Parents rights when dealing with dcs indiana

The evidentiary hearing on the petitions was completed on November 26, 2018, more than 180 days after the petitions were filed. These parties have all rights of parties under the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure. The child does not currently have a permanency plan of adoption. 7. Research has proven that growing up in a family is essential and best for all children, especially those who have experienced abuse or neglect. This time, the judges issued a formal opinion that reversed the trial court's decision to terminate the mother's rights and sent the case back to the lower court. • Never Admit Guilt or Liability. Food, shelter, and visits with parents are rights, not privileges; therefore, the child is not to be deprived of these. 4. Ultimately, the trial The Code of Conduct is the commitment of DCS to every child and family in the State of Indiana. A parent has signed a Consent to Adoptionfor the child, c. A crucial update in paternity law is reflected in H. Youth 14 years of age and older may select up to two (2) child representatives to be a part of their CFT and assist with the development of the Case Plan. A foster advocate says the document will help establish expectations for both parents and the agency. 1172, P. The Indiana Department of Child Services has unveiled a foster parent bill of rights, as mandated by 2018 legislation. Closed on State Holidays. Here are the more important ones: A CFTM is a meeting where key people come together and collaborate, facilitated by a DCS Family Case Manager, to build a system of support and accountability for a family that has a child or children in the system. Apr 30, 2024 · STATEHOUSE (Jan. 31- 34-9-7 If the parent(s) admit the allegations of the CHINS petition, the court must enter the judgment and schedule a dispositional hearing. C today at 317-220-6056 to speak to an Indiana DCS Attorney as soon as possible! Jan 8, 2018 · INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. Jun 14, 2019 · 1. Call 317-643-6266 or contact us via our online form to schedule an appointment at our Indianapolis office. In Indiana, the Department of Child Services (DCS) investigates all allegations of abuse and neglect of Indiana’s children. Get help for a child or family in my community (Community Partners) Find my Local DCS Office and Director; Give money to the Kids First Trust Fund; Contact a representative of DCS regarding child protection; Apply for a Job with DCS; Find the guidelines for May 24, 2017 · The Indiana Department of Child Services hotline has seen a 20 percent increase in child abuse and neglect reports since 2012, records show. ” Oct 1, 2015 · This includes failure to provide medical treatment for a child, manufacturing illegal drugs on the property where the child resides, if the child is a victim of a sex offense, or if the child is born testing positive for illegal drugs or is born with fetal alcohol syndrome. IC 31-19-9-1. Right to Due Process: Parents have a fundamental right to due process, which DCS does this by partnering with families and communities to provide safe, nurturing and stable homes. 00:00. 05 Consent to Interview Child Effective 10/1/22. DCS must ensure all youth 14 years of age and older receive the Indiana DCS Bill of Rights for Youth in Care and understand the bill of rights before signing the completed Case Plan. The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) believes children have the right to permanency. See Make a child abuse or neglect report. Since the launch of Super Saturday, the RAPT Division has partnered with several community/state agencies, and DCS support divisions to cover topics to support resource families! Presenters have shared their expert knowledge on several subject matters as well as provided resources The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) eventually filed a petition to terminate the parents’ parental rights because parents failed to complete court ordered services, failed to provide stable housing for the children and struggled with both domestic violence and drug addiction. Make a child abuse or neglect report; Get information about Indiana's Safe Haven Law. • Never, ever, ever, admit to anything. Understanding Parental Rights: 1. DCS will, to the extent possible, engage both maternal and paternal family members and kin equally in the case Dec 26, 2018 · 00:00. Get information about Indiana's Safe Haven Law. The child is a member of, or eligible for, membership in an Indian (NativeAmerican) tribe. Starting salary: $47,320. E. We’re here to guide you in making sure your grandchild is OK and gets to have grandma and grandpa in their life. The period of appeal for the TPR has passed, or b. During the 2021 legislative session, Gov. The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) will accept a completed Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights form that has been signed from a parent or alleged parent who provides the said completed and signed form to DCS. Therefore, a Permanency Plan is developed for every child adjudicated as a Child in Need of Services (CHINS) in order to identify a permanent or long-term arrangement for the care and custody of the child. Email me. DCS has a legal obligation to investigate all allegations of child abuse and neglect and they have specific statutes and procedures that they are required to follow 1. Current Foster/Resource Parent Support Helpline: 888-631-9510. 