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How many times do you hang out before dating reddit

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  • •. My boyfriend gets kinda bored at the house as he is job searching, which makes me the only There is a distinct difference in dating and hanging out and that’s setting expectations and showing intent. My friends unanimously would not allow FWB's to sleep over. I think things like ten pin bowling and mini golf are cool ideas that are quite chill and paintball. u/ThinkSpray2433. You're right I need to learn to give less of a fuck when it comes to dating. kairoschris. Just talk to your partner and see what she thinks. Once every other week is about the minimum (with talking in-between). We all do though, because some part of the brain tells us it's worth it. While you can potentially get bonus social stats and Introduce yourself and chat her up. this sub is for advice about specific dating situations not general debates. My rule is "don't have sex with multiple partners at the same time," but it's my understanding it's just assumed everyone's at least potentially seeing multiple people unless they have The Talk. 24-48 hours, 10-12 messages maybe, basically as soon as you vibe, request date and number. Met on tinder, met after 2 weeks of talking, official after 3 weeks and 4 meet-ups (two “getting drunk with friends”, one lunch break and one actual date), lasted 2. Wanted to use an anecdote to illustrate why it’s important to have a plan of what you want to do when you ask someone on a date. We usually see eachother once a week every week or every other week. 5 years. I have a two strike rule. Met at a gig, went on a date 2 weeks later - 4 weeks and 3 weekends together we made it official but broke it off after 6 weeks because of The smart thing to do, IMO, is the long game. Depends on what you want out of the connection. I work full time, grad student, and I lift 3-5 times a week. A hangout is when two friends spend time with each other. blondedre3000. Others met and knew each other for nearly 10 years before dating, and they’re still just as happy. They go to Havana Nights at Dave and Busters in Tempe on Weds and Sunday at 7pm. Now with older kids, I get out once a week with friends and am encouraged by my spouse. Definitely not before having sex, though. After that I’m hoping for twice a week consistently. Can only usually manage once a week max. We both work 50-60 hours in corporate jobs so we try to plan a couple of date nights and spend the weekends together. eragon1400. Some people dig my vibe, some definitely don't. It’s exhausting but they’re also asleep at 8. That was 2 weeks ago. seirianstar. tiffunny20. Then, I wait until they text me and want to hang out. Date implies you have romantic intentions, hanging out is something friends do. Here's a chance for guys to say where they hang out and their hobbies so women who are interested can try to frequent those places or those groups more often. But I would say we have a date night probably twice a week but we also spent a lot of time together even before we lived together - 2-3 day dates twice a week. Yeah, that’s also a much less “confrontational” way of asking us out. Glass of wine and some intelligent conversation and I am good for a while. It's never too soon to have a half-dressed woman sleeping next to you. Giving Advice ๐Ÿ’Œ. I'm not for everyone, so I can accept the high failure rate. It's not something that gets in the way for me, because you can't like, not eat dinner. Usually 1-5 times a week. 5h per car away from me. Things like playing pool or golf to simply taking a drive, if you go out for lunch or to grab a drink sit at the bar not at the table. I think that "date" makes it clear what your intentions are. If the relationship continues but you’re still rejected, you’ll have to wait ten years before asking again. If you say 2-3 weeks, there is no priority, to me it would seem more casual, like it doesn't matter that much. Confident_Opposite43. I (32m) See my SO (36f) currently about once a week If possible. Usually, a couple months. Every 2 to 3 weeks. Once things got serious, we would see eachother on average probably about 3 or 4 days a week. In the past I would believe in getting to know for like 3-4 days before suggesting to meet up. 7. We dated for 2 years before moving in together. Some relationships take time, some can be really fast. Or maybe I'm wrong! Hey, good for you! I go to twelve step as well. My GF and i average about 3 times week seeing each other, it's perfect. 53 138. I rarely hang out with more than 2 people at a time though. Good luck. For me, texting, snapchatting etc is good enough for me. I ask twice, then say "ok, no worries, just let me know when you want to hang out". But yes it does happen. My best friend from growing up has lived many states away from me for the last 8 years and I maybe see him 2 or 3 times a year but I can message him when I want and when we meet in person it's like we haven't been apart. But usually we spend 2-4 days a week together, depending on how our schedules align. I'm not opposed to Relationships between men generally do better when you do activities or even lack of activities in this way. At least twice a week with something on weekends. Do these sort of things a few more times before you escalate it to dinner or formally asking her out on a "date" as this will generally mean you guys will offially be dating when she agrees. 