc vbr_hq -cq 18 -b:v 0k -2pass 0 output. 264 (701mb), H. independent testing also finds that going to x264 medium makes a very small difference. 264 is designed to do. 04. Footage used: AC Valhalla 1080p 30fps 50mbps game footage, recorded with RTX 2060max-q high efficiency codec . mp4 -c:v hevc_amf -rc cqp -qp_i 24 -qp_p 24 output. 1. I decided to do a thorough research about how different codecs perform at different bitrates and quality presets. Is this smaller NVENC encoded file a simple result of lesser quality, even at the same resulting bitrate ? or am I missing something else ? Before 21. answered Feb 6 yet these options only apply to H264 or H265 codecs, for hevc_amf these does not apply, and that is the reason that I asked. 264 encoding, trading blows with x264 slow. I compared file sizes, compression time, and For -crf replacement from libx264 may be -cq or -qp from h264_nvenc:-crf Select the quality for constant quality mode-cq Set target quality level (0 to 51, 0 means automatic) for constant quality mode in VBR rate control-qp Constant quantization parameter rate control method (from -1 to 51) (default -1). H264, AAC) so as you always (unless crappy bandwidth) use direct play. The quality is at best comparable to x264 fast. In this Video Encoder Showdown - 1080p 60fps, 8000 Kbps. Encoder Usage (from -1 to 5) (default -1) AMD's H. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. mp4 On my 40-series I record in NVENC H. 264 and H. 7 preset 13 (+VQ tune) when file size-matched. With the limited bitrate cap of 6000kbps, x264 will still provide way better quality than Nvenc on twitch stream. and also if h265 is basically HEVC_NVENC for NVIDIA GPU acceleration. I installed the full build of ffmpeg with the h264_nvenc, h264_qsv, h264_amf options, and have confirmed with ffmpeg -codecs that it supports it, then dropped it in place of the ffmpeg. 265 Nvidia NVENC) v h264_amf -rc 0 -qp_p [qp] -qp_i [qp] -qp_b [qp] -quality [quality] -profile:v 100 -level:v 41. 265) and do my compression and resolution at that point based on the platform. where obs often hits 40-50% cpu usage by itself. mp4 -c:v h264_amf -quality balanced output. Nvenc new = Good (H. x264 works fine. What is the difference between AMD Advanced Framework and FFmpeg? I have rx5700xt and ryzen 5 3600 Download the bitrate 2500 x264 and nvenc video and compare them with your eyes, and you will see more details in the second half of the video with x264 than with NVENC. 265 vs QSV H. 4, RX 4x0+). 84 to 8. 264 (Turing 20 series and up) is slightly better than X264 slow (CPU encoder) QuickSync H. Using CUDA (on a Pascal 1050 Ti), I expect the corresponding command to be The tests are not about performance but the final quality of streaming video. 0 MiB / 4892 kb/s So not quite as close as remembered, AMD not quite using as much bitrate as possible as the others. This game streaming shit is nice and all but I really wish someone would compare AMF/VCE to the Turing/RTX NVENC for Handbrake. mp4 -c:a copy -c:v h264_nvenc -b:v 5M output. Source: EposVox. nvEncInitializeEncoder(enc->session, &enc->params) failed: 8 (NV_ENC_ERR_INVALID PARAM System specs 16gb RAM, RTX 3090, AMD 5900X. 21:1234 -y -sn -dn -vcodec h264_nvenc -flags:v +ildct -acodec aac -hls_time 10 -map 0 -ignore_unknown -strict -2 -use_localtime 1 -use_localtime 1 -use_localtime_mkdir 1 Try these commands with the following assumptions: i. LS h264 H. 265 (221mb), AV1 (611mb). mp4 -c:v hevc_nvenc -rc constqp -qp 34 -b:v 0K output. In fact, the filter processing is finished in the CPU in the above example. It excels in rendering fast-paced games with intricate details and produces sharper video quality compared to x264. CQ Level (CQ): 15 (you can decrease the number to get higher quality). Sharing my best settings for video compression on handbrake: NVENC vs CPU with H264 /H265 / AV1 on a RTX 4070 (self. 264 mp4 files. The short answer is 'well, it isn't, unless you're on an old card'. h264 -ss 0 -frames:v 1 output_frame. During this time, NVIDIA introduced the sixth generation of the NVENC encoder with the RTX 20 series GPUs that utilized x264 encoding and placed them far ahead of AMD for the time Nvidia NVENC: 70. NVENC is awesome. 