Sarada injured fanfiction With his friends and family angry at him, Boruto hides an injury When Sakura is called to Suna to assist with an illness, she’s forced to leave Sarada behind in Konoha. " "And you!" Sarada rounds on her father. " There's pain in his face when she doesn't call him 'Papa', and it confuses Sarada. Being protective of me. " "I'll-" started Boruto, but Sarada's slight whimper stopped him mid-sentence. Only when he meets a young girl, whose features remind him of lives long lost, does he begin to feel a spark of something. "Move, hag!" "Hag?!" Karin snapped before those two fought. "If Boruto—someone from the future, who Sarada talked to us about—is still here, it means the timelines haven't altered irrevocably. And they had heard everything too – it was impossible not to have heard it. She spoke in such short but succinct sentences that her eloquence always threw her mother off, but her father was well versed in her uniquely developed language Sarada finally helped Kawaki to the ground and gently turned his mangled arm to inspect it. A Naruto Fanfic by . That was when she sense presence behind her. Sarada blushed madly, trying to avert her eyes from the handsome blonde man before her. Stepping through the door, Sarada stumbled onto the floor. But Sarada is more like a big sister for him, who sometimes really annoys him with her clucking and decisive nature. Boruto just grinned as he ran inside. "Youyou did this to them" Sarada and Chouchou were scared to death. She has always been there for him so he wanted to do the same for her and their baby Sarada. "Mitsuki, you go ahead. She was terrified. Thunder Burger. "Cover your mouth, Boruto!" Boruto and Sarada sprinted through the halls of the hospital, their hurried footsteps echoing in the quiet corridors. ''Baka, take your Something sinister is in play when young Sarada finds a chilling children's storybook in her and Uncle Itachi's home. Who are they?" Sarada could not stop herself from gasping for breath as her chest further constricted and she could barely get any air. " Sarada said seriously raising her right arm, her palm facing Raditz. Sarada Uchiha. O. Who cared what happened in this universe ? However, before could be injured, the knife was engulfed in black flames which burned the trap out of existence. Sarada's smirk widened, and Boruto suddenly remembered one of the dreams he had on the nights when Sarada stayed over when they were children: of a magnificent giant snake with red eyes, suddenly appeared in a blast of smoke in the midst of an annihilating explosion. "Sasuke. "It's only been a couple days, Sarada," Naruto said, "and you're getting some good training in with Kakashi, aren't you?" "Tch," Sarada said, looking away. The moment they had heard about Sarina’s return—about her condition—they " Sarada's blush darkened. " Sarada said, while Himawari pulled up her eyebrows in surprise. , Sakura H. My mother is a medical and she's the most reliable medic and is always there when many people are injured. , Boruto U. "Sarada was only three but she was already very curious and wise for her age. C6: Sarada's search for the full story behind a curious scar on Karin's chest leads to an obvious cover-up, and many disturbing truths. Sasuke has a mysterious friend that comes and Sarada closed her eyes and moved her face away a millisecond too late. With Naruto and Samui Sarada tourne son regard vers Maman, n'apercevant qu'un air soulagé sur son visage avant qu'elle ne se lève pour rejoindre les deux hommes dans l'entrée. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Angst - Boruto U. "The first duty of a medical nin is not to get injured so he or she can fulfill his or her duty to heal the other shinobi. He looked at Sasuke before getting up to his feet and entering the clinic. Sarada wanted to say something to cheer Boruto up, but if she was being honest she didn't feel like she would do much, she herself had a heavy heart. (Sarada P. It's nice knowing that our kids have such a nice sitter. His voice was almost strained. Kawaki glanced at his injured appendage, just one of many Sarada's heart raced. Pairing is Sarada x Naruto. Winter's warmth by Interlockedtoe. might HAVE LEMONS! Au when they are 17. During his time, he comes across a girl, Sarada Uchiha, who has fallen away from the light. Her father is not an emotional man, but tonight, he is different. Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 5 - Words: 33,703 - Reviews: 64 - Favs: 119 - Follows: 210 - Updated: 11/27/2018 - Published: 11/21/2017 - Team Seven, Boruto U Sarada ran back towards Konoha. I still don't get why you're not yourself today. Even though Naruto just died, her parents were gravely injured, and Konoha was a pile of rubble, Sarada felt like she had no right to acknowledge the surge of emotions coursing through her veins for as long as someone needed her help. " Boruto's nose wrinkled. Healing Touch "Aren't you supposed to be an expert at evasion?" Her body ached and it took shaky effort for the Medic to bring a green-glowing hand to the injury, withholding a whimper as the bone was set painfully back "Taking care of injured people isn't really my style," said Kawaki. There were at least five people following her. Boruto is furious Sarada did not tell him she was sick. The boy took back his hand. "All the same Sarada, you're a real life saver. "And they would function normally?" "Exactly as they did before," Orochimaru confirmed with a nod. " His words were muffled. Activating her sharingan, Sarada stood up queasily and tried to fend them off. " She frowned. Sarada's eye twitch as she pushed the nose of her glasses up. On top of that, both girls are crouched in their underthings, their tools and weapons out of reach. Even if it was dangerous. "what kind of special?" asked Mitsuki as he watched his sensei bandaged Boruto's injured arm "you three are about to find out in a moment. "Boruto!!!" Sarada said when she was angry. Not literally, but the working capacity of her brain felt like an old, stretched out rubber band that was pulled tight and ready to snap. Sasuke Please, return Without thinking, Sarada ran up the tree trunk and jumped off it, catching Sumire in her arms. Despierto en el campo de batalla, no sé cuánto tiempo he estado inconsciente, lo último que recuerdo es que Naruto y Sasuke pretendían marcharse para luchar, mi intento de detener a Sasuke fracaso, no importara lo mucho que yo lo amara, eso jamás lo Shisui was born two years after Sarada, and he had a want stronger than Sarada to make Sasuke proud. Her teammates won't abandon her though as they vow to see her through this Boro/Sara When a mission ends with Sasuke and Sarada being badly injured, Boruto is blamed for the mission going wrong. His eyes linger on Sarada's injury and Sakura's shivering form; she is still weak from her healing attempts. Sarada was sitting on the bed, her right leg stretched out and her arms crossed against her chest. But when Sarada is sent on a mission to find a Leaf operative, and finds him instead, he finds he might just have a good enough reason to come home. Picking up Sarada blood started to stream from her eyes. Before Izumi could answer, two nurses were coming to Sakura's bed and talked to the two genins. Sarada didn't say anything in return but continued to scowl at him. "Sarada, darling, I love you to bits, please don't make me commit prolicide. No, he had done the right thing. Sarada blinks, to think that she ever thought she'd related to this person. " Mitsuki nodded and headed off. With that, Sarada sunk to her knees and began to sob. Anyway, apparently Sakura is actually Sarada's biological mother. Sakura Writes Fanfiction; Summary. Regardless I want to reaffirm that there will be significant lemons from this point forward in stark contrast to the opening chapter, which served as an introduction. V) Sarada checked the are surrounding Mitsuki before approaching, and after judging it to be relatively safe, she knelt next to Mitsuki and began to administer first aid to Mitsuki. A 17 year old Sasuke meets Sarada. " "That's pretty unexpected, but why would that cause a political situation . Naruto - Rated: T - English - Friendship - Chapters: 9 - Words: 8,885 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 34 - Updated: 9/8/2015 - Published: 6/24/2015 - Itachi U She was afraid her mother would be mad at her for using such a inappropriate world at the age of 12. Now that I'm out of the Academy, we have to go for different kinds of missions. He wishes Sumire had seen his scar this morning and not Sarada. How had he let her name slip? Now he wasn't going to hear the end of it. " "Thank you, mommy!" Sarada took the book and went back to her room. Her eyes are more special and beautiful than my could ever be. Her hands wouldn't move but she was also aware for her son's gaze at her back, paying attention to her reply. "Sarada?" Sakura called out to her. Naruto seeing this quickly created a wind style rasengan and compressed it in his hand 'here we go' Naruto thought; Naruto threw the rasengan at Sarada's Amaterasu fire ball Sarada then came up behind Naruto and bonked him in the head. Mitsuki gave an amused smile. BORUSARA! Princess Sarada Uchiha is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. She watched from behind, Sharingan enacted, as the small talking pug leapt from limb to limb in pursuit of Boruto. "Shall we?" Sasuke has finally killed Itachi. « Naruto ! Je ne savais pas que tu venais aujourd'hui. "Stay put until I call the seventh. " Immediately, Sarada and Mitsuki's faces flashed with concern. "But you guys are old!" Mom's eye twitches. "It's alright, Naruto-sama. "My arms were injured in that one attack with the group that had the Ice Style and a mini canon. "I don't want to. 8. Sarada suit, intriguée. But even in A series of short stories, showing how Sarada enjoys being her father's daughter. Boruto tighten his grip on Sarada worried and scared her A lecture and a quiz was not what Himawari was expecting from her training. Cho-Cho side eyed her with a knowing stare. Boruto: Naruto Next Generations - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,399 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 7 - Published: 7/25/2021 FanFiction | unleash Sarada noted in fascination. Ch 5- Sarada uchiha (Part 2) Hey guys, it's been a long time but I'm back and my exams are over, I was busy the previous month because of my admission in college but I have more or less settled down now, I have lots of free time now so I am going to make good use of it and update all my stories. It was during the last war the Village Hidden in the Leaf had endured. Boruto, you and Mitsuki go scour the town for a yard with an apple tree. " His voice was light, almost playful. "Alright. "It's okay. Because we're your family. He didn't want to leave Sakura alone in such an important time of their lives leaving all the weight on her. This hadn't gone unnoticed by Chou Chou, however, who had once suspected Sarada of preferring girls to boys. Note that you need a Rinnegan to see the joys, otherwise they'll just look like supremely bad parenting. I guess all I wanted to tell you is that. " Sarada tightened her fingers around his. , Sarada U. Sarada couldn't help but feel her insides melt a little bit. Together. On some level, he kind of resented the fact they got hurt and he didn't. Feeling a mix of emotions like trepidation, Sarada clenched her fists, determination replacing her earlier despair. After getting severely injured protecting her squad on a high ranking mission, Sarada is left to heal in the hospital. Tonight she can read him easier than she's ever been able to read Mama. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Family - Team Seven, Boruto U. Then you can go see her if you want to. sarada ] ⇢⇢⇢⇢⇢⇢ A borusara fanfic in which Boruto asks Sarada to be his fake girlfriend in order to make his ex, Sumire, jealous sasusaku; wattys2017; romance +18 more # 3. Sarada heave a sigh of relief and walk over to them to inspect their injury. "Huh?" "Apologize to Mitsuki for leaving him behind. The Uchiha couple followed them. A green energy sphere formed in her hand. The two Uchiha take their leave. Medium: Fanfiction. "I want to go home," he whimpered softly. She twirl back to see the new comer and get ready for a fight, but stop dead in track when she saw their Konoha headband. The blood on their hands and the lives taken by their weapons let things appear in a very different light, and the two teenagers are forced to leave everything behind in order THIS IS A SARADA/NARUTO FanFiction so yeah. The two were quiet as they walked out of the Hokage's office. He was on his way back when he heard Sarada screaming, three ninjas from the hidden rain village had cornered her, blood was dripping from her arm, she had been injured protecting their teammate. Springtime for Sarada . Not when Sarada was in trouble. Sasuke,Sakura, and Sarada fanfiction. 'I love youand them too. Her parents share what anyone with normal parents might call a sheepish look, but which she knows can't be that because Dad never looks sheepish. Sarada is on the verge of collapse, even an idiot could see that. Sakura appreciative of him helping her out, as she gave him a warm smile; wanted to leave him on a Sasuke frowned, disagreeing. She thought he was angry at her. We are still Genin and the Hokage doesn't want us involve into dangerous missions. Her father was still fighting with the Hokage and her mother was injured. He got out of the entire ordeal mostly scratch-free other than chakra deprivation and some minor bruising while Himawari and Sarada were pretty badly injured. She breathed a sigh, sasukea sharp pain struck through her heart at the thought of her black haired love. Also, on Karin and Sarada's wiki pages it says that Karin delivered her, which by definition can mean one of two things: Karin gave birth to her, or Karin helped Sakura give birth to her. Sarada swears that Boruto would live on hamburgers if he was allowed, and since he already ran inside, she didn't have much room to argue it. " said a voice whiched scared Sarada as she jumped off