Jon snow goes mad fanfiction. DRAGONSTONE – BEACH.
Jon snow goes mad fanfiction " There was a long pause in which the entire hall stared at them, waiting for him to continue. " I said and she handed me a basket full of hides and some other things as she lifted a small child into her arms placing her on her hip. Is Lady Lyanna Targaryen any relation to Eddard Stark of Winterfell?. Thankfully it was only for the purpose of riling the Ironborn up further. Jon Snow – Male. 3 days ago · My name is Jon Snow. "Sansa!" he cried hugging his half-sister and kissing her on the cheek. of Ser Arthur's mad dash to it so he'd not swear his life away and of them finally meeting up and then heading south. " "You honour him," said Ned to his friend. "Why wouldn't you want to be? Feb 27, 2025 · Catelyn reread the confession, the more she read it the more she come to realise that her Sister had lied to her, to Catelyn's horror she remembered all the letter's she had gotten from both Petyr and Lysa over the last nineteen years, slowly it came to Catelyn that the pair had harden her heart towards Jon Snow, working on her fears of her 2 days ago · Jon Snow was the kin of the Warden of the North, Ned Stark. JON and DAVOS are walking onto the beach towards TYRION, MISSANDEI Aug 16, 2023 · The king moved his sword to his left shoulder. There are no substitutions for either battlers. A fat windbag, eager to flaunt his knowledge, and his father's spy in the North. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 24,476 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 10/28/2024 - Published: 10/7/2024 Aug 16, 2024 · Jon Snow laid in his bed, underneath the heavy covers within Donal Noye's former quarters. I think both the dragons and Direwolves deserve better, Ghost is such a part of Jon and Rhaegal and he here has an unbreakable bond that is really important to both of them. Jon looks at her, stunned beyond imagining as Serana is brought before him, in which Lord Eddard walks forward, smiling at the two, presiding over the ceremony. The air in the solar of Winterfell was thick with tension as Jon Snow, the slight upon Lady Catelyn's honour, the half-brother of the Stark children, the base-born son, and the bastard of Winterfell, stood tall before his father, Ned Stark, the warden of the North, and the guardian of the secret of Jon's mother's identity. May 18, 2019 · After telling his family the truth, Jon Snow leaves Winterfell to battle for a Crown he doesn't want in the name of a Queen his family doesn't trust. He awoke as a Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, the son of a dead man, a scion of House Targaryen. 1 day ago · I was inspired to do this list because I saw another list on IMDB "The 100 Best Sports Movies" and it was awful. "Well, when a mommy and a daddy-" "Claire, just – just, shut up. " Ghost howled, a joyful sound that echoed off the ancient Feb 23, 2025 · Jon Snow died in Castle Black betrayed by his own sworn brothers. Summary: Jon and Sansa give into the desires and dot dot dot ;). Jon wondered whether a part of Jon Blackstar held the missing piece of Jon Snow. "Then by order of the Triumvirate we hereby name Jon Snow of Westeros, as his true name shall be as of this day!" Julaeys, Maerya, and Gaeys declare, standing up as they remove their respective symbols. Jon could kill the Kingslayer with a single blow, or accept him into service. This was noticed by many in the dining room, earning a glare from Gendry who felt the insult in Theon's voice towards Jon. "Aemon said the Citadel must send her a maester at once, to bring her home to Westeros before it is too late. 6 days ago · Jon gave a curt nod. Wyman watched in open fascination and fear as Jon Snow placed his hand on the snout of the green dragon. Perhaps, he was delirious to speak good of the Mad King and make excuses on the last Targaryen king's behalf. He stopped the twirl, pointing the blade at the large raider, "I'm Jon Snow – Bastard of Eddard Stark. They say he is slow to anger and when he Jul 20, 2022 · "Be at peace, Jon Snow, 'tis but a dream," Tormund said and after Jon pointed to the jug, he filled a mug of water for him that he drank down. Tormund shrugged. "Arise, Ser Jon of the Wolfswood. ) For the next hour, they spoke using only the Old Tongue. Waves are crashing against rocks and washing over the beach. Mar 6, 2025 · "Hi," I said, beginning my spiel. Even the other Jon Snow SI story is not abandoned even if it has been months since I worked on it. He knew he was dying a second time, except this was a metaphorical death instead of a literal one. Truly, Sansa's brother was a 6 days ago · The Butterfree in front of us summoned up a stream of Silver Wind from its wings, blasting them at Winter. 4 days ago · "Yes mother. This fanfiction is now officially a Jon/Margaery fanfic and I promise I took the decision after thinking long and hard. 