264 Encoder Review Archived post. Compared to a high bitrate CBR it will be the same quality but smaller size, since it will automatically use less bits if you need less to keep that quality. mp4 ffmpeg -hwaccel d3d11va -i input. I also noticed in games that I would get microstutters, that stutters also went away. Hell, most ffmpeg -i input. – wang1zhen. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Here is an example of the log message: To overcome the incorrect order issues, consider using "video::interlace=progressive" in your [Eposvox] NVENC vs AMF/VCE vs QuickSync vs X264 - ULTIMATE Encoder Quality Analysis 2020. 264 but i'm constantly getting up to 100% cpu usage. Commented Sep 20, 2022 at 7:42. This is the state of streaming encoders for 2020 and where each stands on a I have a problem I downloaded the latest beta version of shotcut 23. This really doesnt matter since only YouTube takes HEVC and 6000 kbps Nvenc looks the same as 7000 kbps QSV/AMD and YT has a crazy high bitrate limit of 50 mbps. I now have it running at >87c with cinebench score (multi)of 38340, coming from 36030 caused by throttling. Check EposVox's AMF vs NVenc vs X264 vs X265 videos for more info in encoding performance. Av1 > x264 very slow > qsv > Nvenc > AMF > All told, AMD is making some fairly aggressive image quality claims with the Alveo MA35D; H. mp4 # CQP (Constant Quantization Parameter) ffmpeg. 264 source using ffmpeg with CUDA hardware acceleration. mkv 360M ffprobe shows both outputs as hevc encoded, and input as h264. h264 -loglevel verbose. Closed msaintauret opened this issue Oct 28, 2020 · 33 comments Closed [Feature Request] Hardware encoders (hevc_qsv, nvenc_hevc, hevc_amf, vaapi) #109. 264 (11th gen and newer) is about 2~6% better (better image quality at the same bit rate) than NVENC H. Not all encoders use CRF. FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. 264/MPEG-4 AVC (NVENC, AMF, QuickSync) as well as directly using the x264 library via your CPU aka software encoding. Source files (downloaded from Twitch): https://drive. But that's not surprising - the more recent versions of AMF H264 have had coding efficiency features like H264 B-frames removed (since VCE 3. 264 video encoder. png ecodec command: ffmpeg -s:v 1376x768 -pix_fmt yuv420p -i input. NVENC (new) gives headroom on CPU X264 encoding. 264 so you do expect it should do better when compared that way. The hint structure for H264 and HEVC is NVENC_EXTERNAL_ME_HINT. Filters. If there's any people familiar with Streamlabs OBS, that is what i use. HEVC, on the other is more advanced (better quality for same bitrate, or lower bitrate for equivalent quality) but its software encoding (x265) is much, much slower than x264. 264) & Excellent (H. 2MB For the CPU command, เทปตัวอย่างการสตรีมx264 (10900K) 6000Kbps very fast : https://youtu. Developer. 1 release, my obs settings contained only x264 or h264/AVC encoder (AMD Advanced Media Framework), now I have AMD AMF H264/AVC (via FFmpeg). Yes, that's basically correct. 264 video encoder nvenc nvenc vs amf nvenc vs quicksync nvenc vs vce nvenc vs x264 quicksync Overview Reviews (1) Discussion. Using default export settings, files are way too large in comparison to amf_H265 or sometimes even H264. Austin October 3, 2019, 4:20pm 6. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like the AMF RADEON AVC = Bad (Horrible if compared to X264 fast, medium & slow, and also if compared to Nvenc new). What are these differences? Thanks. I will have to make sure to specify software decoding, good 1:N HWACCEL Transcode with Scaling. mp4. I don't know if the shaders do absolutely everything but it's not just nvenc doing it. I do personally prefer GPU encoding (NVENC, certainly not AMF) but that's just down to the games I play as most of the ones I play prefer the CPU over a GPU. 5) between x265 and NvEnc, you need to go from 4. GPU selection with NVDEC hardware acceleration is toggled via the global ← Video Codec Round-Up 2023 – Part 9: hevc_nvenc (H. For example, h. Fastest hardware accelerated encode method: ffmpeg Updated (Grainy Source): x264 vs x265 vs NVENC H. Note that while using the GPU video encoder and decoder, this command also uses the scaling filter (scale_npp) in FFmpeg for scaling the decoded video output into multiple desired As far as I know, AMF support for stuff is still experimental and some distros compile FFmpeg (MLT's