the jump and was ready to attack the intruder until she found out who it was "it would be a bad idea to attack your parents Sarada. " Sarada blinked at her mother, quickly noticed the underlying message. Sarada and Boruto embarking on a real, adult romantic relationship, he didn't know how to begin to deal with. that constant worry. Will this heal on its own?" Sarada was familiar by now with Kawaki's accelerated healing abilities. "You're too Maybe we should wait for Sasuke-kun ? Or Sarada ? New plan, we try to be discreet and find a way to go back. of Sarada is okay. Sarada made sure Chou Chou received a good beating. Sarada quickly ran out of the room, forgetting to take the necklace off. He really should've thought about using his shadow clone jutsu beforehand, but there was no time for that. "What? You could've died there or get seriously injured!" Boruto said. She thinks of cold nights and warm dinners, back when she was still by her side. – el viaje los llevo At the age of sixteen, Boruto Uzumaki and Sarada Uchiha emerge as Konoha's victors of the fight that sealed the fate of the earth, but the victory doesn't look like one. If we didn't need him to for the invasion, I would've killed him there and then' Naruto grumbled inside his mind. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Sarada, Sakura was laughing her ass off, her hands covering her red face. Not a reincarnation fanfic. She closed her eyes, waiting for the impact, that never came It was the absolute nightmare, especially for a mother, to hear that their children had been severely injured while in action. " said a different voice Sarada falters in her thoughts. "Uhh yeah that was the plan" Naruto said; Sarada then blushed and remembered something. " "Understood," said Mitsuki, getting up from the chair by Sarada's bedside. "Sarada, let me look at your eyes," Mitsuki asked. Oh, Sarada, she thought, I'm so sorry! You poor soul! Sarada walked faster than she ever had in her entire life. Once when Sarada's eyes began to blur with the formation of a Sharingan and another time when Sarada returned to the village injured and barely conscious after suffering utter defeat. Inner was right. Sasuke was never around. boruto & sarada get separated from mitsuki & konohamaru due to a snow storm while on a mission She couldn't begin to comprehend the pain he must be experiencing right now. Thankfully his prayer was answered. She rose from the sofa and took one of the many books in the library. She saved my life with her eyes. She, along with her team had been ambushed on a mission by a group of rogue ninjas, herself and the injured Boruto she was now carrying being separated from Mitsuki and Konohamaru. This BoruSara two-shot is my entry for fanofthisfiction's Show me the Love Challenge. " Naruto flashed his trademark smile. Instinct more than awareness forces her to grab outward with her less-injured hand; luck rather than skill result in her catching hold of anything. He looked at the doctor, who only smiled at him apologetically. THIS HAS SPOILERS. Author's Note: "Tanks inada" Naruto spoke unable to talk correctly due to his injured mouth 'damn snake bastard; kicking me in the mouth and breaking one of my teeth. She wouldn't be functioning at one-hundred percent, to say the least. All she could do is run and hope that they won't hit her from afar. Mitsuki tried to pull Sarada's hand gently away from her face, but she shook herself away from him. Capitulo1: tras el fin inicia el comienzo. Boruto stood and was about to join Sarada in the tree line when he heard an anguished cry from the ground. To his annoyance, Kakashi had crashed his plans by sending him to a mission. Boruto's eyes widened in shock when two familiar voices reached his ears. FanFiction | unleash ROAD TO SARADA. Always, always Sarada. No sé quién soy y cuál es mi propósito, pero si sé que mi alma ha heredero el amor que uno de mis creadores sentía por ti, dejarte me mataría. ' Sarada crouched in front of her daughter, also signalling her son to come closer. Yet Elliot is Sarada pulled on Boruto's jacket to get him to sit down. They didn't expect this. "Just kidding, you too Boruto!" Sarada ran back inside and ran back out chuckling. That was the first time Sarada fully concentrated on her father's face as she felt him touch her cheek, at how his eyes, for a split second a crimson red, faded slowly back to their deep, dark onyx. Nos iremos a vivir entre el tiempo y el espacio. Sarada laid her down, making her as comfortable as possible, and checked the head injury. Mitsuki landed down just fine. Yes, Code had to feed Boruto to the Ten tails alive, but if he injured Boruto severely enough, he could easily transport Boruto to where the Ten Tails is located and feed it She smiled at him, trying to reassure the child. "Sarada!" Sakura gasped, catching the girl as she stumbled Sarada's Day | Hokage | Rebel. "M—Mitsuki—!" "It's because you're too stubborn. (Saiyan logic. Boruto looked at Sarada one final time almost wishing she also said goodbye to him. The pink haired kunoichi was saddened however. "Promise me. So, she's all right. Sarada Uchiha has seen her mother panic twice in her life. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Sasuke U. " Cold fingers wrapped around her limp hand, blurring everything around her but him. "Hima Adult Shin glared at Sarada. Although, this was the knucklehead that they are talking about and they really need to help him. "About four days After the explosion, Mitsuki carried both of you back. Naruto now with the fate of the future in the balance must succeed or die trying once again. Once at the door, she put her new ninja sandals on. "Thank god Sasuke-kun" said Sakura relieved. Karin doesn't look like her at all, with the exception of the glasses, the way she acted is just so wrong. Shinobis were taught to prioritize the village and its people above all else. " "Hm? "Ahh!" Sarada screamed. Sumire is much more like her in that way, never loud, always friendly, sometimes shy. "Konohamaru-sensei" she mumbled. "Dad" said Sarada surprised as Sasuke simply walked in front of her. I was injured, but I could walk, so I did. "That outfit, you look a lot like Sakura-chan!" He said in a humorous tone, smiling. » Sarada entre dans la pièce, observant Maman partager un câlin avec l'inconnu dans la pièce. Once the children were settled, she set about preparing a warm and nourishing meal of chicken rice porridge for Sasuke, knowing that he must be hungry after his injury and the pain medication. It's the last day! And finally time for a one shot I'm decently proud of x) Post Time-skip in cannon, fluffy, and a little hint of angst. Boruto returned her smile for a moment to show that he wasn't dying yet. Sarada Uchiha and she was his daughter. If you find one, report to the seventh before taking action. "Sarada" "Don't you start trying for last words," the Uchiha teased. Feeling the blond coming to a halt, Sarada followed his gaze, and felt another pang in her chest. After finding some old letters Sarada comes up with a plan to play matchmaker and meet her dad. Though there was a reason Sarada herself thought it might be Karin. There, he meets Sumire Kakei, a gentle Read the most popular sarada stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. "Mama!" Sarada desperately called, hoping for help. "I get it. V drip while Hinata began to get ready to siphon out the poison from Kushina. I never thought your eyes were a burden I always thought them as a beautiful gift. (Implied SasuSaku) Meet Kawaki Uzumaki; a troubled teen haunted by a violent past who reluctantly starts physiotherapy after a street fight leaves him injured. After Aizen's fall, Ichigo knows to expect he will lose his shinigami powers, but when he begins having strange symptoms, he quickly realizes that his final Getsugatensho isn't the causeyaoi, mpregGrimmjow/Ichigo, Ukitake/Shunsui, Kenpachi/Byakuya, and Kurushimi/Tetsuya (Kurushimi appears courtesy of Shima-Taicho31!) While Chou Chou had that habit of liking someone every five minutes, telling Sarada immediately and then losing interest, Sarada wasn't particularly very interested in the opposite sex. If both Sasuke and Sarada had been incapacitated back there, she didn't know what she'd do. Of course they ended up here in the end. It is not raining tonight but the umbrella helps her with her fidgeting habit (stop that, Sarada, that's not proper for an Uchiha), and keeps her thoughts away from the dirt and how her mother is buried six feet under. , Shikadai N. Sarada looked surprised by the change of events and looked forward to see Sasuke standing in front of her. Team 7 is sent on a mission to investigate a disturbance outside of the village, where they encounter an unconscious girl in a crater. Sakura was certain, then: this sudden, overwhelming need that Sarada had to be close to her, it had to mean something. He looked and saw Mitsuki on the ground bleeding from his chest and stomach and his Sensei trying to fight off the two Ninjas with an injured arm. Springtime for Sarada A Naruto Fanfic by Nate Grey (xman0123-at-aol-dot-com) Chapter 6: Doomed to Repeat, Part 2: The Greatest Sin unless she was either too injured or sickly to do a decent job of it alone. "Boruto!" Then there was Sarada, Momoshiki mentioned that she was immune to the spell but instead of relief he felt only dread. "I think Boruto should stay here," said Mitsuki, walking towards the door. She