12. He was compassionate and charitable and made dumb jokes and loved Harry Potter. MissingASemicolon. That would put me in the 250 - 300 rejections range. If somebody flakes on you once, drop them immediately. It’s understandable if you see each other one week 4 times and the next week 0 times. We've been dating for just over six months, and we have sex at least once everyday we're together, sometimes twice. This process is different for everyone. I concur. Each character will have 2 out of 4 hang out options, and you need to see at least 3 times at each option. Problem here is that WE both have pretty active jobs and she lives about 1. Therefore if I say "no" to a guy im probably not attracted and never will be. I’m thinking that if we each other twice per week, it’ll hold us closer together. For a lot of folk that regularly do hang out 1-1 with the opposite sex, its not a big deal in the slightest. ago. Rarely do I not see her. I go for women my age or older and usually don’t have to worry about games younger women play. Ask if seeing him twice a week would work for him and communicate that's what you need in a healthy relationship. Yes, just don’t commit to anything or mislead anyone. A lot of guys are going to say they are okay with it because they don't want to be rude to their GF. It seems to be enough to keep her calm in the evenings. Add a Comment. Gotta play the cards though. My only hookup/date started as just hanging out, and honestly there aren't many differences. My current relationship is different because we went on one official date and 2 unofficial ones before becoming official. First 5 dates: minimum 3 days in between, maximum 10 days minus scheduling difficulty. I wfh and have a 1 1/2 year old dog and a 15wk old puppy. And I'm 32, her 27. 3. We hang out regularly. Bring it up ONE more time. A quick verbal conversation often reveals that we're not compatible - saving me a lot of time since I often have to commute an hour or more each way to the date location. After that move on and its all on the date to schedule and do all the effort setting up the third attempt. • 8 yr. Most people would probably say that's not enough, but I am BUSY. Once you see a hangout option 3 times, you will get a bonus on the character. Avoid first dates on Friday or Saturday night. Like I'm going to assume book club and power walking clubs aren't going to be hotspots for men lol. " Just ask them to hang out instead. Just curious what other people feel on this. Dating means you're either ok or not with the eventual cheating that will occur. After that, you have to add a full year on before asking again. Their relationship is platonic and centered around philia. 15 dates or more (1 month-2 months) to see if we can be boyfriend girlfriend. Hanging out means your ok with them seeing other people. My closest platonic female friend is also a coworker, so if you count work, between 3-5 times per month. Once a week on the weekend for about 4 weeks. true. 1. 1989toy4wd. We met online and talked off and on a month before meeting, and talked literally almost nonstop after our first date, though. If you're just friends then no issue. From there, we talked about moving in together. I'd prefer more though. 1 month (7 dates) to see if we can be exclusive and if he is boyfriend material. Other things might include watching live sport or seeing a show. I am by no means saying first date though. Yes, there is. • 11 yr. r/AskMen. The more clear the intent, the stronger the results. I tend to take my Springer out 3 times a day, for 45mins per walk, at 8am, 1pm and 5pm. There’s something different about your partner when you first meet. I want to hang out, these are days and times I can hang out. 5. If he sees you as clingy because you want to hang with em, fuk em. Mix and match stuff that you'd like to do. Too much pressure. If you're going on dates then that's where I say it's an I do live with my partner and only get to hang out with about 4 days a a week, as each of us has a bunch of work stuff in other places. Dec 15, 2021 ยท The answers are different for everyone, but there’s some guidance to be found about how long to chat pre-meetup, at least. It's only a date if its indicated to be such, and I've paid for It can be due to past relationships, family issues, work. Its honestly a bit too less for me. 2-3 times/week. Share ideas, ask for advice and interact with your demographic here at r/highschool. The single women stay still in line while the guys change partners every few minutes. He was a dork, but he was a kind weird dork. posts about relationships longer than 6 months post go to r/relationship_advice or if you are married post to r/marriage. He would make excuses, say he’s always busy, and gaslight me/get angry at me which resulted in him ghosting me. You can also let him know you're not expecting anything in return, but that's just your love language. This, two strikes you're out. I’d say seeing each other also depends on your ages, whether you’re living at home and whether you live close to each other. Just more touch may be expected, conversation is more encouraged as you both get to know eachother, especially when it comes to lifestyle stuff. My home is my sanctuary, so I only invite them over if I feel extremely comfortable with them, and if it feels right. Depending on the breed will determine how many times you need to take them out. Reply. Honestly, I'd personally say have that discussion at least after 5 dates, but definitely before you sleep together, unless you're fine