5(a)(6)(D). *Upon completion of training. – Foster families from around the state are supporting legislation that would create a “foster parent bill of rights. 2 These petitions were supported by DCS and CASA as being in the best interest of Child. A. Holding her infant foster daughter, attorney Kiamesha Colom explained in simple terms a 13-page bill that revamps parts of Indiana’s foster care system. Sign the Consent to Adoption for cases where a prospective adoptive parent has been identified and approved to adopt a child in DCS care, and: a. The Family Case Manager (FCM) and Child and Family Team (CFT) should carefully Ind. DCS will consult with the child’s Probation Officer (PO) in all Juvenile Delinquency/Juvenile Status (JD/JS) cases and: 1. Program Improvement Plan (PIP) After the 2016 Child and Family Service Review (CFSR) final report, the Indiana Department of Child Services worked with the Children’s Bureau to develop a Program Improvement Plan (PIP). H. Your decision to open your home and your These meetings can include discussions regarding DCS plans on filing a petition to terminate a parent’s rights, the termination of parental rights process, the adoption process and adoption placement process, assistance for grief, separation, loss, and the life-long implication of placing a child for adoption counseling, the child’s Call 800-800-5556 if you suspect abuse or neglect. The Department of Child Safety, or DCS, is responsible for ensuring the welfare of children in the state of Indiana. Civil v. If you have a complaint with DCS, follow these steps: Step 1: Attempt to resolve disputes with the DCS Child Safety This DCS-Provider partnership enables all children and families to receive services necessary to alleviate identified needs. The child is under the care and custody of DCS , and parental rights have been terminated; or Note: For consent to interview a child under the care and custody of DCS when parental rights have been terminated, the assessing FCM will seek permission from the permanency FCM assigned to the child. When the identity and/or whereabouts of a parent of a child under DCS care and custody is unknown the FCM will: 1. To fill out an inquiry form, please visit IndianaFosterCare. Jun 25, 2018 · If I am involved in a DCS investigation, what do I need to know? In a recent report evaluating Indiana’s Department of Child Services (sometimes also referred to as Child Protective Services or CPS), it was noted that “as of 2017, Indiana’s rate of children in out-of-home care was about 13 for every 1,000 in the state and is over twice the national average. To get more help understanding the Indiana CHINS timeline and knowing your parental rights when dealing with DCS in Indiana, reach out to Iosue Law today for a free consultation. Criminal Law CHINS cases are civil in nature, which affects the rights of the parties in CHINS cases. Help the child with the transition from foster care to adoption; and 5. CHINS/DCS Defense Attorney. This article will explore the rights of parents in Indiana when facing DCS intervention and provide answers to frequently asked questions. The DCS Code of Conduct is designed to support the Vision, Mission, and Values of DCS. DCS offers a series of steps to address and resolve complaints or disagreements. television time, etc. In that case, the court upheld DCS’ removal of a child whose parents didn’t accept their child’s transgender identity, were verbally abusing the child and refusing to treat the child’s eating disorder. Abolish the Federal and State financial incentives that have turned Child Protective Services into a business that separate families for money. Jon Ford (R-Terre Haute). The meeting is driven by the wisdom and expertise of families with outside support the family has chosen, such as extended family throughout the life of the case or until termination of parental rights (TPR) has been granted by the court. This comes by a sweeping decision by the Indiana Court of Appeals applying the statutory authority for this power (or standing) created by the Legislature. Schedule your initial consultation to speak with an experienced Indiana DCS attorney today. Reassess the parent, guardian, or custodian’s appropriate level of interactionand involvement with the child based upon the effects on the child; 7. On initial contact with the Department of Child Safety, you as the parent, guardian or custodian under throughout the life of the case or until termination of parental rights (TPR) has been granted by the court. If you are being investigated by DCS or CPS, you must call my office so you can protect your rights. Parents Rights When Dealing with DCS in Indiana Thus, it is not uncommon for a parent to be falsely accused of neglect/abuse