'if I am not mistaken the last King in the North bent the knee to my ancestor Aegon Targaryen. I quickened my step and caught up with her. His Journey shall take him to lands far from the shores of Westeros and here he shall 2 days ago · A/N: And that's that. I was originally just gonna do a top 100, but toe surgery and possibly Mar 6, 2025 · Eureka The Pentecostal Church Thursday Evening Service 03/06/2025 "A Heart God Can Use" Pastor Jonathan McDonald Connect with us! Instagram: 8 hours ago · To request a song, fill in the 'Answer this question' box at the bottom of the page and click 'Submit Reply'. The room behind the armoury had been his before he was stabbed by those he had once called brothers. For a bastard, the boy spoke eloquently, and in a fine manner,more like a southron than any northmen he knew. Jon wanted to chide her for it, but the door to the cabin 3 days ago · Jon Arryn realizes the truth of the babe in Ned Stark's arms. If the Night King had led the dead to Westeros to besiege the living, fitting then, that the 5 days ago · Jon Snow. Jon pulls the spear out, resulting in the drakon starting to turn to dust, just like last time. Here goes nothing. Trust me, old friend, to do what I do. Professor Elm was inside of the preserve, knelt before a small boulder covered in fuzz. Mar 3, 2025 · "For the Watch. Mar 26, 2023 · Davos spoke for him, as the Missandei had done for the queen. It was not an easy one but in the end I believe Margaery fit the vision I had for this story and I felt that she would make an interesting pair with Jon. 1 day ago · The once volatile pure Targaryen bloodline was wiped out, but the Starks lived on ruling Westeros. "What?," Chloe hissed. It was only when the Lannister armies began burning the Capital the Targaryen king leapt into full-blown madness. Going to Valyria, seeing what we can do over there, and see if can come into an interesting story. " Daenerys wriggled against her binds and gag. I used to notoriously only write Petyr and Sansa fics because they were my OTP for most of the show but my heart started to love and ship Jonsa slowly around their 5 days ago · She was still in King's Landing, the last he knew. Mar 4, 2025 · Jon Snow's eyes were open now. His lessons in Winterfell had always shown Prince Rhaegar as a mad man who had raped his aunt Lyanna, and father had never wished to speak on the Targaryens. "Yeah," she laughed awkwardly. No, wait. I was hoping I could speak to Professor Oak about getting a proper Trainer's License, as well as permission to use his facility for my current and future Pokémon. " Mar 3, 2025 · "Opposing him is Jon Snow, a native of our own Shamouti Island! Jon comes to break Drake's winning streak, earning himself the coveted winner's trophy!" I walked forwards, the crowd clapping along, though not nearly as loud as they did for Drake. It took a few breaths before she was lucid enough to realize that she wasn't in the destroyed throne room of the Red Keep in King's Landing, with Jon Snow looking down at her while he killed her but still in her bedroom in the Great Pyramid of Meereen. " And he did. Jon was quick to follow and swung his sword on the neck. "Jon sent a raven. Darkness wasn't an abstract concept anymore. I wrote the first two and a half chapters before 8x06, and I didn't see full leaks of 8x06. Jun 8, 2019 · "I thought you weren't a kneeler," Jon turned on him, "No, the wildlings will never kneel again. It would take more than a year to move his armies around westeros, and suddenly having jon turn up outa nowhere sorta breaks the lack of fluidity of the work. ", Jon said again. Only this time there's a pile of drakon skin left as if skinned from the beast. It wasn't really classy, but it did the job. I agree with some comments about people teleporting. Scanning the screen, I admit that I looked good. Kill the boy, Jon Snow. Wine and ale flowed plentifully in their march across the Riverlands Jan 14, 2025 · When the meeting was over, Jon came running to where the women were. Well then. "I am Jon Snow, a trainer from Shamouti Island. Jon Snow has already become an integral part of North and sending him to the Wall may Mar 6, 2025 · FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav Y'know Nothing Jon Snow! By: Umodin. A little intimidation goes a long way. Feb 19, 2025 · Ever since Jon died at Castle Black, he hadn't entirely been himself. The Seven Kingdoms are divided by men and women motivated by love, guilt, loyalty, honour, envy and greed while the world braces itself for another terrible war. Victoria: Thank you, my friend, hope you had a wonderful holidays and a great new year. And Jon knew that he could have had Davos list all his titles: the nine-hundred and ninety-eighth Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, the White Wolf, the King in the Mar 4, 2025 · This Jon Snow knows that much. Jun 28, 2019 · FanFiction | unleash be it in the North or the Six Kingdoms, he was both. Jon's grandfather by blood had burned his other grandfather, killed his uncle, killed countless others. The god dodged at the last moment but his shoulder was caught in the attack. Skruul. How after he'd met Dec 6, 2024 · "Dayum," Stacie said. 5 days ago · Jon looked over at Davos who simply said, 'This is Jon SnowHe's King in the North'. She's sad and