sleeping with somebody before the exclusivity is determined. Me (31)M and my gf (28)F, we both have full time jobs and live across town. Go to dating_advice. Now we are around eachother all the time (he works remote, I’m hybrid) and so now we struggle with spending enough quality time together. I dated a guy in 2019 who would take 1 hour to 19 hours to reply. It’s really up to you two. Typically after date 3 or 4 where I'd feel comfortable going to their place or having them over to mine if the vibe felt right. I have kids so my “going out time” is pretty limited so I have to plan a bit in advance, so even when I ask someone out the same night it’s usually about a week of chatting before the actual date. Although I have had plenty of gfs, maybe 10 serious ones, and 20 non-serious ones, I was probably rejected about 10 times more than accepted. Then twice a week with either a lunch or dinner date on the weekdays and a date on the weekends for couple of weeks. . Find valuable tips, resources, relatable moments, and unforgettable high school moments in this vibrant hub of students all over the world. beefie_cheezie2049. With my friends we pick right up from where we left off when we do see each other. Being up front with intentions is good. 13. Don’t just ask her “will you be my girlfriend. It's filled with engaging discussions on academics, extracurriculars, college prep, and social life. I myself, go out with friends once a month. Like you’re not forcing us to decide if we want to date you or be your friend on the spot. But most of the time, it's quite casual, like grabbing/cooking a meal or just getting a drink or two. We have a core group of friends that the wives, kids and dads all get along well. However, full stop here. When I'm exclusive'd up, yeah 3-4 nights a week is ideal, with more or less depending on the week's plans. If I'm seeing someone I'm warming up to, I'd say once or twice a week. coccopuffs606. Reply reply. He wanted it and I was willing to wait longer. It's never a bad thing to just share something like an update or a meme just to let him know you're thinking of him. If you ask someone to hang out, don’t make them do the work. Like others have said, I give it 2-3 dates. I mean I don't feel lonely or anything. Do you have any common interests with your crush? That’s a good place to start if you do. Hanging out you're sitting on the floor, dating, you're sitting on the bed. Agree to a day and time and then figure out a place once you’ve confirmed you’re both free. A "curated" date choice. THEN give out your number sparingly to women you really vibe with. Actually it probably is even a good thing. I shut him down. As others have said it does sound like a handout. Maybe do an activity for the third date, and suggest for your fourth date that you guys cook dinner, or play board games and get take out. Especially around my kids. Typically I know if it's a for sure no by the end of the first date, which helps a lot, but it can sometimes take a minute for my awkward to resolve haha. I hang out with friends about 3-4 times a week. 3 times a week about. Ask her on a date / hang out ASAP! Your results depends on it. Dating is tough, you need to put yourself out there knowing you can get hurt. We exchange numbers and i set up the date. Then add in the sleepover on the weekends. Generally I know if its worth continuing after the first date, if it's worth while from there then probobly 3-5. I generally want to see someone I'm exclusively dating 2-3x/week, which may or may not include weekends. If I were in your position, when I asked her out, I would be sure to let her know that I was aware the timing might not be the best, but that I really liked her and want to get to know her better. Then if you can figure out if they like you, you can lay it on thicker and invite them to a date. The only true difference is how much effort you put into holding in your farts. I been more straightforward asking for dates within in For me, 'official' is the exclusivity, announcing they exist part. If you both are vibing with each other, then before you end the conversation ask if she’d like to exchange numbers because you’d like to get to know her more. Dear_Mountain4849. The first time we met, the second time he asked to hang, the third time, I asked to hang. Twice and then I’d be “ok, this isn’t going to work”. If the term 'date' got used without reference to a calendar, it was probably a date. Everyone lives within a square mile or so from one another so we get together Friday around 4/5 for happy hour and continue throughout the weekend, usually til Sunday evening. If this is someone you’d consider dating just don’t fall into the trap of always “hanging out” and make it clear you want to go on a date. If you're trying to gauge if a coworker is interested in you, then you wanna be more subtle and avoid using the word "date. But everyone is different in how they think and perceive to a point, you know your crush better than any of us, do what you think they would prefer. But within about a year and half, we did become friends. Once a week the first month, twice a week the second, 3x per week on the third and by that time you're probably BF/GF and exclusive. It depends. Communication. How often do you hang out with friends? I was just thinking about this the other day. Phone call before first date. Go out as often as you're comfortable with. Twice a week is usually my max, just because it's logistically unfeasible. 