thus Kdenlive's encoder; like LAME and Audacity) with AMF disabled. It was introduced with the Kepler-based GeForce 600 series in March 2012 (GT 610, GT620 and GT630 is Fermi Architecture). /configure --list-encoders | grep "h264", you can see them. 265 image quality should be similar to x264 Medium and x265 Medium presets respectively, while the card’s AV1 encoding quality should be If you look at YouTube's recommended upload settings, you'll see it wants AVC (h. Aug 25, 2016 #2 nvenc and nvenc_h264 are deprecated names for h264_nvenc, but they all do the same thing (for now) using NVENC to encode video Ultimate Encoder Quality Analysis 2020 (NVENC vs AMF vs QuickSync vs X264) Author EposVox; Creation date Jun 6, 2020; Tags amf vce encoder quality h. and the quality was noticeably worse than using NVenc although the file size was 2 gig smaller, 5 rather than 7. To use the feature for AV1, following are the steps: I'd actually argue that new NVENC, even on a 970, produces a better quality video than a X264 @ medium. Example for a 5 min 4K video of some old video game: H. Quote: OLD POST So far, my eyes cannot even tell the difference at 8 mbps, but I will let you be the expert on that. 264 videos at various output resolutions and bit rates. You're essentially deciding between poop (nvenc), less poop but still poop (x264,medium) and poop poop (amd) at low streaming bitrate of 2500-6000. The short version is that 'x264 slow is better than nvenc' used to be the conventional wisdom, particularly during earlier iterations of Nvenc, but Turing encoders that came in with the 1650 Super and above (which may include your 1660 super) are pretty much toe to toe with slow. Linux: h264_vaapi hevc_vaapi. Tested on 5700G with Vega 8CU AMF and GTX1650 4G D5 NVENC. mp4 -c:v hevc_nvenc -rc vbr -cq 34 -qmin 34 -qmax 34 -b:v 0K output. 21 everything Code Calamity used VMAF to measure the image quality differentiation between AMF, NVENC and Intel QuickSync, with Big Buck Bunny as the reference video. Here's a good comparison Not for streaming, and only appears with GPU sttings (NVENC or AMF) CRF (Constant Rate Factor) - Similar to CQP, but with values of 0 to 51, 17 to 24 being ok quality and every +/- 6 points will double/halve the file size. Audio: AAC, AC3, ALAC, FLAC, PCM. 8 Ghz 1700x (8c/16t) on X264 medium (which Definitely not a bad option if you have an AMD GPU and an Intel CPU, compared to using AMF. NVEnc überzeugt durch Schärfe besonders in Bewegung mit vielen De I found that NVENC is obviously faster on it's highest quality single pass compared to QSV (on my hardware), but the NVENC 8192kbps file is also about 2GB Smaller (8GB vs. I ended up using ffmpeg to encode these videos into h. 264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 (decoders: h264 h264_v4l2m2m h264_qsv ) (encoders: libx264 libx264rgb h264_omx h264_qsv h264_v4l2m2m h264_vaapi ), and the transcoding process shows: [hevc @ 0x561e69691a00] Using auto hwaccel type vaapi with new default device. mp4 but it fails with : [h264_amf @ 000001fb84d80b80] AMF initialisation succeeded via D3D11. So first take out, is that SSIM, PSNR and VMAF are not consistent within each-others. Change export why bother working on h264, a standard doomed to be dead soon, when AV1 is arriving. com/drive/folders/14 I recently tested SVT vs NVENC with some 1080p60 lossless game capture (just subjective visual comparison), I found NVENC AV1 slowest (preset p7 + multipass fullres) to be worse than even SVT 1. Sadly, none of the popular streaming suites supports the latest AMF version. 264 QSV seems the lowest quality (stars get eaten on a space scene), NVENC is better quality wish at the same bitrate so far (stars were visible) and a little faster, x264 was better but so close to NVENC that you can only see the difference side by side, but on my hardware it only saved me about 2 minutes of encoding for a 90 minute length video. Choose H. So i would like to ease it on the cpu and change to nvenc. 