goes away Aye, that's more likely. Not his mother but someone who cares. DRAGONSTONE – BEACH. Goes to the gods woods, and he retrieves his memories. That wasn't a boulder. I also jumped into the pitfall that was Essos too early. But the tale of Jon Snow had been told, and now, in the epilogue of this life, he wished to behold one last sight. The Starks still won't play, but everyone is playing the Game all around them, and Jon Sand has somehow become an important piece. "My name's Jon Snow, I'm a Pokémon Trainer from Shamouti Island in the Orange Archipelago. Ever since the resurrection of the King, there was a marked difference in Jon Snow's behaviour. She could still feel the phantom pain of the dagger piercing her heart when she woke up. The feeling I had for her was foreign and detached but all Oct 2, 2017 · Commanded the voice he then felt he was falling, he was it seemed in a whirlpool of light, he heard a thousand voices, he heard Bronn yell at him to run for it as the dead ran at them, as he broke a barrel of wildfire and with a cheeky smirk he dropped a torch into the bright green pool of wildfire and he along with the dead were consumed by 1 day ago · And that was why he was so worried about what awaited the boy in this meeting with King Daeron. " "Don't blame Jon!" Arya jumped out from behind him. Not a moon goes by where he had to not decline another enquiry about Jon. Nice to meet you. And I won't either. His new identity fuels him to seek justice for his massacred family but also sets into motion to a fateful confrontation with the invading Dragon Queen. It was part of him. In the end, he did neither. He soon discovers something even more disturbing - Robb had been working undercover and was likely murdered in the line of duty and that the Targaryen crime family might be involved. 1 day ago · Even more so when the Child spoke to Brandon Snow in the Old Tongue. Laying down beside the fire was Ghost, having got a Mar 2, 2025 · Perfectly manicured nails running against Dany's bare shoulder, tracing the skin, Cersei chuckled. Lyanna would be safe in Dorne, he knew. There are more benefits to the concoction that the CoF gave to Jon which will be apparent as time goes on. It felt strange to think that he had grown up within Winterfell and had only seen the north. JONERYS SEASON8 FIX-IT. Exploring their relationship before it was solidified in the finale. 2 days ago · Tyrion dimly remembered the man. Even if it meant nothing at all, and humanity was still doomed to die, Jon Snow had slain a dragon! Lord Snow, Ned Stark's shame, the bastard of Winterfell – it was him! His sword that slayed an undead dragon! His sword that cut down what even Torrhen Stark couldn't! His sword that gave humanity a fighting chance! 2 days ago · Jaime Lannister's new page was not normally something he'd consider intriguing but said page being Jon Snow perked his interest, just why would Ned Stark let his son page for a Lannister, the issue confounded him the whole journey back to his rooms, he'd need to set his little birds a task it seems. Jon snow the bastard of Eddard Stark has spent the last six years in Highgarden finding true friends among the reach lords and ensnared the heart of the golden rose. In response, all he got was water laced with dreamwine, sending him into a deep, uncontrollable sleep from which he had only just awoken. " He was groaning, banging his head on the desk. " Ramsay said as the boy with an axe won. Jon inspected the sword carefully, before resting the blade at Jaime's neck. Jon is panting and he holds the spear out to the girl. "It was me, Father! May 18, 2019 · Prologue. Next up we have Benjen meeting with his nephew. We mounted his horse to head towards the tower, "well sir, word is the mad king has fallen, as well as prince Rhaegar. "Are you serious, right now?," Beca whispered angrily to Chloe. Jon and Daenerys spend quite a bit of time together while on the ship. Cersei Lannister. "So Jon will do something. He is reborn a wizard and help his uncle Eddard Stark rebuild the kingdom of north into a powerful and rich kingdom with aid of his magical abilities. "Someone very important wanted to come here one last time. This 19 hours ago · As a depiction of the outbreak of a second Civil War, Bushwick puts politics in the background to put the viewer amid the chaos while its stars, Dave Bautista and Brittany Snow, fight their way to 4 days ago · What if Cersei Lannister saw Jon Snow and began a dangerous romance with him? What if our favourite dragonwolf, with Cersei's help, becomes the Dragon King he is meant to The Animal Kingdom (1932) Quote:The Animal Kingdom (also known as The Woman in His House in the UK) is a 1932 American pre-Code comedy-drama film directed by Edward H. "Daenerys is the only hope," he concluded. "HOW?!" The humor of Lance's reaction spurred Claire on, the seriousness of the situation finally losing its edge on her end. 2 days ago · Prince Joffrey has hated your nephew for as long as he has known of him. Jon will be king. 1 day ago · Jon Snow died in Castle Black betrayed by his own sworn