Minecraft forge will not install 1-forge-47. 2 to install forge, as well I had attempted installing it manually, as I had done many times before, and even decided to actually double check and follow the install directions on the site to the letter to make sure I was not making a mistake. After that, hold the left-shift key on your keyboard and right-click on the menu. The file downloads, however I can only open it, not run it. It was fun. Make sure Minecraft is already installed and run it once before the Forge installation. 42. Forge profile is no longer in launcher. lang. double clicking on jar file (no black box) making sure forge version matches Minecraft version (forge-1. common. Nov 8, 2024 · Make sure you have Minecraft installed. 1~1. 1) using jarfix downloading proper Oct 28, 2024 · Reinstall Minecraft Forge. after a few days with forge installed i thought about trying to get more mods that Dec 28, 2017 · the directory will be in your C: drive (or what ever letter your hard drive is), it is where the programs files and programs x64/86 is. TL;DR. 8, Microsoft Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft · If you really want to install Minecraft Forge manually, Steps 1-3 should be the same for all versions, but you still need to find out the required JVM Arguments as well as the directory and name for the forge . 2 universal, installer, and jar files. i had tried to install forge many times before, and they all seemed to not work. 1614-1. installer. 1 BUT EVERYTIME I INSTALL IT SHOWS A MASSEGE :-- javax. Jun 3, 2023 · So, i downloaded the file, i unzipped it, as my pc forces me to do, but when i click on the file it just shows me the data, logo, etc, without any sort of visible way to install. If that’s the case, head to the next method. 4; Oct 29, 2021 · Okay so I've tried to install forge, I have updated java, got the most recent forge installer, tried everything I could think of and find on the internet. With the Forge installer ready, you’re just a few clicks away from setting it up. well after about a few hours of looking around on the internet i found a cure that worked. How do I install Forge manually? Download the Forge installer from the official Forge website. Download and install Java if not already installed. ; Forgotten Update: Sometimes, mods get outdated or have version Apr 18, 2021 · Java Installation Not Completed. Minecraft Forge is not showing up in the Minecraft launcher: If Minecraft Forge is not appearing in the launcher, double-check that you have installed it correctly. We can now plug our inventions into the game. I have updated my java, my forge version and my modlist and nothing has fixed the issue. If you suspect issues with Forge: Uninstall Minecraft Forge from your system. ” I have tried jarfix and that does not work. 14. The recommendation for that post was running the installer through CMD. Forge is a free, open-source modding platform for Minecraft that allows players to install and run mods. I cannot find a log for what is happening. " Launch Minecraft with the Forge profile and place mods in the 'mods' folder. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I would really appreciate it. You can now play with the modpack’s features and enjoy the new content. i need the lib files. Run the installer and select "Install client. 70-launcher with MC ver. Forge will automatically integrate with your Minecraft installation. minecraft folder in %appdata% 2. ; Incorrect Location: Ensure that your mods folder is in the correct location (usually . 2860. In the "Target" field, add the following after the existing command: --install-mods May 28, 2024 · To install Minecraft Forge using the command line, you can follow the step-by-step guide below. The Forge profile is there, and when I click Play, the cursor makes a circle for 6 seconds, and the Launcher closes as if Minecraft is about to load. " It finds the minecraft_server. Tips and Tricks Apr 28, 2021 · Hello, I have been recently having this issue for installing forge server on one of my folders. 4, I ran 1. guava:guava:25. 10 installers even open, and all of the except the universal installer create the attached file: forge-1. Jun 24, 2020 · This time when I try to open Forge I get the message that says “Could not find the main class: net. Minecraft has been around for ages by now. For direct downloads for both Windows and Mac/Linux, visit the files page. 12. I tried it. ) Step 1 May 12, 2017 · I have downloaded the forge 1. Forge Light (Default) Nov 23, 2024 · In MultiMC, create an instance with the desired Minecraft version. 