155 votes, 44 comments. If I'm seeing someone and we're both stoked af about each other it's usually 4-5 and we'll call each other the days we don't see each other. It's hard to make a new friend priority number 1 when you have a whole life behind you that they aren't aware of. Exclusivity happens right after having sex for me, usually. It's best when the term first appears in the planning or proposition phase. This may sound mean, but honestly a woman hanging out with a group of guys that have been friends for 20 years really ruins the dynamic. Waiting is weird to me. One time depending on her response. You will likely have to bring it up again if you want a date with her. Before you might have said “do you want to go to the lake with me” and now you’re saying “we should go to the lake sometime”. When you're younger 2-3 days is usually enough. Fortune does favor the assertive, to be sure, but there are some cases where you have to play it slow. The worse she'll say is "no thank you" and you still see each other on Sunday. So I (24M) asked this girl (20F) from work if she wanted to hang out sometime, and she said yes. Show up multiple times, get to know that group (and other regulars). We’ve been on one date but were having trouble getting our schedules to line up for a So we eventually become friends and text a little bit, and I got vibes that he liked me. That way there's always something new to tell when you do see each other. 10 votes, 12 comments. Jarix. If not then they are not interested enough which is better to find out earlier than later. A date usually happens when there's romantic interest between two friends, and the guy ask girl out on. Still, if she’s making you go out 4-5 times a week and you gotta pay 99% of the time, she’s gotta pay at least ONE. On average one time a week seems very low for over a year of dating. I’m not asking for advice. 1-3 dates to see if there is chemistry and if I like him. I've actually had a couple of guys from college reach out like 8 years later and the answer is still a resounding "no". I've struck out way more often than scored, throughout life. 4 days is fine. Casual dating is totally different though of course. I’ve been trying to connect with this guy for a couple weeks. Calling whatever you're doing a "date" usually implies intent behind it (that you're romantically or sexually interested) and puts the cards on the table. : r/dating_advice. I would say that you definitely should be seeing each other more than once a week on average. Sort by: escadachic79. Call it a date. uanakin. I see my girlfriend almost every day. My ex and I swapped turns, whoever planned the date had to pay for the date and we wouldn’t let one person do it twice in a row. I rarely ever meet up with these woman. I have recently turned 25 and realized that I haven't hung out with anyone but my SO in a few weeks. Just get an idea for her timeline. Feeling_Flow_2754. No one felt used and I never felt cheap or gross after. And on Saturdays, I like to hang out with my close friends at a cafe or something on late nights to chill! 2. It's about a period of months for me before the pattern feels stable and consistent enough that I want to introduce them (~4mon), or consider them a +1 (~6-8mon). Some people are ultimately homebodies who only do the going out on dates stuff at the start because that's what you are supposed to. I have a few girlfriends I see a few hours a month. Who they are sleeping with is not your business but the fact that you are effectively sleeping with other people is kinda your business. Then get invited to other things, meet the friends of friends. What I got from it was intimacy and sex in a lonely situation. If a chat is going well I usually push to go off-app within a few hours and ask out the next day at the latest. After that, sleepover from mid week till Monday morning. Completely checked on all hangout options, that is 6 times in total, will upgrade that bonus even further. I’d say no sooner than the third date; inviting a girl over to yours heavily implies that you want to have sex, so take it slow if you’re looking for a girlfriend. Right there with you both. Someone can ask to "hang out" without it being romantic context. Any of them work for you? Wednesday? OK, 4 pm sound good? Any ideas on what you want to do? Movie? ETC? I know some cool parks. If he's answering and making plans with you you're not too clingy. If you and my friends, family, kids are weird together I am out. Some people met their partner only a few hours or day prior, started dating, and have been married for decades. I hang him out every chance i get. Steph Nazi, a 26-year-old New ADMIN MOD. justj6sh. He tried to text me about hanging out a couple times. The entire point is face to face dates, everything else a waste of time. Usually 2-4 times a week, depending on our work schedules. Up to them since whether or not I see them in the morning won't affect my feelings. I like to make friends first. Same! Was dating since last December, would see each other once a week and have a phone call once a week. For me, it evolved naturally from once a week for two weeks to twice a week after that and then overnights twice a week regularly. The lesson is where it’s at since it’s essentially speed dating. 16 and single, I usually go out with my friends around 3 times on weekdays per week to either play basketball or just to hang out, (mostly to play ball). When we weren't living together, it'd be every weekend and more if we could manage to fit it in with our schedules. "Would you like to go to the movies with me?" vs "Would you like to go on a date with me, to the movies?" 