possesses the bloodline's signature Dojutsu, the Sharingan. "I'm sorry, Mr. He got injured, so apologize. "Doesn't it hurt?" Sarada Uchiha and her 3 friends go back in time to train Naruto and to prevent a horrible future from occurring. All she has to do is invite some unexpected guests to her mom's wellness retreat. I probably should've uploaded this sooner, but life always seems to have the habit of getting things postponed. She was trembling with tears streaming down her face as she clutched her injured wrist to her chest. But a lingering feeling of unease haunts Sakura, as a shadowy threat lurks, When Sasuke comes home feverishly sick and injured, Sarada finds herself caring for her dad during his vulnerability. she said walking away with her mother, who also waved goodbye after discussing with Hinata over the medication. Sarada felt a small sense of relief when she realized that Mitsuki was still breathing, although it was more shallow than Sarada had ever seen. She'd run. Sarada had wondered what her parents were like when they were younger, but this - is just ridiculous! This was going to be a real drag, Shikadai just knew it. Sarada is a top-tier Jonin Kunoichi that has been working her ass off to get to the position of Hokage. " "!" Sarada's hands clenched into fists. When she finds an injured crow perched on top of the window sill of her room, she takes a silly chance and writes a small note attached to the crow - only to get a response back. Each shuddering breath was a struggle to inhale. Sarada smiled back. boruto x u. The Hidden Leaf Hideout. Boruto may be able to bring her back. That's normal. This story follows the manga storyline with a few added scenes from the anime and novels up until chapter 80. that feeling is love, Sasuke-kun. Sakura got back to her feet, just as Kuromaru countered one of Sarada's attacks, landing a solid punch to the girls' gut. "Sarada's okay. Welcome to chapters 77-80 from Sarada's perspective. "I thought you weren't interested?" Sarada took a moment to become self aware and realized. Then, Sarada stood and moved away to give them room to wheel Sakura's bed to the private room. Sarada it's me Boruto you're going to be alright," Boruto said. . But then, she felt a hand on her head. Just then Sarada came back with Sasuke's teams scroll in her hand. (Boruto P Sarada had wondered what her parents were like when they were younger, but this - is just ridiculous! This was going to be a real drag, Shikadai just knew it. She'd make sure she didn't hesitate, that she didn't do something stupid that got him injured. Sakura, after hearing this devastating news, couldn't stand the weight of the doctor's words, the reason why she sat down. She's only dimly aware that she too is being thrown toward the dark drop of the now rushing waterfall. Why was the snake there, when it would have been killed? Sasusaku – HURT. " Sai stared at him wordlessly. Sasuke scowled, but nonetheless, let his wife continue. Boruto grabs her but when he grabs her, he accidentally touched Sarada's butt. She was hit by the flying germ projectiles that her teammate spewed. His last visit was years ago, when Sarada was so little she wouldn't remember him. Sarada was too shocked to do something. " He kicked his foot off the wall. ) Right there. He refused, still angry with Sai. Sarada breath out, "Well, I didn't mean to interfere but they attack me. Instead of her mother, two gleaming eyes appeared at the foot of the stairs. "But-" Something hard hits Sarada on the head, filling her with a dizzying confusion. Her hands were shaking. Una realidad donde nadie esta a salvo, solo Sarada uchiha. The mysterious Sarada insists she's a shinobi from the Hidden Leaf trying to rescue her teammates. Sarada was gone too. The cumulation of injuries, fatigue and her lack of sleep have hurt her in a way that few individuals can do. Sarada stared down at him for a moment before turning back to her work on healing the injuries. Sarada felt her heart crack at her daughter's words. "I'll be back soon, Mama!" Sarada called out to her mom as she ran out the door. - Chapters: 35 - Words: 111,160 - Reviews: before wrapping up her injured hand as he expertly tied it tightly. "Me llamaré Boruto para ti, parte de mi alma nació de allí. Left feeling empty and stranded in a place unknown, Sasuke doesn't know what to do next. Uzumaki, but as long as Sarada has an injury, I won't be clearing her to get back on set. She landed securely in a crouch, then quickly carried the injured girl to the side. " Sarada and Boruto teaming up to annoy him and Naruto was less than ideal, but he could work with it; it was essentially just an exceptionally intricate childish prank. You're absolutely beautiful," I mumbled as I kiss the top of her head. "Here it is. She needs to attend to the other patients in the hospital while I figure out this matter with Sarada. And if Boruto remembers who both Sarada and Sakura are, it means his timeline hasn't changed, either," Kakashi explains with deliberate patience. "If Sakura died, Sarada wouldn't exist. Boruto made a decision deciding he would leave his safe perch and go help. It is midnight and she sits in wait, umbrella opened and propped on her shoulder. 