brothers. " Sam sat quietly as Sansa recited Jon's words. Aug 5, 2024 · A short story set between the time Jon returns from the Wright mission in 'Beyond the Wall' (S7E6) and Jon and Daenerys land in King's Landing in 'The Dragon and the Wolf' (S7E7). I apologize for taking up your time and Ser Garlan there is no need to cover for me. She looked back at Chloe and saw that Chloe's nipples were hard and straining against her shirt. Through him she would have control of the North and her quest for the seven kingdoms of Westeros would be complete. I was inspired to write this Fanfic from two stories Archive of Our Own . Mar 1, 2025 · Jon smiled a bit at the metaphor Tormund had just used. Sin. 6 days ago · "Seems you are the odd one out, Snow," Theon said to Jon, with an added mockery to Jon's last name. Mar 8, 2025 · Jon Snow has had a terrible day, first being betrayed and stabbed by the men of the Night's Watch and then falling through the sky above an island he's never seen before. However, he's not alone and here, Jon will find himself in the midst of a new land with a new people and new dangers. She shut up, startled. "Really embarrassing. Men are pulling JON SNOW's boat onto shore. "Then She's angry and goes away?" suggested Jon. " Jon Snow winced at the thought, "Don't talk about her," he barked. " "Jon Snow is dead, Tormund. In fact, it took me five weeks to come up with something; which wasn't entirely my fault! May 25, 2019 · "Jon Snow is a Bastard" Saera says, with disgust in her voice, the term "Bastard" is something Valyrians do not tolerate, for a child is deserving of the love of his parents, no matter the circumstances of his birth. I loved her more than I have loved any woman in my entire life. "Let me finish, I loved your mother Jon. For despite the man's vices, he was less brooding and far more talkative than himself. May 9, 2019 · They say Jon Snow is a good King. Bloodraven has one last trick up his sleeve before he dies,a contingency in case his doubts prove true. " "House Stane does as well. Emperor King Jon Snow. , Jon S. My plan was not just to go away from Winterfell but rather away from this entire mad continent altogether Feb 13, 2025 · HeavenlyEternal: Glad to know that you liked it. Westeros Watches A Different Future-Female/Adoption byShadowSinner02. The wind lashed at their faces as they stood there, the two of them, two horselengths apart, saying naught. Slowly reaching for his body, and then, when it settled, for his soul and mind. And yet once more the Gods must step in, Jon Snow, twice dead, twice reborn, this time to a different point in 2 days ago · In a world where seven sons and daughters were born to Rhaella and Aerys II, the North is a powerful kingdom, Jon snow grows up in a village outside King's Landing. Heaven. Kill the boy and let the man be born. "Your taxi driver looked a bit hairy," I said, jerking my thumb back to where she'd been dropped off. "This is Jon Snow. Sep 11, 2019 · He wakes up when he is 10 hearing the voices of the old gods in the middle of the night. "Well we have mainly been 1 day ago · A good way to handle my problem with Ramsey did not come quickly. His father had left; he didn't know why he had been afraid that it was because of him. Romance. "To you as well. when he hears ned stark talking to his brother Benjin. One day, a depressed Jon Snow goes to bed wishing to meet his Mother. Mar 7, 2025 · "You know," Ryuk said between bites, "in all my centuries watching humans, I've never met one quite like you, Jon Snow. Jul 26, 2020 · I was dressed as Jon Snow and by some higher being's curse, I found myself in Westeros in Jon Snow's body! world I have to choose my battles and sadly that means I have to get the hell out of this place before everything goes sideways. Now I very much do not. Madness. Jon Snow claiming to never felt like a Jan 29, 2025 · Still, the mad laughter went on. "Jon Snow has a great ass. Without Lord Tywin, it was bound to shatter into smithereens. Westeros Watches A Different Future byTheNecroKing44. Angst. Many years ago a man I knew not was my great uncle told me what it was I must do, though I mistook his meaning. Mar 5, 2025 · Claire shook her head. Feb 28, 2025 · "My name's Jon Snow. NO MAD QUEEN. 1 day ago · 'What is this brief mortal life, if not in pursuit of legacy' He falls in the Godswood, as the Others overrun Winterfell, dead for a second time. Wake up. As he sat there in his bed he thought about what he dreamed. I don't want to be. I was giving Arya some sword fighting tips when Ser Garlan walked in on us. " "You kneeled," Tormund said, "To her. I will not be abandoning this one. Aug 20, 2019 · For four months Jon Snow or Aegon Targaryen, as his cousin Bran said his mother had named him, had been beyond the Wall, with the Freefolk to help them rebuild after the war of the dawn. 3 days ago · However, soon the bride is brought before the weirwood, dressed in an absolutely beautiful dress as white as, and Jon mentally admits this, the ancient snow atop the Throat of the World. I may have to rewrite that story. Dec 5, 2023 · Ice and Fire. And since the only other Lannister left is at the Wall, their allegiances will not be divided. Scalin repeated. So the gods watched and waited but when Jon went back North they were pissed then they acted now Jon Snow goes back in time with task given to him by the gods failure could in all life. At this moment Jon felt content being a Snow wearing the title of bastard like armor like he always had. 2 days ago · Jon Snow. A 10-year-old was currently sitting in the middle of a fortress meant to keep out the Sith, the Yuuzhan Vong, and whatever else in the Corellian Hells, with only a thousands of years old assassin droid and an over-enthusiastic astromech to supervise him. 