1, but my modpack is completely different. 20, make sure you run Minecraft 1. jar) which is the latest version and I have the most recent update of Java installed (jre-8u251-macosx-x64. all seems fine until i open the launcher and select the forge profile, launch the game Nothing, no forge no mod folder in . 10, Launcher 1. well i downloaded that and it worked. google. jar files. I have tried every download type on the forge website: installers and more. When you have an issue, create a new thread (I split your reply into a separate thread), don't hijack someone else's thread. It is an . 2 - 14. So I am thinking that the . Run the Installer: After downloading, locate the Forge installer file and double-click to run it. It is typically saved as a Jul 24, 2021 · I've been trying to download forge 1. 3. 2 and MultiMC in 1. Copied the files to my centos 5 server, and then ran it. 790 reports missing libraries and the forum sa Jan 12, 2022 · MY MINECRAFT FORGE IS NOT INSTALLING I HAVE JAVA 17 AND I AM TRYING TO INSTALL FORGE FOR MINECRAFT 1. SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find va May 19, 2019 · Versions below 1. SimpleInstaller. Here's what I've tried. exe. On your computer, go to the Downloads folder and find the Minecraft Forge installation file. 8 latest and recommended builds. Go to the Minecraft Forge web site (www. net) Feb 16, 2020 · Hi I new here. preferIPv4St Jan 21, 2021 · Make sure you have the correct version of Forge installed (some packs are heavily dependent on one specific build of Forge) Make a launcher profile targeting this version of Forge. Changelog. 💡 Tip: If the Forge Oct 4, 2023 · Once done, try installing Minecraft Forge with the firewall disabled, and verify if the Forge 1. FuturisticMC. This will ensure that all of the necessary files are in place. Oct 28, 2024 · Step 2: Install Minecraft Forge. Unless you need this, prefer the Jun 10, 2020 · I am obviously trying to install forge but whenever I try to run the . Download the ‘Installer’ for your Minecraft version (e. 51-b03 java. I have redownloaded it multiple times and nothing. None of these files will install. Check that you have all of the correct dependencies for all of the mods that you put in your Jan 12, 2015 · Hello, I am new to Minecraft and therefore to the Forge. 2 will not work in Minecraft 1. Minecraft Forge ; Support & Bug Reports ; Forge wont install Please read the rules and FAQ before starting a new topic. I have narrowed the issue down to bobby mod, although why this happens I am not sure. Navigate to your . 4 version as vast majority of mods is for NeoForge and not Minecraft Forge 5 days ago · Minecraft Forge allows you to install mods into your Minecraft game. A list of bad sites can be Jul 10, 2020 · Search the Minecraft CurseForge websites for mods created using Forge. Minecraft Forge ; Support & Bug Reports ; Forge wont install Theme . 2. 2705. 6. exe is the file I downloaded from the Forge website. JAR file to forge. 4]Minecraft Forge——所有MOD皆起源于此 ,MCBBS纪念版 Jul 28, 2019 · I install forge via the installer it says it installed 45 binaries. Every time I try to install the server client, I constantly keep getting errors for not completely installing all the libraries. 2 to play a minecraft server with some friends but it is not working. He presses it but it just duplicates the file and asks the same with that one, it never saves or opens. Doesn't work. Step 7: Start the Game. Unless you need this, prefer the links above. security. Menu. Launch the Game: Run the Minecraft game with the Forge mod loader enabled, and start playing with your new mods. Feb 23, 2021 · I have been trying to install forge for 5 hours total buti cant seem to run it it keeps telling me that my PC is unable to run this software and that i shuld ask forge if they have another software to download, i have already installed java and my computer just runs windows 10 what am i overlooking Jan 7, 2010 · Minecraft Forge WILL NOT DOWNLOAD JAR. I have tried all three and none of them will even open. 4 - 49. Next, rename the forge-installer. json file seems too small. It provides a powerful framework for mod developers and supports a vast library of community-made mods, making it the most popular choice for modded Minecraft servers. When asking support remember to include all relevant log files (logs are found in . SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed: sun. Only download mods from trusted sites like CurseForge (minecraft. I figured out the issue and I'm rather embarrassed to say that it was a file path issue. View User Profile View Posts Send Message Tree Puncher; Join Date: 9/13/2014 Dec 14, 2013 · when ever I try to download the forge client it shows this : these librarys cant load org. 2 with forge 10. Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Search this Thread Tools Jump to Forum Forge will not install #1 Sep 13, 2014. A small window should pop up. Aug 8, 2022 · Hey! I recently got a new gaming laptop which is windows 11. I have Minecraft 1. You can post now and register later. 5 - 36. 1-jre" I've been trying things like Jarfix for the past couple of hours now and nothing is working. All Versions. Sometimes, clearing the cache can resolve conflicts and errors. Sep 17, 2017 · Forge refuses to install. When I try to open the forg Aug 9, 2021 · I've tried everything but forge will not install on my computer, i download recommended with java installed on my computer, but when i try and open the file nothing comes up. Step-by-Step Installation. com). . The installatio · I tried to install many forge versions separately. There are errors in the following switches: "C:\users\Anthony\Downloads\forge-1. Run the downloaded Forge installer. 20. Choose the right Minecraft Forge download 1 day ago · Launch Minecraft with Forge: Open the Minecraft launcher and select the Forge profile. 1 Minecraft Version ID: 1. When I tried 1. 9, and when i go to open the installer, it asks for what kind of program to use to open it. My dad and I were not able to fix it. It makes no sense to develop 1. jar". minecraft no nothing, Nothing to indicate forge was ever installed. cmd: "Could not find Client jar, decompile requires both client and server. To do this: Right-click on the Minecraft icon and select "Create shortcut". 2-14. 21. Some users might be able to fix Minecraft Forge not installing by reinstalling the required May 26, 2019 · There are things you can try. 2768-universal. 2 I would really like to know whats wrong thank you Dec 4, 2024 · Step 6: Launch Minecraft. If you have any issues, make sure you must have played the vanilla, non-modded version of the version you are trying to install. 9 installer properly I click install with the client option selected, it says it installs properly but when I go into my files and also when I go into the minecraft launcher, it's just not there. This may or may not be my Aug 15, 2020 · Add the latest. Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile you created earlier. 2 forge and forge for a different version of Minecraft and nothing worked Jun 1, 2019 · Make sure you have the correct version of Forge installed (some packs are heavily dependent on one specific build of Forge) Make a launcher profile targeting this version of Forge. jar files are working. 8 --which is the latest version of forge that flan's mod supports, opened up the window's installer, and waited for it to do it's thing. Dec 30, 2023 · Hi, ive just downloaded both the most recent versions of minecraft java and also forge, when i downloaded java it all intalled smoothly, i then downloaded forge installer and it now refuses to actually run, the forge installer icon appears as a blank piece, and when i try to tun it with java the java se icon is the standard program icon Ok, so i know how to install mods and all, but i have no idea on how to fix this problem. Texture Packs. I saw another post with the same issue as me; that being that a certain library will not install. 0-installer. I have tried on many many versions, many many times, but all I get is a 403 Forbidden error. I ran the installer, and the first time I got a dialog that says it didn't install correctly but I assumed windows was just mistaken. I wanted to use flan's mod and a couple of other mods to mess around with, but forge just doesn't like me right now. 6-50. In the videos this is an executable file, but for me it's a compressed folder. JAR. Download the latest installer from the official Forge website. When I click on the installer a java window flashes for not even a second and then May 14, 2024 · As an avid Minecraft gamer and modder, few things are as frustrating as trying unsuccessfully to install Forge. Feb 19, 2025 · Simplify mod installation using Minecraft Forge: Explore its benefits and learn how to install and download the loader for free! Skip to content. By the way I am using Java Minecraft 1. I'm having a lot of trouble installing Forge 1. forge-1. 