Using boric acid reddit

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Reply. The bottle says it's supposed to be watery, this discharge is white and kinda creamy thick like. Dr prescribed 7 days metronidazole 500mg. I have looked into boric acid suppositories and decided to give them a try! However, I’m not entirely sure how to use them. 5-4. Sooo boric acid works, but a word of caution. And get tested with a doctor to make sure that's what it is!! Antibiotics didn’t help. No need for paper plates. Welcome! boric acid is the real deal. -use a barrier cream. This time it is still very raw, red, burning, painful 3 days later. I used it for about 6 days for a yeast infection, the clumpy discharge stopped. For those that use boric acid preventativelydo you put one in immediately? Like, have sex, pee, clean up a bit, and stick a suppository in immediately that night? Locked post. She said boric acid won't hurt anything since my cuff looks good, but I'm only 5 weeks post cuff repair and I still have stitches in! Just use your fingers after washing your hands first and drying them and then push it as far as it can go and then wash your hands again. i have an iud in since October. All brands work the same so buy whatever is cheapest Www. 5 years and I'm pretty much resistant to metro at this point. But on the third day, I was starting to get grainy, powdery discharge that stings and burns so bad I actually woke up from sleeping and had to wash my vagina to I bought New Life Naturals Boric Acid suppositories off Amazon to use which I've done twice now, but I've been waking up with cramping each morning. com. Current treatment protocols literally say that 7 days of nightly inserted boric acid treats an uncomplicated yeast infection. I went to the store and bought boric acid first thing in the morning, and it immediately cleared up my symptoms! I wouldn't even had known anything about it without this sub. 400g of magnesium could kill you. I am now experiencing severe itching, discomfort, swelling, and fishy odor. i’m sorry, why not? Reply. Persistent itching but no rash, discharge or odor. I asked my doctor if I can use boric acid again (used it a lot pre surgery) because my pH is messed up from not only being a trans guy taking testosterone, but also probably from all the antibiotics and surgery. And make sure to wear a panty liner or pad overnight while using it since it will dissolve and will be very wet down there. It’s not enough bleeding to wear a Antibiotics didn’t help at all. I have read about using boric acid while doing the Boric acid will kill the ants out in the open that you see, but as been said, you need to kill all the ants tucked away in the colony and baiting is the way to do that. I personally use it for 3-5 days because that’s how long it sometimes takes to knock out my symptoms. The BV seems like it could be gone now, but should i continue to use it for the full 14 days? Anyone have experience with this? I kept hearing great things about boric acid so I did it for 2 days using the Love Wellness - the killer. sexi_lexii8. You know all the stuff you normally hear. Though of course if you feel an infection coming on you can use more. boric acid will not treat your BV. They also point out it was used for diaper rash and has been cause of multiple deaths due to toxicity to babies and strongly recommend against this. woke up next day and was itching & burning like a mf because my ph was off again. For me it works much better than Optigaurd. I drink lots of kefir and eat plain yogurt when im on boric acid. I started to think I had developed some food allergy or something First time posting, needing advice!! I had a colposcopy done 9 days ago. In part, this is likely due to boric acid helping break down bacterial biofilms allowing the antibiotic better access to the bacteria. I also wear cotton underwear, or at least 90% cotton and above, they're not tight either Hi everyone, I have had an issue with recurrent yeast and BV for the past couple years and thought that using boric acid 2-3x a week was showing promising results. Your pH will naturally raise a bit when ovulating. Men can also carry the pathogens that cause BV, the only thing is that they don’t produce symptoms because the pathogens only produces symptoms in the vagina. It is possible boric acid affected you but there’s really no way to say. While boric acid helps, it doesn't kill anything. All while taking oral probiotics/ 0 sugar greek yogurt It's the kind of estrogen that only sinks in to the vaginal tissue and doesn't change the hormone levels in your body. Boric acid won't hurt you. Hygiene is also very well, I shower about every 1-2 days, sometimes twice a day, I don't use any harsh soaps, or any soaps down there at all, just hot water, nor do I use any products. thanks!! Since period blood is up around 7-7. Out of all