If you have come under investigation by the DCS, you need to hire an Indiana DCS/CHINS lawyer as soon as possible to ensure that your child stays with you. You can reach out to Eskew Law at 317-671 3. A parent is deceased (certified by a Death Certificate), b. A termination hearing was held in January 2019. See IC 31-32-1-3, which states that the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure apply to CHINS cases. POLICY OVERVIEW. There is a hotline where any person who suspects abuse or neglect of a child may make a report: 1-800-800-5556. The DCS Local Office Director (LOD) or LOD’s designee will: 1. By signing the Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights, the parent or alleged parent waives the right to notice Don’t let the threat of losing your children spiral into a reality. All AAP eligible children are also eligible for Medicaid and NRAE. azoca. Upon the filing of a petition, the court may grant visitation rights if the court determines that visitation rights are in the best interests of the child. Dec 29, 2020 · Contact me anytime (24/7) for a free consultation. There, you will also be able to find important resources and more up-to-date information from DCS. High caseloads, Lowry said, is a “core problem” that leads to other issues. Additionally, DCS also establishes and modifies child support and establishes paternity. R. Fourth, and finally, while parents have a precious fundamental right to raise their children, if you fail to cooperate in DCS and certain other Get help for a child or family in my community (Community Partners) Find my Local DCS Office and Director. DCS will seek input and Indiana law has allowed for a number of ways for parents to lose their children, but you are not powerless in this situation. The Indiana Birth Parent Advisory Board was assembled in 2019 at the prompting of Department of Child Services Director Terry Stigdon. (“Father”) and H. 8-809. If it is your word against DCS, often the Court will believe DCS over you unless you have the conversation recorded. 01 and other information to assist parents and guardians in understanding the process of removal of a child from their home. 5. ’s parental rights in Termination: E H v. For additional information, see policy 2. °°°. Find the guidelines for Child Support. (“Child”), the son of D. The Indiana Department of Child Services (“DCS”) filed petitions to terminate Mother’s parental rights regarding the children in March 2018. Allen Lidy helps keep deserving Hoosier families together in matters of: Child Jul 1, 2023 · Effective: July 1, 2023. However, Indiana Code section 31-34-23-6 states the requirements for DCS regarding the change of a child’s out-of-home placement. Each parent, guardian, or custodian and Attorney of record; 3. How Father’s Rights Lawyers Can Help Noting the difficult position it was thus placed in, the appellate court reversed and remanded with instructions that the trial court vacate the order terminating E. 12 Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). Become a family case manager for the Indiana Department of Child Services. My job is to defend families in Child in Need of Services (CHINS) and Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) proceedings and against Department of Child Services (DCS)/Child Protective Services (CPS) allegations. The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) will petition the court for Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) when one (1) of the following occurs: The court in a CHINS case has entered a finding that reasonable efforts for family preservation or reunification are not required; The child has been removed from the parent for at However, it is essential to understand that parents also have rights when dealing with DCS. What are we looking for? Incumbent provides legal advice and legal services to the Department for all matters relating to Child Welfare and to represent the Department in administrative and/ or court matters. Foster Care Support Tax Credit. 7 Child and Family Team Meetings for additional information. 23 Diligent Searchfor Relatives/Kin and Case Participants for additional information. Automated phone service is available 24 hours, 7 days/week. Get help for a child or family in my community (Community Partners) Find my Local DCS Office and Director; Give money to the Kids First Trust Fund; Contact a representative of DCS regarding child protection; Apply for a Job with DCS; Find the guidelines for . Call 317-924-4963. But as of Monday, July 31, 2018 so can certain advocates and attorneys for your children. Give money to the Kids First Trust Fund. A seasoned attorney can advocate for your children be placed in relative care while all of this is sorted out. INDIVIDUALS WITH RIGHTS IN CHINS PROCEEDINGS I. Establish Paternity. DCS will ensure a child placed in out-of-home care has a completed Lifebook. “After meeting with foster parents and DCS last summer, it was clear that In other cases, an attorney may be able to mediate with DCS and result in an informal agreement, called an informal adjustment. 