'Thank you for travelling here, my lord' Dany said kindly. Feb 13, 2023 · And in one of those mad moments, I just dived in. "Go south and there you will meet your destiny, and save your kin. Nov 9, 2024 · What if Jon Snow becomes the most dangerous man in Westeros under the tutelage of our favourite lioness, Cersei Lannister? This is completely AU Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Daenerys T. He said that if Jon Snow being a bastard was making Lord Aegon refuse the joust, then Jon Snow would be a bastard no longer. Brent laughed and rubbed at her belly, earning a squealing laugh from my baby. "It's Baratheon now" she replied sadly "and it's good to see you again, Jon. Taking a knife from Euron, the flat surface of the blade skimmed her neck. " "Wh-" Jon Started. Fine, whatever. "I'm the bastard of Winterfell," he thought as he finished his lunch. "Jon," his travelling companion addressed him. What brings you to this hotel? Aug 31, 2024 · "My name is Jon Snow. As Jon explores his ability to commune with the dead spirit of Ashara, he finds himself plunged into a world more mystical than he ever could have 5 days ago · The second guard who had tried to take advantage of Jon Snow's distraction found himself quite abruptly stopped by Jon Snow. Last update: 2025-03-15 How to get my glyph: Spoiler Glyph Code: Nov 16, 2017 · "Reinforcements, Jon Snow?" The King in the North looked behind him to see Daenerys walking towards him with her hands clasped together in front of her, her silver hair flowing behind her. To not take 4 days ago · It was a fine weapon, Arya thought - forged from the best steel into clean sharp lines, and capable of deadly thrusts, slices and cuts. For Jon, the wound of Daenerys' death felt like it would never heal. JON, GHOST, DAVOS and Winterfell guards ride out of the gate and exit the courtyard. (Rated M for language) Rated: Fiction M - English - Fantasy - Jon S. Well, if I could buy him a drink I would have done so. and that meant the Mad King was his grandfather. Unexpected, yes, but the plan goes on. Aug 7, 2013 · Eddard looked down at a seated Jon remorsefully, "I've always told you that you were a Stark Jon, but you are not my son. Jul 20, 2022 · "Now you truly look like a Dragonking, Jon Snow. Lost, confused, and more than a little bit heartsick, all he wants is to hop on his new friend Rhaegal and fly away with Ghost at his side. "That means I did something right. The night of the feast had Jul 13, 2019 · [Modern Real World AU] 17-year-old London boy Jon Stark is shocked to learn that the body of his older brother, Robb has just been washed up dead in the Thames. The blame is on me. Tyrion skimmed through the message: Robb Stark and Jon Snow seen investigating the plague, White Harbor relatively untouched. 4 days ago · That changes her plans completely. Winterfell. The young prince's delight manifested in that moment, and he took pleasure in seeing that Lord Aegon had met his match. How does the game of thrones change when a falcon and a wolf fall in love. He encounters Ashara Dayne in his dreams every night after. The man stood looking at the dragon was Jon Snow, bastard of Winterfell, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, King of the North, kneeler, King north of the Wall. And in any case, we may find that petty thorn plucked without blood on us. The other three people are staring at him as he walks back to them. End note: I wish to formally declare that I hold no ownership over any lines, worldbuilding aspects, or characters derived from the following works: "Game of Thrones," "House of the Dragon" TV 5 days ago · Jon/Visenya may be a thing here, how big a thing, we'll see. " 1 day ago · Jon gripped his sword, twirling it in his hand in a display of showmanship that his father would have scolded him for. Death and Life. Disclaimer/ Note from the author: I love Jon and Sansa so much. When Melisandre resurrected Jon she brought someone else for the ride and he was not going to fuck up. That meant that dude was Tobias, the one brought Pidgey to the Pokémon Center according to Nurse Joy. 1 day ago · The mad god jumped away to avoid the blade. Funny story, this was supposed to be an Skyrim x Game of Thrones Crossover Fanfiction, but he convinced me to use the Pure Jul 15, 2022 · Before he could continue, a Thenn interrupted, "Jon Snow! Magnar wants"! Jon started towards the Inn where Styr had made his camp and had been interrogating the prisoner. In return for the lives of the children he had once thought of as siblings, Jon Snow would become Jon Targaryen for good, married to the Mother of Dragons. " Jon said with a snort before he went to pick up the sword paid by the Queen, though no one knew that. Winter is almost upon us. As Jon explores his ability to commune with the dead spirit of Ashara, he finds himself plunged into a world more mystical than he ever could have imagined. 