16. Set the launcher profile's GameDir property to the pack's instance folder (not the instances folder, the folder that has the pack's name on it). Jan 2, 2022 · Minecraft Forge Not Working. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. 2, org. After playing for around 10 seconds the desync occurs. Maybe my directory is set uo in the wrong place? Mar 3, 2025 · 3. 2768-installer-win. minecraft 1. Once downloaded, open the Installer with Java. After completing the first step, you are ready to install Forge. 9 and started minecraft -> The 1 Apr 21, 2021 · {} -- Last reload -- Details: Reload number: 1 Reload reason: initial Finished: Yes Packs: vanilla, mod_resources -- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1. 1 minecraft where I experience a client server desync that doesn't fix itself. On the installer, I chose "client version" and copied and pasted the above filepath into the browse window. Follow these steps to install Minecraft Forge: 1. 33 Hi all, I'm having issues with my modded 1. The game already knew I was accessing the achievements so I wasn't suppose to include advancements in the file path. Whenever I try to use one of the . 3. 10-installer. jar pause Make sure the java path is correct - the server jar file name also have to match Aug 22, 2023 · It will now download and install Forge in Minecraft. Make sure you have selected the correct Forge profile and that the Forge installation is in the appropriate directory. Install Mods: Search for mods on the Minecraft Forge website or other modding communities, and download the ones you want to install. preferIPv4Stack=true Exception in thread "main" java. started the minecraft exe 7. 23. It Apr 20, 2021 · none of the forge 1. Minecraft Forge only works for Minecraft: Java Edition. Add the Fabric API mod and the compatibility mod Patchwork to enable Fabric mods to run with Forge. exe file and I clicked run and it ran. Nov 8, 2024 · Steps to Install Minecraft Forge: Download the Installer: Visit the official Minecraft Forge website and locate the correct version. downloaded the latest java 8u20 4. Note that the downloads in the list below are for getting a specific version of Minecraft Forge. Trying to get this Forge to install but when i download, the latest version it's on my desktop & double clicking it does nothing. Before getting into Oct 12, 2021 · I've downloaded java and have tried multiple versions of forge but not will let me install. 2 installed fine. I followed the installation instructions, downloaded the latest version of the Forge Installer (not universal or anything, just the second link marked as (Installer)), and opened the installer. Follow these steps to install Minecraft Forge Sep 5, 2023 · Join the conversation. Installing Minecraft Forge. However, with the emergence of Windows 11, many players have encountered issues with the Minecraft Forge installer not opening or working properly. scala-lang:scala-library:2. Run the installer and select “Install Client. dmg) directly from their website. Version Compatibility: Check the version of Minecraft Forge you are trying to install matches the version of Minecraft Java · Open the file with notepad (or textedit if you're on a mac) and change PATH to the file path of the forge installer. 1. Ive seen all kinds of videos on how to get it to work, but when I download it I get a file called "forge-1. Texture Packs 1. Open the . Also learn materials required, Crafting guide, Uses, Tips, FAQs & more. Jan 7, 2010 · java. Some analogies I use with my students: Forge is like adding power outlets all over a house. Wondering if someone could possibly help me out. Do not download or install any mods from untrusted Oct 9, 2013 · I have attempted to use the forge installer on 1. At all. · Hey, I cannot open Forge. I tried deleting the forge installer and redownloading it. 0_431 - 25. Locate the Mods Folder. , 1. Launch Minecraft with Forge by creating a new shortcut or editing an existing one. Below is the log the installer produced. the closest I got was the run pop up for the installer. log Edited April 20, 2021 by derpninja23 typo Feb 13, 2025 · Downloads for Minecraft Forge - MC 1. Originally created in 