66. Apply for a Job with DCS. Once the Indiana Department of Child Services is involved in a parent-child relationship, a parent should follow any recommended service Parental Rights [TPR] or adoption) and engaging them in case planning and services unless: a. 02 Preparing for the Assessment Effective 12/1/22. Generous paid leave: sick, personal, holidays, vacation. Get help for a child or family in my community (Community Partners) Find my Local DCS Office and Director; Give money to the Kids First Trust Fund; Contact a representative of DCS regarding child protection; Apply for a Job with DCS; Find the guidelines for Aug 31, 2018 · Use your phone recorder or tape recorder and record every single conversation you are a part of involving DCS. S. Help the child understand the termination of his/her parents’ parental rights; 2. See policy 5. You have accepted an important role in your family. Come July 1, she and her husband, like other long-term foster parents around the state, will be able to have more of a say in the care and protection of their baby. 00. 04 Required Interviews Effective 6/1/22. Yet the lack of a sound legal standard leaves the door open for judges and child services investigators to continue the system as it is. Whether by pre-filing negotiation, post-filing settlement, or trial, Iosue Law can guide you through such investigations, and defend your parental rights in a CHINS case. But lately, once the case gets to the appellate court, DCS has filed motions to remand cases Case Summary. Feb 10, 2023 · An October ruling from the Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed DCS’ actions in a case involving a parent and their minor transgender child. 6. In Indiana, according to IC 31-17-5, "a child's grandparent may seek visitation rights if the marriage of the child's parents has been dissolved in Indiana". Customer service hours: Monday - Friday, 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. During the DCS investigation, some concerns were resolved, and others arose. An initial proposal was submitted in April 2017, and in December 2018, negotiations were finalized to meet the required Sep 20, 2018 · If a parent loses their parental rights, they can battle the decision in the Indiana Court of Appeals. Defending yourself against losing your rights to your children will require the help of a knowledgeable Indiana child protection attorney. DCS expects that all employees will act in a manner consistent with this code and in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, policies and procedures. (“Mother”) (collectively, “Parents”). As such, every DCS staff member must act with the utmost level of professionalism, honesty, and integrity. It is a uniform law which establishes procedures for the placement of children across state lines. Resource parent and/or long-term foster parent. This law amends IC 31-17-2-3, allowing a child to commence a child custody proceeding through a ‘next friend’. L. Reconvene the CFT, if the Visitation Plan or the parent, guardian, or custodian’s maximum level of interaction and involvement with the child needs to be changed based upon the reassessment; and Four Important Points If You Are Contacted by CPS in Indiana. DCS may seek a court order if changes need to be made to the approved Visitation Plan for the following reasons: 1. “ Our sincere hope is that, in the future, DCS and the trial court will comply If you wish for the Arizona Ombudsman-Citizens’ Aide to review your concerns, please contact them at www. Numerous persons or agencies may need to be notified in a termination of parental rights proceeding. Along with feedback, Stigdon said she wanted parents on the advisory board to provide guidance and input on DCS The child has been identified as a victim of human trafficking and/or domesticviolence; and 9. Collect or pay child support. On February 16, 2023, the trial court conducted a fact-finding hearing on DCS's petition to terminate Father's Apr 1, 2020 · Children, families, and the Indiana public must be able to trust that DCS staff make decisions in the best interest of each child and family we serve. The attorney will be responsible for representing the State in Child In Need of Services (CHINS) cases, Termination The Indiana Department of Child Services (“DCS”) handles the task of investigating reports of child abuse and neglect in an effort to protect children throughout Indiana. Reports often come from doctors, teachers, and Now Hiring. Yes. Know your rights and use them when appropriate. Mar 1, 2021 · The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) will remove a child from the child’s parent, guardian, or custodian if: 1. The information will assist you, especially during the first weeks of placement. org. Work from home two days per week!