2 days ago · Tywin goes to break the siege of storms end. Oct 7, 2024 · Rhaegar wins, but this isn’t a fairytale for Jon Snow, raised in Winterfell by his abusive stepmother and drunken Father, Jon leaves to find who he really is. "I am Lord Stark's bastard son. One day I will return, he promised to himself. " Rhaegal, seemingly bored, doggy paddled over to Typhlosion and began a game of wrestling, a game in which the older Pokémon seemed begrudgingly willing to partake in. He was agile though, and weaved around the attack, his wings turning a metallic sheen as he did so, twirling his way through the Silver Wind until he was within the Bug type's range, and slapped his wing into its face. Brandon Snow drank some of the mead she offered him, but only after she herself had done so. Jon Snow. One day. The world is wrong, and Jon needs to right it May 12, 2019 · Warning: Stark bashing, kidnapping, slow burn road to forgiveness. She barely looked at me but smiled, reddening, which I liked. When she was done, Sam looked thoughtfully out the window. but to take the life of my wife and the woman I loved to save those left of my family and the kingdom from another mad ruler. Instead, I was dropped into the world of Pokémon, turned into a nine-year-old that looked nothing like I used to. , Robb S. Chloe crossed and uncrossed her legs. "The great Mother of Dragons, now fallen to nothing. " (Aye, I do. Rated M only for, you know, incest. This actually gave me some context. Ideals, morals, and emotions clash as he comes to know his true purpose. " Alleras listened intently. 7/25/2016 Mar 9, 2019 · By simply bending the knee, Jon is made a Stark by Stannis Baratheon, pledging himself to Stannis at Castle Black. C. House Stark swore fealty to House Targaryen. Jon snow/ Margery tyrell plus 3 6 a monthh Jul 30, 2019 · Jonerys2019 is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. Mar 8, 2025 · A Raven flaps it's wings and instead of swearing his oath Jon Snow learns the truth of who he is. "David! Jon's here!" 6 days ago · Before Jon Snow ventures south to meet with the Dragon Queen Brandon Stark returns to Winterfell and Samwell Tarly sends a letter. The First Ranger studied him for a while more, before turning to face the cliff in front of them, and the great white nothingness that went on for mile and mile beyond the snowy white horizon. 2 days ago · Title: Magic. "Lady Stark" he nodded politely at Catelyn. He couldn't hold on. Please. Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Romance - [Daenerys T I could probably helppersuade them. Jon's smile grew, "I'm not a Stark, just a bastard serving in the Night's Watch. "Eh, more o' less. Feb 6, 2025 · Valin rubbed the bridge of his nose after hearing Jon Snow's story. " Jon stood, looking taller than he had been only moments before. Lord Commander Jon Snow would have welcomed Gendry happily and befriended him. " Beca's head jerked toward the tv and saw what she presumed was Jon Snow's ass. Each trainer must use a Pokémon of the same typing. At the same time, he is very aware of the danger beyond the Wall must eventually return, bringing all of the help he can get to face 4 days ago · The roar cuts off suddenly, and the head goes limp. " Lance actually looked hurt now. How is the game changed when Jon instead of wearing black, dresses in black and red and seeks his crown. Jon fell to his knees with a dagger in his back, an oath breaker, a bastard of House Stark, and a fallen and failed Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. jean d'arc chapter 7 . Myrcella Lannister is rejected by a spoilt prince, but finds herself the interest of a Dark one, The Rogue Prince and the Realms Delight are reborn. 3 days ago · Jon Snow - 289 AC. But this was Daeron Targaryen, the future king of Westeros. 3 days ago · The dragon has 3 heads, the prince that was promised, prophecy was never something that Jon put value in. 2 days ago · Jon Snow is just so sincere, so honorable it would never occur to him to hide soldiers among the commoners, have them laying in wait until the opponent lets down their guard. Even Brienne was surprised when Jon Snow used his free left hand to hold the sword hand of the second guard and quite easily stab his sword straight through said guard's neck ending his life. A broken man Beyond the Wall may not be as broken as he seems and as the ramifications of Northern Independence and Bran Stark being named King play out, House Targaryen and its 3 days ago · AU: After the death of his brother, Robert Baratheon needs a loyalist Lord on Dragonstone. Ygritte followed him which always irked Styr, but everything Styr had tried to dismiss her, Ygritte would respond that she was a free woman who goes where she pleases. Homefield advantage. Aug 19, 2023 · JON waves goodbye and SANSA waves back. "The same as the others?" 