2011 by the developer Spacetoad, Forge has considerably evolved over time to become one of the most used tools in the Minecraft community worldwide. ). Always double-check the version of the mod, the version of Forge or Fabric, and the version of Minecraft you’re using. minecraft; macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft Feb 27, 2025 · Learn how to install Forge for Minecraft with the help of step by step pictorial instruction guide. minecraft/logs/), code if applicable and screenshots if possible. Jan 9, 2025 · Check the PC for the Java 17 installation The Oracle Java default path is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17\bin\javaw. 10: Exception in server tick loop when trying to start up forge server for a custom modpack. When I open the installer it asks what app I want to use to open it, there's nothing that can open it on my computer and I haven't found anyone with the same problem. 2-31. Check the Minecraft Forge version you are trying to install. Install Forge and Fabric: Install Forge using MultiMC’s instance settings. After installing Minecraft Forge, players can dynamically load mods Jan 5, 2025 · 2. Program will exit. 5 for a few days but no matter what I do every time I install it, it just says "Error:Invalid or Corrupt Jarfile" If anyone knows how to fix it pls let me know. Right-click on the shortcut and select "Properties". In order to install Forge, you will need to have Minecraft installed and have run it at least once. Universal. The installer will download Jul 3, 2021 · Everything worked fine until I decided to install supplementaries squared, amendments and a couple other mods like artifacts, and compats for it. 7 and 1. ive tried using a couple and they do nothing for me? side not: same thing happens with any other downloads ive had recently Minecraft Forge ; Support & Bug Reports ; forge install not working Theme . 0_51 Added Lets Encrypt root certificates as additional trust Extracting json Considering minecraft client jar Downloading libraries Found 0 additional library directories Considering library 2 days ago · Minecraft Forge 是模組的基礎,幾乎所有的模組都會用到他。因此,本篇將介紹如何逐步安裝 Minecraft Forge 並成功啟動 forge,安裝方法分成兩種:第一種是透過 CurseForge 快速地、自動地安裝 forge;第二種是原始的安裝方法,手動的部分較多。 Sep 26, 2022 · 2] Update Minecraft Java Edition and install the latest Minecraft Forge version The next thing you can do to fix the problem at hand is to update your Minecraft: Java Edition app. 1121, the game will not load and forge will not install. May 4, 2021 · Join the conversation. Minecraft Forge is on PC / Mac only, and to install it you need to: 1. Mar 21, 2016 · Minecraft 1. Dec 9, 2020 · Please read the FAQ and post logs as decribed, along with a description of your problem . Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. 2 as well as Forge 1. You‘ve watched the tutorial videos, followed each step Aug 21, 2012 · I'm getting an error on the install. Locate the Forge installer: Open your file explorer or finder and navigate to the location where you saved the Forge installer file. jar file. Details: Minecraft 1. I even tried forcing it open via commands but nothing. Install it following the provided instructions. changed the profile to version 1. Use the latest version to receive support. I have researched this extensively and would really appreciate some help. · Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Search this Thread Tools Jump to Forum Forge will not work properly - Failed to download file. Feb 13, 2025 · Downloads for Minecraft Forge - MC 1. 6 patch, I cannot get forge to install/run. Add Mods: Place Forge mods in the mods folder as usual. exe Open the bat file and replace the world java with the path and put it into quotation marks "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17\bin\javaw. Can someone help me with a step by May 30, 2023 · There can be several reasons why Minecraft Forge may not be opening on your Windows 11/10 PC. 11. 9 installer is not working. However Mar 4, 2025 · Downloads for Minecraft Forge - MC 1. · Minecraft Forum; Mapping and Modding: Java Edition; Minecraft Mods; Mods Discussion; Forge will not install; Forge. 8 hours ago · There are a few common reasons why your Forge mods folder might not be showing up: Missing Mods: Make sure you’ve correctly installed and downloaded the mods you want to use. provider. 2859. 