*. Second, if DCS removes your children against your wishes, you have the right to have a detention hearing within 48 hours. babyblues17. Failure to follow the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including Dec 1, 2023 · [11] Prior to the termination of parental rights’ fact-finding hearing, the foster parents filed petitions to adopt Child and half-sibling. Contact a representative of DCS regarding child protection. Full benefits. IC 31-19-10-3. Dec 14, 2023 · DCS report alleges abuse; parents deny. The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) will give written notice of CHINS and TPR hearings, by mail or hand delivery to the following: 1. Get help for a child or family in my community (Community Partners) Find my Local DCS Office and Director. Holcomb signed HEA 1001-2021 into law, which created the Foster Care Support Tax Credit. 20, 2018) – A bill authored by State Sen. “Every time CPS seizes a child, it gets money from the federal Medicaid: Indiana’s Title XIX Medicaid Program; Non-Recurring Adoption Expenses (NRAE); and. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. cancelation of service referrals, after Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) is filed, only if ordered by the court. In cases of property damage, children may pay for repair of the property within reason in relation to Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline1-800-800-5556. The Department of Child Services (DCS) will communicate and engage in planning with the parent, guardian, or custodian regarding current events in the child’s life and will encourage parental involvement in all aspects of case planning. Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline. ” Jon Ford, R-Terre Haute, authored Senate Bill 233. If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, call the Indiana Department of Child Services' Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline today. This amendment empowers children in unique circumstances, giving them a voice in legal proceedings directly affecting their lives. The child; 2. The system is failing children, failing families, and failing our country as a whole. 31- When this is the case, fathers should seek the help of the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) – this entity was established for the sole purpose of enforcing federal and state laws that govern child support. Apr 23, 2024 · Working hand in hand: Advisory board helps DCS improve by sharing parents’ experiences, opinions. 01 Reviewing the Child Abuse and/or Neglect (CA/N) Intake Report and Other Records Effective 10/1/23. Sep 21, 2018 · About two months later, on September 7, the Court ruled on a ninth case involving the termination of parental rights in which DCS made the same remand request. I. A reasonable person would believe the child’s physical or mental condition is seriously impaired or seriously endangered due to injury by the act or omission of the child's parent, guardian, or custodian; or 2. This blog surveys when and why DCS may seek to sever a parent-child relationship and addresses The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) will petition the court for Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) when one (1) of the following occurs: The court in a CHINS case has entered a finding that reasonable efforts for family preservation or reunification are not required; The child has been removed from the parent for at CHINS case: the child, the child’s parent, guardian or custodian, the DCS and the GAL or CASA. The foster parent bill of rights has five so-called articles: communication, safety and privacy, support DCS will ensure all youth age 14 and older, in out-of-home care, receive and sign the Indiana Bill of Rights for Youth in Care and ensure the form is explained to the youth in a way he or she can understand. Involve the child in planning for the adoption; 4. Restitution- Restitution may be used in cases of property damage or theft. Reduce the possibility of disruption. Jon Ford (R-Terre Haute) that would require the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) to enact a foster parent bill of rights passed out of the Indiana House of Representatives by a vote of 94-0. Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) or Guardian Ad Litem (GAL); and 4. 2024 Super Saturday Dates - Every 3rd Saturday at 10AM-1PM EST. [1] The Indiana Department of Child Services (“DCS”) received a report alleging possible abuse and neglect of four-year-old D. Indiana foster parents have many legal rights to assist in caring for their wards. P. C. Help us protect Indiana's most vulnerable from abuse and neglect. The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) is a compact between all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the US Virgin Islands. Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline1-800-800-5556. IC 31-33-8-7(d) states that, if a custodial parent, guardian, or custodian of a child refuses to allow the DCS caseworker to interview the child after the caseworker has attempted to obtain the consent of the custodial parent, The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) will partner with the resource parent and the Child and Family Team (CFT) to arrange for a child in out-of-home care to remain at his or her home school, when it is determined to be in the child’s best interest. Sep 13, 2023 · She said the state counts cases in a disingenuous way by filing to terminate parental rights and dismissing the cases. [Indiana] I'm pregnant and being investigated by DCS. Without this, your children may be placed in foster care and you may have supervised visits at a foreign location Make a child abuse or neglect report; Get information about Indiana's Safe Haven Law. DCS needs attorneys. Anything at all! Chapter 4 - Assessment. The Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline. gov or Phone: (602) 277-7292. 