5 days ago · In this week's episode, we take a look at five lessons for writers from Barnes & Nobles' turnaround. He also really wants back in Ned's good graces. "I have travelled many times, boy," he said, as he watched the young bastard settle into contentment. Das a big boi. "Perfectly. Mar 2, 2025 · Nice job. I am not Jon Blackthorn, son of Lance. The Dragon Queen. EXT. A just King. One day she must ask Lord Snow what it was all about. " The world is wrong. "Jon, being a Blackthorn is a great privilege and-" "It's not about the clan!" I shouted. " "Thank you, Father. Genre: SMUT. " Jon felt a shudder run up his spine, and before he knew it he was sitting upright in his bed in Winterfell, sweat pouring down his face as the sun shined through the window. Mar 7, 2025 · The Gym Battle between Robyn of the Trovita Gym and Jon Snow of Shamouti Island will begin soon!" Rudy exclaimed, stood on a platform in the middle of the battle arena Robyn and I were facing off at. White harbor was one of the wealthiest cities in the North, House Manderly was an old House of the Reach, they emigrated to the North after the Andal invasion, they followed the faith of the seven, they were foreign people who lived in the north for centuries. "Good," he said softly. Not a day goes by when I don't think of her, miss her, and wish I could have her back. Y'know, I never realized how much the phrase about life giving you lemons resonated with me until all of this malarkey happened. Jon Snow looked at her with a look 2 days ago · Even still I am not convinced to introduce a dragon rider Jon but if I can come up with a plausible plot I will proceed to hatch the dragon. He asked the Red Woman and Jon Snow if they had heard anything about Elia and the children. "Aye, and now I must command him. Date: Jan 23. - Chapters: 7 - Words: 41,063 - Reviews: 52 - Favs: 347 - Follows: 352 - Updated: 9/9/2021 - Published: 8/17/2021 Mar 2, 2025 · She listens quietly to Tyrion explaining his plan to steer Jon Snow into becoming their ally but soon her mind wanders. Bades: N/A. 6 days ago · "Jon Snow is your biological son," Dr. 2 days ago · "For the chance you have given our people and the daggers you bring, I name you Steel. " And thus, Jon Snow became Jon Skruul, Lord of Skagos, with Houses Magnar, Stane, and Crowl as his vassals. Jon felt both relief and sadness, but it was better this way. Although Lady Trout glared at him constantly while he was eating lunch, Jon was still curious about where his father had gone. Snow planned a trip south but Theomore did not know why or where. " The boy, his sister's son, spoke quietly. Lord Tyrion was a dwarf and Queen Cersei was quite mad in his opinion. The snow touched his hair. Claire was just lost. " He narrowed his eyes, "I've killed Ironborn Apr 10, 2019 · He held back only the secrets that he was sworn to keep, about Bran Stark and his companions and the babes Jon Snow had swapped. She recalls this mystery of Jon Snow taking a knife to the heart. However, Jon did not answer, nor did he look mad and this started to both confuse and worry Theon. Two ways to say the same thing. Just like it never occurred to him to hide his own allegiance to her when they met with Cersei before the fight against the Night King; or Cersei's own fake oath to Feb 18, 2025 · "My name is Jon Snow. "Congratulations, Jon. SLOW UPDATES AFTER CHP2 May 21, 2024 · Notes: Thanks for the read, this story I have always wanted to make. He burned in that fire just as my ancestor did. "Sea, déanaim. Jon sighed. Currency: N/A < Prev Apr 27, 2024 · The night he fell - Jon Snow x Ygritte fanfic, chapter 8. Though most of you wanted Dany to be paired with Jon. Daisey led me towards a small alcove in the building, a little nook where an artificial preserve was glassed in. " Jon replied sarcastically before he too went out to watch. Both versions is about the people of Westeros, more importantly, the main characters brought to a theater to Feb 19, 2025 · I know this is terrible, but I kind of hope Jon dies, then Catelyn tearfully confesses, Ned banishes her, then canon goes completely off the rails. Oct 31, 2019 · Harry Potter reborn as Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen. . Mar 7, 2025 · Sure, the Mad King made regular threats to keep the 'traitors' in line but had never harmed children. Ygritte was never really angry with you, did ya know that?" Jon shook his head. 2 days ago · 2nd Month of 298 A. " Mar 6, 2025 · Jon didn't comment and pulled her along towards the ship. " I nod, taking the babe, "i shall name him Jon Snow for now l" i say to arthur as he gives me Dawn he 4 days ago · Jon Snow Daemon Targaryen, Bastard, Blackfyre, Dark Prince he's heard them all but he prefers to be like his namesake, after mysteriously disappearing eight years ago, he has returned on Dragonback. , Cersei L. Lord Stark went to his son. " 1 day ago · "Go south Jon Snow," the voice said to him. May 13, 2019 · "Thanks for coming," she said. Jon uses the knowledge of his birthright as leverage, shifting the entire course of his and his aunt's negotiations and resulting in 3 days ago · Even the stoic Howland Reed had moved back when the dragon—for it was surely a seven-damned dragon, landed right behind Jon Snow. "Such a beautiful woman, Jon Snow," she said, loud enough for Jon to hear. 2 days ago · FanFiction | unleash Jon Snow aka Daeron Targaryen goes East and is shipwrecked in Yi-Ti. The place where few had ever trod, and none had returned. I should be dead. " Jon looked at his family's ancestral home, at the people he'd protected, at the peace he'd helped create. It was working. Growing up here, within these walls he had felt safe and sometimes alone, that was something he guessed he could attribute to Lady Catelyn, she had done her best through ignoring him to ensure that he was not part of the family. Lady Stark hated him, and having Ser Arthur Dayne present only made things worse. "They're both terrible. Though she burned the note, the words were burned in her mind. Four months he since he had been banished to the Night´s watch again for saving the everyone from a mad tyrant, hell bent on conquering the world with fire 2 days ago · When Arya killed the night king she just destroyed the body not the essence so the gods. I just think that the other Jon Snow SI story could have been better. Rated: Fiction T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 8,969 - Reviews: 59 - Favs: 622 - Follows: 747 - Updated: 11/5/2019 Mar 4, 2025 · My take on what a possible Jon Snow show set after season 8 could be. Mar 7, 2025 · "Jon and I spent about half of last year fighting against the Boltons, when rumors reached us that" she gestured at Rickon "That Ramsay had Rickon, Jon abandoned his plans and marched on Winterfell" "My last memories are running towards Jon, he got on a horse and just got to me, before Ramsay put an arrow in my back" 2 days ago · One day, a depressed Jon Snow goes to bed wishing to meet his Mother. Arya held her breath. It had been five years since he had been taken from White Harbour and the north and all he had known. " He replied. It was nearly midday when they left White Harbour behind them. That was his Raticate. House Magnar pledges fealty to Jon of House Skruul. " "House Crowl will do so too. Lord Tywin was the link that held Westerlands and their power afloat. " At Jon's confused look, Robert burst into laughter. Trying to hide his surprise he goes on. "There he goes, that's why Robb Stark likes him so much, any man would Oct 23, 2022 · Jon took a deep breath and looked at his surroundings for one last time. " His eyebrows rose higher and higher. The dragon purred like a cat as if it enjoyed being petted like that and started rubbing its huge head on Jon Feb 26, 2025 · Author's Disclaimer: PLEASE READ FIRST . 4 days ago · Jon Snow, a boy destined for a life of contempt by almost everyone around him, but a divine intervention can change everything. Mar 5, 2025 · Jon Snow. A worthy King who does everything in his power to protect the North and its people. Something had been amiss, but since he'd been in the past, he felt whole again. Let the Games begin! This is my attempt to bring some modicum of sanity into the disaster that was S7 & S8 through the aid of a Self Insert. I also discuss indie author advertising results from February 2025. It could have been worse. Tyrion dismisses it as dreary Northern stories but she remains unconvinced and intrigued. Burned like King's Landing. "Oh, Jon, you're here! And you're alive!" she replied returning the embrace. Till then Jon will remain without a dragon. When he's caught by a dragon of all things and questioned by a woman claiming to be Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, he's convinced he's gone mad. "Labhraíonn tusa an Seantheanga?" (You speak the Old Tongue?) she asked Brandon eagerly. The boy who will pave the way to build the most powerful nation in the world. Had the horror truly set in for her yet? She wasn't sure. In this story Jon is king (because I thought the crown would fall into his lap, and I saw nothing about Bran and Sansa), Sansa and Bran don't rule anything, the small council has a few differences, Davos is Jon's Mar 5, 2025 · Even Mad King Aerys, Queen Rhaella, Prince Viserys, Ellia Martel of Dorne joining in with her children. "If you can defeat your opponent in one minute, it will help me create a fearsome reputation about you. I assume you are here to bend the knee, my lord'. Or, the Game goes on after the Rebellions. That, he didn't know. "The rules for this battle are as follows. Disgusted with events during and after the rebellion and worried on the future he makes a contingency plan and Jon Snow is to foster in the Vale when he comes of age. " Jon said with a sad smile, knowing his friend's time was drawing much closer that he preferred. 3 days ago · FanFiction | unleash That was a Fearow, and Fearow was mad. 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