8. Jan 12, 2025 · Minecraft Forge is a very handy tool (Modding API) that makes it easy to install mods that improve the gameplay of the Minecraft Java version. I tried re-downloading the forge, I tried exiting the forge and re-opening it up again but nothing works and it is kind of frustrating. preferIPv4Stack=true Considering minecraft client jar Considering library net. 1-32. I then tried to install forge into this same directory. Crash Log : [21:31:50] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw. If the issue persists, try reinstalling Minecraft Forge. Forge lets us alter Minecraft‘s "DNA" – adding new traits and behaviors. Mdk. fml. By RedMage · Posted 3 hours ago Jul 19, 2020 · The installer for forge will not open for me (any attempt has resulted in nothing happening). 2838-installer-win. Jan 22, 2022 · I've been trying to install Forge version 1. I have double clicked, I have · Whenever I load minecraft on version 1. 19 version, clicked my downloads drop down, clicking forge and opening it, clicking on install server, and all these codes and stuff pops up, and then it just downloads. Jun 7, 2023 · Minecraft Forge is a free mod management tool for Minecraft Java Edition players which allows them to install Minecraft mods. 2 May 14, 2024 · If your versions mismatch, update Minecraft and/or Forge as needed to get them realigned. Solution 4: Clear the Cache. I'm trying to get Minecraft Forge to work as it seems to be central all mods. JVM info: Oracle Corporation - 1. restarted my pc 5. unistalled java 3. Jul 3, 2021 · Add the crash-report or latest. Never the less, I tried to use the installer download to install the forge. A pop-up window will appear. 5-36. 19. Minecraft Forge ; Support & Bug Reports ; Forge 1. Also, Minecraft and the Minecraft Launcher Aug 22, 2021 · Writing this on behalf of my partner- He has tried to install Forge but every time he does, it asks him to open it, he does, but then it asks him to save or open again. По умолчанию добавлять новые возможности могут только команды и датапаки, но с Jul 28, 2021 · Modded Minecraft 1. in your user folder open appdata and then roaming. Show all versions Feb 15, 2021 · Join the conversation. Forge Failed to Install Properly. 1. InvocationTargetException Nov 18, 2024 · I'm opening the forge 1. Also, whether the fix works or not, make sure to re-enable Jan 10, 2025 · Forge is an API (Application Programming Interface) that makes modding possible by providing hooks into Minecraft‘s codebase. · Hi, Ive been trying to install forge for magic launcher, everytime i get the installer (downloads fine) it will open and function correctly, but when i open it and do "install client" it gets about 25% done then stops on "unpacking scala complier" and i have done everything said to fix this, but NOTHING has worked! 8 hours ago · Install Forge: Run the installer and follow the prompts to install Forge on your computer. minecraftforge:forge:1. Nov 25, 2019 · Make sure you have the correct version of Forge installed (some packs are heavily dependent on one specific build of Forge) Make a launcher profile targeting this version of Forge. 1 day ago · Step 5: Launch Minecraft with Forge. Aug 8, 2014 · Hey guys, February 2025 here with the same exact issue. In the past we have done mods together and he has been able to do them just fine but now now matter what version of forge I try to install for him, it doesn't change the OptiFine - Minecraft performance tuning and advanced graphics. 4 - 54. Dec 12, 2024 · 简介:在玩家眼中,它是运行绝大多数mod所必需的前置API,从Minecraft1. (Something seems to Apr 3, 2017 · Okay, so. I keep getting a super long error window (long enough that Jan 4, 2025 · Its true power lies in its modding community, and at the forefront of this community is Minecraft Forge, a popular modding API that allows players to install and manage mods seamlessly. ssl. If you‘ve verified Minecraft edition and versions, the next thing to investigate is whether Forge failed to install correctly. If it’s not already selected, you may need to create a new installation using the Forge version you installed. Make sure the latest version of java is installed. 9 was a thing. reflect. The last one was "the librairies failed to download try again. FMLTweaker 5 days ago · Minecraft Forge Minecraft Forge это библиотека для Minecraft, которая является основной для большинства модов. 