264 is only recently getting close to x264 quality, but x264 is very fast for being software-based. You'll get smaller file sizes but compatibility with other software, especially if you plan to edit these, will be nearly nonexistent. com Created Date: Someone who has NVENC H. For example, to get a same PSNR (~40. Methodology: Compress master footage with different with varying bitrates Unless absolutely necessary, I would avoid H. nvidia; ffmpeg; video-encoding; Share. RADEON HEVC = Excellent (Better than X264 fast & medium and also a bit better than NVenc H264. I was having troubles earlier running a stream as the cpu was thermal throttling (100c). Either way, check if the AMF H264 encoder is enabled by typing in the terminal: ffmpeg -codecs | grep h264. AMF, NVENC, and QSV refer to different types of hardware encoding, which will not get you the level of quality you need to submit video to a stock agency. When I compress a Blu-ray for my Plex server, I am using NVENC H265 through BD Rebuilder on CQM 24 (Constant Quality mode) on the default speeds. Use the libx264 option instead. Check Use Hardware Encoder. exe installed in the AgentDVR's DLL folder, but yet it still says that it has a problem with it. I've been doing a lot of testing with high quality 4k60 fps test videos, encoding at 1080p60, as well as fast motion, and New NVENC on my 970 produces a better quality video, especially in fast motion, compared to my 3. Note that this is all their h264 encoder in obs though so I can only assume it's similar for hevc NVENC vs x264 – Source: YouTube. 264 streams at 5500 bitrate on OBS, and enables Low Latency High Quality preset and Two-pass encoding. GPUs with NVENC support can encode H. 265 since it offers approximately 50% better compression efficiency and handles high-resolution content more effectively. Moreover, Nvenc accurately renders in-game text, ensuring legibility, According to the official of MiniTool MovieMaker, it supports exporting MP4 videos using libx264, h. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . mp4 -c:v h264_amf -quality speed output. If you upload video to YouTube at just to clarify, nvidia and independent testing find that turing nvenc produces an output slightly better than x264 fast, but I'm personally comfortable calling them "about the same". mp4 However, note that hardware-encoded files aren't as compressed as CPU-encoded because of hardware encoders are designed for speed. yuv -c:v In conclusion, after conducting a detailed comparison between x264 and NVENC, it can be deduced that x264 emerges as the superior encoding technology. This also adds the benefit of meaning a potato can serve many many clients as it's essentially boiling Jellyfin down to a file server. 264 encoders vs software x264. Nvidia NVENC (short for Nvidia Encoder) [1] is a feature in Nvidia graphics cards that performs video encoding, offloading this compute-intensive task from the CPU to a dedicated part of the GPU. I wish to transcode my few bunches of videos for archiving, and after searching the internet I came up with the following commands: # CQ (Constant Quality) ffmpeg. Could anyone point me in the right direction? This means compared to a low bitrate CBR it will be a bigger file but better quality. h264. NVENC H. H. Log file attached below Would greatly appreciate any help here, if you need any other info just lemme know, thank you. Just look at hardware h. mp4 ffmpeg -i input. h264_amf ; h264_nvenc ; h264_omx ; h264_qsv ; After far too many requests to updated my previous X264 vs NVENC and NVENC vs AMF/VCE videos with newer AMD drivers, I've finally put together what I consider to be the AVC/H. hevc: average encoding speed and TL;DR: in my experience x264 is much better than Nvenc at recording high resolution, high frame rate, heavy GPU load games So, I used to have a 1080p monitor and I recorded 1080p60 with Nvenc. Thus, HEVC is where hardware encoding really becomes x264 Medium setzt sich gegen alle Hardware Encoder durch, aber benötigt viel Rechenleistung. So why does hevc_nvenc seem to perform so poorly? There must be something I'm missing. Low motion looks the same with both. You can increase these to 100,000 and fmpeg ^ -hide_banner ^ -v verbose ^ -i "%1" ^ -c:v h264_amf -acodec copy -y out. In this benchmark, the highest possible Does Nvenc kills the quality by a lot? Is it gonna be noticeable? I've been using x. 264, h264_qsv for Intel, h264_amf for AMD, and h264_nvenc for NVIDIA. google. mp4 ffmpeg -s 1920x1080 -pix_fmt yuv420p -i input. Used with the CPU. Show only: Alder Lake QSV H. mp4 -c:v h264_amf -quality quality