5K 93 11. Sarada was no longer crying, but she looked so anxious and discouraged with her eyes looking down. "You too really make a great couple!" General ninja said. She was thinking more logically and knew if they get in the way, they could potentially received major injuries or simply get killed in the process. I don't want you to feel ambushed, so I'm warning you now. Sarada and her friends were sitting at the picnic table just a few feet away. She looked up and wiped her tears to see him with his other hand on his mouth, covering the injury. Late at night, when Sakura was again on her way to Sarada's cabin, she heard some children running in the hospital corridors—Sarada's classmates. " "Shinobi don't apologize," said Sasuke. Sarada, Sarada, Sarada. Sakura lay in bed, the cool night air blowing through her window as she stared outside at the full moon. She lost to a Grass genin. Sarada smiled. "I'll go after the ninja. Sarada smiled, and without much thought, the Orange ninja added "You know, I used to have a huge crush on her!" He chuckled. "This looks bad," she expressed, "But this tourniquet seems to have helped with the bleeding. Hopefully, Sasuke or Sarada will find us, if not, we'll find our own way, shannaro ! Sakura blinked. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. "Apologize," Boruto demanded of Sai. They didn't felt his chakra at any moment. "I refuse to be beaten by a child!" Raditz screamed as rage over took him, he powered up to his max, which Sarada let him so her victory could be all that sweeter. "Aghh!! I told you it was too cold," he said while pouting. Sarada turned over and walked towards him. Sarada Uchiha I think your eyes are darker than master Sasuke's. With her memories intact she would be the only one that saw through the manipulation which put her in danger of people thinking she had betrayed them or even at risk of Kawaki going after her to prevent the truth from spreading. Nate Grey (xman0123-at-aol-dot-com) Sarada's condition will be the last thing on your mind. "Don't cry. And when he got there, they would fight. Sarada moves her head to look at her, and she feels like she wants to punch herself right then and there, and apologies thoroughly to her parents. Mature content to follow in later chapters and please don't leave reviews calling me names and such That's just annoying and childish. "It doesn't matter what you were trained to do. The Chunin Exams has taken a shocking turn of events: Two threats stronger than even the Rabbit Goddess, Kaguya Otsutsuki have invaded and attacked the Leaf Village and in the cross-fire, the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, has been taken and is presumed dead. Uchiha Sarada, meet Uzumaki Naruto, genin of team 7! Spoilers for those who haven't read past chapter 700. Just stay safe," Hinata said, waiting her turn to speak once everyone quieted down. "W-What was Bolt had arrived, intent on helping Sarada protect her mother, when a red-haired woman blocked his path. "I got it her. Boruto Uzumaki and Sarada Uchiha emerge as Konoha's victors of the fight that sealed the fate of the earth, but the victory doesn "Sarada," he repeats her name quietly, as if speaking any louder would cause her to vanish in a puff of smoke. Sarada, though wary of Orochimaru's motives, couldn't help the glimmer of hope that ignited within her. Sarada's face was bright red in embarrassment and anger. Despite her stubbornness, Boruto still successfully eases her illness away. Naruto: To change the future. "How is he doing?" Ino asked, watching as Sakura pulled a blanket over her former teammate. But it was the first time he seemed like he could get seriously injured because of it And because they were at school, she had to sit back and act like it didn't bother her at all. "It's time I end this. Despised by all, Sarada has learned to hate everyone. A mess-up in his space-time ninjutsu sends her hurtling back in time to before Naruto was Hokage. Well catch up in a bit. While on the mission to find her father, Sarada gets separated from Naruto and is attacked by Shin. Boruto is admitted into one of the greatest shinobi boarding academies in the world. "By the way," Mitsuki added with his usual smile, "I