431-b10 java. 7. zip installer files, it just opens into a Jun 29, 2022 · And I installed forge by searching Download Forge, downloaded the 1. minecraft folder Mar 5, 2025 · Downloads for Minecraft Forge - MC 1. Despite the fact I already have done every fix Feb 22, 2015 · and I also set it to use minecraft 1. Apr 9, 2023 · Oh I forgot to update the title. When i download the forge installer for minecraft 1. 3 days ago · Step 2: Install Minecraft Forge. jar or . But that's all it does. gs/ and paste the link to it here Mar 3, 2025 · A mod built for Minecraft 1. Decided to go back to my modded worlds because vanilla just feels so vanilla. Now, for some reason, my computer has an extremely hard time running . It goes back to Desktop and never opens. 10. Feb 19, 2025 · Please read the rules and FAQ before starting a new topic Mar 1, 2015 · I'v been trying to get forge to install for a few days, iv tried 1. 2 for my server, it show the messege that all fine (installed 19 librares and blablabla). Apr 27, 2021 · Hello, I've been out of the Minecraft game for a long time. Make sure to select the correct modpack folder as the mods directory. jar";. Thanks for all ! Minecraft Forge ; Support & Bug Reports ; Help, i Jul 13, 2013 · Ever since the 1. 4 are no longer supported on this forum. Mar 6, 2022 · Fast Guide to Install Forge. minecraft/mods). 1 Operating System: Windows 11 (amd64) version 10. Install Forge. Am I How to Install Minecraft Forge. Mar 7, 2022 · I have been trying to set up some minecraft mods for my friend but for some reason every time I run the forge installer, the new forge version doesn't get added to the client. Before you can start installing mods with Forge, you will need to download and install the Forge client on your computer. Start the game and you should see the modpack’s mods loaded. 10 will not install Theme . It is the most trusted website for Minecraft mods, and most mods are only posted to CurseForge. Download Latest 1. scala-lang:scala-compiler:2. 10: Not Downloading {Wrong Side}. jar files for installing files? Then I started my Minecraft the forge was loaded so I created a new game with the Forge profile. Jun 27, 2018 · Forge version: 1. curseforge. 2, and the recommended Forge 1. With a little set-up and a quick download, you can be on your way to playing with mods in no time. They don't work whatsoever, no matter what I do Jan 6, 2025 · Hi, im trying to install the last version of forge but everytime i have some issues. 20 at least once, then completely close the game and the launcher. Select "Install Client" and click OK. jar. certpath. log java. jar in my MCP72/jars directory, · Forge will not install with an error of: You need to run the minecraft version. Naturally, many of us have turned to modding the game as a result. I installed java, and then downloaded the forge installer, but when I tried opening the installer with java, it would start to open and immediately close. I grabbed forge 1. What I did: 1. Select Install Client: Ensure the “Install Client” option is selected and that it points to the correct Minecraft folder (the default should usually suffice). Install Java: Nov 3, 2018 · Also. 4. Usually, you can just drag the file into notepad and it will Oct 4, 2023 · Minecraft Forge not installing on Windows 10 can be due to outdated or corrupted Java software or Windows firewall blocks. It is listed in the versions folder, but the . Tried 789 and 790. I also tried 1. installed latest java 6. Make sure the ‘Install client’ option is selected, and that your Minecraft directory is correct. mods. I have tried guides online but forge-1. I have tri Jun 11, 2019 · Greetings! I am new to forge, so I looked up a few tutorials and they all appear to differ to the current UI. ” The installer will create a new profile in your Apr 25, 2020 · I have downloaded (forge-1. Okay, I'll download and install again. Download Recommended 1. Aug 25, 2016 · Hello, I tried to install forge today. Check that the commands are valid and try again. 2 and I ran 1. Versions. 1版本开始,直到现在最新的1. log (logs-folder) with sites like https://mclo. The Dec 22, 2023 · 1. Aug 30, 2019 · Curse/Overwolf: If you are using the Curse Launcher, their configurations break Forge's log settings, fortunately there is an easier workaround than I originally thought, this works even with Curse's installation Mar 15, 2023 · whenever i try to run the installer a black command box appears then disappears and the option to install the forge client never shows up, ive installed java and tried different versions of the 1. Sep 29, 2023 · With the Minecraft Forge installer downloaded, you can now proceed to install Minecraft Forge and integrate it with your Minecraft game. 18. Forge Light (Default) Forge Dark Jul 3, 2020 · Problem is only with 1,8 (all three versions). 