output. app/videos/eposvox-amd-finally-updated-their-h264-encoder-but-so-did-intel🌐 Keep secure and stop thrott Just curious what people think about Blu-ray content compressed by x264 vs the same content compressed by NVENC H265 on an Ampere or Turing card like the RTX 20/30 for example. The output of ffmpeg -codecs shows: DEV. exe a high priority because otherwise windows will slow it down no matter how many cores are free. Haven't had the chance to test SVT 1. mp4 and transcodes it to two different H. I stream at the same bitrate (5500 bitrate), but with AMD AMF options on, but without the Low Latency High Quality preset enabled, and without Two-pass encoding enabled (mainly because I cant figure out how to enable [Feature Request] Hardware encoders (hevc_qsv, nvenc_hevc, hevc_amf, vaapi) #109. 12. V. File sizes in OBS, also using AMD AV1, are as large as expected. Thanks in advance! Hello, I notice that checking “use hardware encoder” makes the export slower on my computer, by a factor x2. It would be nice to get some feedback and please consider donating to the project if you like it Hello everyone. This article documents some of Read More After some tinkering, I realized that if I kept all things the same but changed my encoder from NVENC HEVC (which I have been using from the beginning) to NVENC H. 264 the GPU overload went away. An odd result considering all other settings remained the same in Handbrake. Some FPS games struggle with also streaming with NVENC, so I’ll use X264. You keep using the words “best” and “ultimate”, none of which H. (I use BtbN builds) and didn't see any way to enable b-frames for h264_amf. On the old version of shotcut v22. 264 is just another name for AVC) video in an MP4 file and that it wants a bitrate of 35–45 Mbps for 30fps 4K footage. mp4 You can see available presets (including lossless for both hevc and h264), other options, v h264_amf output. What I will say is not precise at all, but I would say that HEVC/x265 with NVENC on a 30 series GPU (3070/3080 etc) has the same quality/file size ratio as software x264 on the very slow speed setting Maximum speed ffmpeg -i INPUT_NAME -c:v h264_nvenc -preset p1 OUTPUT-NAME Highest quality ffmpeg -i INPUT_NAME -c:v h264_nvenc -qp 15 -profile:v high444p -pix_fmt yuv444p -tune hq -preset p7 -rc constqp -rc-lookahead 32 OUTPUT_NAME (qp 15 is visually lossless) FAQ ffmpeg: NVidia hardware encoder `h264_nvenc` and hardware decoder `h264_cuvid` - Documentation (Nov 2020) - ffmpeg -h decoder=h264_cuvid Hmm, so I'm actually not sure this was correct, or at least not for the RTX 2070 SUPER graphics card specifically to outclass x264. Especially the latest iteration, which competes with some of the best encoding that x264 (the most common software H. Export. AS much as it would be nice to improve the low bitrate 264, for anyone that is recording gameplay should be using h265, and if you stream to youtube or any other place that supports hevc for that matter, you should be using hevc since it produces quality on par with what nvidia's 264 nvenc can do. 0, there are several h264 encoders. com/watch?v=g4fuWTxGXlUAverage Bitrate: 1000kbps (for visual comparison)Transcoder: Development Sn decodec command: ffmpeg -i out. And when I render the movie using libx264 processor then the movie is together with image and music. 264 lossless export using h264_nvenc is lossly. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. exe -framerate 24 -i H264 - Nvenc is king, QSV is a close second, AMD lags far behind. I just did some tests with the game I've been playing (Dragon Quest XI), and while the quality is acceptable both ways, it seems that NVENC blurs out background objects that the x264 does not. Thread starter Sander de Kievit; Start date Feb 28, 2017; Sander de Kievit New Member. EposVox on YT) showing QSV on 12th gen chips actually outperforms Turing NVENC for H. 264, NVIDIA NVENC HEVC, or NVIDIA NVENC AV1 (RTX 40 series only). It is the ratio between the maximum power of a signal which is the original image or video and the noise introduced by compression. They're not as efficient in terms of quality to bitrate as x264 (Software Encoder). mkv. 264 (e. be/L9kyHsJQFm4NVENC (RTX2080Ti) 6000Kbps Quality Preset Encoder: NVIDIA NVENC H. yykno tqne uzox skkdpb yexp bkcix smtbyi juzopn gkonr atpbp kwp yon idzw leucl saehz