2. Essentially, you’ve turned the tables and now she’s the one asking you out! Thus, if she suggests another time, congratulations, a girl just asked you out on a date! If she doesn’t, that’s equivalent to her never having asked you out in the first place, so everything has stayed the same and you have lost nothing. If she says yes, then it is a first date. Sex gets better if you trust and are comfortable with your partner and the more you do it together the more you learn about each other. If you are specifically looking for someone to go out and do activities with frequently, then this is probably something to pay attention to. Even if you don’t want to wait days to get to know her before you ask her out, strike up a legitimate conversation first. What you've listed here are milestones for me too, but it doesn't have a label. So you'll have to define date for your relationship and can't really compare to what is considered a date in someone else's relationship. A lot of the guys friends will also say they don't mind, but those friends are likely going to not invite A short time shows that you want to see them, shows iniative. If you are having sex with someone and they are having sex with other people the fact the they are having sex with other people and you is important for you to know. For me (27f) they need to know certain things about… "Hey, you're cool. You need space to do your own thing. • 3 yr. I am middle aged with kids though. TL;DR: If sex is one of your greatest strength and what you lead with, don't be surprised when people take what you give them and run with it. Once a month or less. I'd like to see him more actually, but that amount works for me. I believe attraction, similar to sexual orientation, is inherent and cannot be changed. I have young kids. Near the ending of us dating he would take 8+ to reply which we hardly would text. ”. Posted by u/jemoutrageous - 2 votes and 2 comments This def seems more like a hangout, which is good if you’re just getting to know each other. " That's like the outline of my method. [deleted] • 7 yr. I find that is typically when our first kiss happens. This is more to do with my busy parent schedule though than the male/female dynamic of our friendship. My SO is my best friend and that is enough for me most of the time. To give you the answer you're asking for, normal is probably hanging out 1-2 nights a week for a few hours and/or spending the weekend together, obviously unless you live together. I usually do 2-3 days of pretty steady conversation via text, to get an idea of their personality. $5 cover and salsa lesson for beginners is 7-8:30pm, free dancing from 8:30-12am. If I'm already having sex with someone, I don't care if they want to stay the night or not. I actually looked at my calendar the other day and realized with violin and ukelele lessons, volunteer Mondays, book club Tuesdays, grocery shopping, work, errands Ohhh, I get you. And then before the 4th time I saw him, I said I like you, we should hang out more often, then he said I’m free tomorrow, and then we hung out the next day. If she just says shes busy then move on to someone else. So yeah. I do live with my partner and only get to hang out with about 4 days a a week, as each of us has a bunch of work stuff in other places. Even if I'm driving from work to class, I stop in and give her a hug and a kiss. You know what being… If you want to turn it into a date, tell them you had a really great time and want to take them out on a date sometime or somesuch. As for date planning, the best tactic I've found is to come up with 3-5 different options and let them decide which one sounds best. I would rather not waste 6months or a year then introduce to my kids or best friend and it be a disaster. After that, the dating phrase starts. I like to have a short (15 minute) phone call before deciding if I want to meet a woman for a first date. If you play it right, it’s the gift that keeps on giving. If you don't have your mental health and other parts of your life stable enough, people will use you and exploit that. Number of times per week = number of months you've been dating is my general rule. It just lead to a endless loop of meaningless conversation. We’ve been married for 2 1/2 years now. If she suggests another time then ask again. Don't overthink it. If exclusivity hasn't been established, then anywhere from 1-3x/week depending on our schedules and how interested I am in moving things forward. r/dating_advice. Hanging out implies a more casual time together and as many have expressed here, is simply done to meet up and spend time together without a ton of structure. Immediately. That means 2 to 4 dates in. By the time you're in your 30's, you've likely had serious relationships, maybe a marriage, maybe kids. Ask what part of town is convenient for her and then suggest a place yourself (if you don’t know that part of town, Yelp is your friend). 35M. I find it’s really hard to book like an ‘out’ night with friends, but super easy to pop over somewhere for an hour on a weeknight. Instead, ask her where she is and if she wants to be official now or wait. We work together, so we see each other in passing a few times a week as well. Award. Sex is 3-4 times a week. 286 votes, 140 comments. You don't know? Alright, we'll cross that bridge when we get there, see you later. curious-another-name. nu ut tm po ze st du jy uv rc