6). 34. When did Forge start using . 13. net. g. The Forge installer runs a set of tasks to integrate itself into Minecraft‘s back-end code. Step 2 – How to Install Forge for Minecraft Java. · Hello, I am having trouble with my minecraft forge, I done everything right, downloaded it, put it on my desktop and everything, but when I click it it and click "Install Client" it runs but then stops and then a menu pops up that reads, "These Libraries failed to download. preferIPv4Stack=true Found java version 1. But install log there : Considering May 6, 2019 · Hello. Feb 21, 2022 · JVM info: Oracle Corporation - 1. You will also need the libraries mentioned in Edit 2. 21 and the MDK. It SAYS that is is successfully installed, but isn't available on the launcher. Since there's no Windows Installer, I have no choice but to use the regular installer, which is a . Forge does not natively support Bukkit or Spigot plugins. " Here you can see the log. launcher. 0_51 - 25. Feb 16, 2020 · Make sure you have the correct version of Forge installed (some packs are heavily dependent on one specific build of Forge) Make a launcher profile targeting this version of Forge. I have run the version many times and still that has been no fix. gs/ and paste the link to it here Feb 18, 2013 · ok, this might be a little long so i pray you will read it all. Currently Nov 25, 2019 · Curse/Overwolf: If you are using the Curse Launcher, their configurations break Forge's log settings, fortunately there is an easier workaround than I originally thought, this works even with Curse's installation of the Minecraft launcher as long as it Jun 26, 2018 · When I try to install Forge 1. Apr 20, 2023 · Forge version: 1. 0 Java Version: 17. 4,Forge几乎已经成为所有模组玩家心中不可撼动的API,虽然Forge目 [1. once there open the users folder and chose yours(not default or public, usually the name you use or the user profile you set up for your daughter, if it's a shared computer). Ive tried to Mar 4, 2025 · Downloads for Minecraft Forge - MC 1. deleted the . 0. Except leave behind a text file, which i assume is som Dec 28, 2024 · By using Forge, players can install mods that add new blocks, items, mobs, and gameplay mechanics to Minecraft, enhancing their gaming experience. Download the Forge installer from Forge's official website. Follow these steps to install Forge with Minecraft: Go to the Forge website, and download the Installer file for your version of Minecraft. Before you install, run Minecraft vanilla once, make sure you run the matching version for your Forge instance. 15. 10-10. 10 Apr 9, 2020 · So I have the Minecraft forge file on my desktop but when I click install client, the bar that shows up saying downloading libraries, it has not loaded at all and is stuck at less than halfway completed. For example, if you are installing Forge 1. exe" -Xmx4G -jar server. May 28, 2021 · I'm trying to install Forge so that I can play some modded Minecraft, but whenever I download the installer and then click on it to install Forge the installer pops up for a fraction of a second and then doesn't do anything. Let’s get started! Double-click the Forge installer file to open it and begin the installation process. minecraftforge. I downloaded the installer on my windows pc, choose install server, picked a new directory. 5. 2. Please Help. jar my computer wants me to find an app out of the microsoft store. Here is version 1. Nov 1, 2024 · Before installing Minecraft Forge, make sure you are using Minecraft Java Edition. A full decade, in fact! Whereas many of us have been content to play the game in its original form throughout all of those years, others have sought new ways to keep the game fresh. Nov 5, 2024 · How do I install Minecraft Forge on Windows 11? To install Minecraft Forge, download the installer from the official Forge website, run it, and select ‘Install Client’. Installer. minecraft directory: Windows: C:\Users\[YourName]\AppData\Roaming\. Feb 2, 2021 · Forge wont install because of one library failed to download and that one is this "com. jar Mar 5, 2025 · Minecraft Forge is a lost project, it lost developers, most of the community and mods moved to NeoForge.
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