never imagined such a cute sound would come out of your lips. " Author note: I want to thank all the compliments I received over the first chapter introduction. They told her Boruto was absent from his room, and when they rushed to Sarada's, they were greeted by Sarada's hospital dress neatly folded on the bed. The fans were silent as their program music continued to play and all Sarada could think was what a colossal failure she was. Oh! but we don't go to dangerous missions just yet. A NEW WORLD – SARADA'S TURMOIL. "Konohamaru-sensei I think we should get Sarada to the village, so Sakura-san can heal her," Boruto suggested. She placed her hands on their shoulders pulling them closer to herself Sarada protested. The team practice was halted and everyone gathered around the two girls in His face was unreadable as he brushed the girl's wet locks away from her eyes and checked to see if she was injured. Her eyes met Boruto's for a moment before he ducked his head and ran away. Hinata then put on rubber gloves as she handed a pair to Sarada "I will require your help to stabilize her" Hinata said; Sarada took the gloves and got ready. It was all her fault that he got hurt. - Chapters: 5 - Words: 33,703 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 122 - Follows: 213 - Updated: 11/27/2018 Team 7 is sent on a mission but Boruto comes down with a fever, and Sarada was given the role to nurse him back to health. that uneasiness. Boruto tore his gaze away from her in panic, looking at Mitsuki and Kawaki. Only her father, Sasuke Uchiha, and she were the only pure Uchihas left. With all of the political duties that come with running a village, Hinata and I are busy more often than not. With the advent of rapid modernization and vast innovation, coinciding with the death of the noble samurai leader Mifune, a new sort of soldier had arisen from the Land of Iron: men and women who fought not with katanas or ninjutsu, but with a new, mass-produced weapon that even their weakest could use All he wanted to do was be at home with Sakura and their new born baby. Sarada Uchiha is one of the two remaining members of the Uchiha clan. "Ok let's go" Sarada said as she began to set up a I. "You're right, Boruto," Konohamaru said. Sarada's head was exploding. I did not steal this story from darcylupin's account That is my old account SAME person just moved the story to this new account where I seem to be Sarada closed her eyes and opened her right as her EMS emerged 'Amaterasu' Sarada launched the black flames at her fire ball and the ball became a black inferno. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 9,774 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 35 - Updated: 4/22/2022 - Published: 2/10/2022 - id: 14036692 Boruto stood and was about to join Sarada in the tree line when he heard an anguished cry from the ground. She took the scissors from the ground, and continued cutting her pink locks. During the chunin exams, Bolt had head of to do recon while Sarada would hang back and guard the supplies they had gathered for the night. He couldn't imagine what would have happened if he had simply stayed where he was, watching Sarada struggle. When the team discovers she possesses a Sharingan, things become even more unbelievable. "Oww" Whimpering, the injured girl held her stomach, which was cramping. "Shaddup!" Both Boruto and Sarada said. Sakura smiled, watching Boruto solemn face before she turned to Sarada, "Sarada, why don't you go buy yourself a drink? There is a vending machine just at the front, and my break is almost over, so please tell the nurses at the receptionist that I will be back in a few minutes. "Why did you just announce that you idiot" Sarada said with a angry look and flames appearing behind her "do you want everyone here to target us" she asked and Naruto looked at her confused. " "That is partially correct. Boruto made a decision deciding he would leave his safe perch and go help Mitsuki. "Boruto, let's go. Sarada scowled, but let herself be given a piggyback ride back to camp. "They're still just kids. Sarada layed her head on the pillow and was about to drift off when she caught Boruto wrapping his arms around his shoulders, trying unsuccessfully to cover his shivers. [ u. -Time Skip-Sarada and Mitsuki stood in between the large group of rogue ninja and their injured comrade Despite her injuries, Hinata attended to the needs of the fussy children, preparing a bottle for Sarada and breastfeeding Boruto before putting them to bed. " Never before has a girl cared for him so much, except for Sarada. "No! It hurts - so bad," she said in between gasps. Sarada was injured in her preliminary match.
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