03 Conducting the Assessment – Overview Effective 7/1/23. 10 Family Services for additional information. Code § 31-9-2-44. The Coxes lost custody of their then-16-year-old in 2021, after the Indiana Department of Child Services petitioned a Madison County court, alleging the The new Family First Prevention Services Act that recently passed will help matters by allowing states to spend federal dollars on efforts to keep children and families together, including programs to help parents overcome addiction before child removal becomes necessary. Text 317-502-1234. Grant to parents their rights verbally and in writing. Periodic Payments through either the Title IV-E Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) or State Adoption Subsidy (SAS). Although this government organization exists to protect children, it can still be scary when DCS becomes involved in your life. Aug 11, 2021 · Parents are losing custody without cause in far too many cases – and often losing their permanent parental rights, as well. TPR has been finalized with respect to the child who is the subject of the Juvenile the relative child placed in your home by the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS). The new law allows the Indiana Department of Revenue to DCS will provide notice of a Periodic Case Review Hearing at least 10 calendar days before the hearing to the following: The child; The child’s parent, guardian, or custodian; An attorney who has entered an appearance on behalf of the child’s parent, guardian, or custodian; Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) or Guardian ad Litem (GAL); Follow. A written consent to adoption may only be withdrawn within 30 days of signing. Don't lose your kids over false accusations. By signing the Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights, the parent or alleged parent waives the right to notice Sep 25, 2008 · Every day that passes means more families and children are subject to being held hostage and their lives destroyed. 8-809, requires DCS to provide information on parents’ rights pursuant to A. DCS obligation to file the TPR has been met and the dismissal has been granted, DCS will file a new TPR if the reason for dismissal no longer applies. Any final appellate opinion related to the TPR has been certified and the period for Arizona law, A. DCS will determine the child’s eligibility for adoption assistance. CHILD SUPPORT CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER (KIDSLINE) 1 (800) 840-8757. While child advocates are encouraged more Hoosiers are reporting suspected abuse and neglect, the increased reports also mean more innocent people could be finding themselves the subject of a DCS investigation. Pursuant to Indiana Code section 31-34-23-6(a), 3 DCS argues that Foster Parents waived this argument by failing to raise the issue to the juvenile court. 25, 2018) – A bill that would require the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) to enact a foster parent bill of rights recently passed out of the Indiana Senate by a vote of 48-0, said State Sen. Call Zentz & Roberts, P. The Family First Prevention Services Act, also known as the Family First Act, is a federal law that was adopted in 2018 and based on several core principles. We know these are often emotional situations, and you don’t want to hurt or demonize your grandchild’s mom or dad. 1-800-800-5556. Concerns for the child’s safety and well-being; 2. DCS will assist 6 days ago · STATEHOUSE (Feb. Indiana Department of Child Services, 19A-JT-01969. Aug 22, 2022 · We’ll explain grandparents’ rights in Indiana and your options. A. The child welfare system will work toward examination of a child as part of an assessment of a report of child abuse or neglect. This way, you can avoid a trial and associated risks all together. Help the child understand and embrace the adoption process; 3. In fact, because DCS has the power to take your children away permanently, it is only natural to be RIGHTS OF CHILDREN AND PARENTS, GUARDIANS, CUSTODIANS, RELATIVES, AND FOSTER PARENTS I. [Hamilton County, Indiana] Hello, I'm twenty-nine years old, happily married, my husband and I are college-educated, have respectable, stable jobs, own a home in a nice neighborhoodwe're basically as prepared as anyone can be to start a family. The Child Support Customer Service Center (KIDSLINE) is an informational call center for questions about child support cases. Since the lawsuit was filed, Lowry said the organization has received almost 100 calls from people in Indiana complaining about DCS. A parent has surrendered the child for adoption, d. wd ma ie yv nd wu wb ot fr nd