the companies that could possibly make a good soap i would think it would be Monistat. we’re in a monogamous relationship. My ph is normally 3. You die if you take 400g of table salt. There also should be probiotics that are specifically formulated as suppositories you may want to look into. should i just do once a week? twice? i also take oral probiotics thru kombucha and kefir. We are an inclusive, supportive community where individuals with vaginas/vulvas, however they may identify, can come to seek advice and support for vaginal health. Once you stop treatment symptoms It will honestly start to hurt you. Posts are moderated for respect, equanimity, grace, and relevance. It soaks up the boric acid. i don’t have any current vaginal issues or have had any except for a uti last summer? but im rlly interested in boric acid and everything and interested in vaginal health and was wondering if I should start using boric acid or just stick with my current thing which scared to try boric acid. I recommend The Killer by Love Wellness. Per my Dr. I started using that and boom symptoms disappeared (my biggest/only symptom being that strange odor) boric acid would work, but as soon as I stopped, within the next few days the odor would be back. It might make sense to get prescription meds (fluconazole/diflucan if you know you can tolerate that--start there, and then move onto Boric acid while taking a good probiotic and eating your probiotics is a good idea. I’ve been dealing with BV for a month. She suggested using the boric acid after which doesn't make sense to me if I'm trying to break down the biofilm for the clindamycin to work better. I don't have HIV/compromised immune system, diabetes, all that, so on. Lasted about an hour and had to take a couple sleeping meds to get through. • 4 mo. Sometimes women have inflammation that can be accommodated and worked around when using BA. 5 Share. Reducing frequency of boric acid use was the main thing that helped + barrier Vaseline. Does this mean that it's working, or should I stop? Do you only get cramping in the morning? I personally only get extreme mild cramping for about 20 minutes shortly after inserting it. ive read things about using boric acid suppositories to fix the itching or The otc monistat was always way too harsh for me and basically burned my insides. Your dr is out of date and because they are working off of severely old info they are covering their ass from a malpractice lawsuit by not recommending you use what they think isnt an approved treatment. Despite the smell, I will definitely use boric acid when I feel like it will help. ago. PhD brand is a good one. For the cuts themself, cover them in Vaseline to create a barrier so they can heal better. Don't spray or bomb anywhere near your bait placements. Took monistat 7 last night and had the WORST burning and itching of my life - I wanted to die. Pay close attention to your electronics and put a small spot of bait on the vents and holes they enter and exit. boric acid suppositories burns. It goes back and forth from being pinkish with discharge, light brown & bright red. Acid. This sub does not take the place of IRL medical advice, but aims to provide a safe space for questions and commiserations. r/Healthyhooha • 6 mo. Checkout my site for purposes of the reviews. If you still have BV symptoms after the metro gel treatment you can try these suppositories that contain boric acid and probiotics which help treat and prevent infection. A possible cause of the recurring infections sounds like your partner could possibly be reinfecting you. Boric acid breaks down the biofilms of bacteria and cell walls of yeast which allows these pathogenic organisms to be killed by the bodys defense systems or antibiotics. I found out about boric acid here, I tried 7 days of boric acid and it did help. Add a Comment. i'm genuinely curious about it. Boric Acid saved me. I finished a round of oral Metro last week and whilst I took a probiotic each day with the Metro, I only started using Boric Acid after I was done with the pills. I called my doctor who recommend trying boric acid for 7 days. I would say do it until you feel irritation or rawness up to 7 days. Remove and clean the pan that collects the defrost water under the refrigerator. I recently got a yeast infection which I treated with a 1 day suppository treatment (sertaconazole nitrate 300mg). So this is to all the women who posted about it For boric acid, I'd say 14-30 days, but you'd be much better off taking stronger antifungals, staying on the candida diet and then treating yourself vaginally as needed with the boric acid capsules for 14 days. Boric acid supps are the best. It would be pointless to use the boric acid and the same exact time as a L. I reduced all chafing by wearing skirts and using a bidet, used ice during the day and a heating pad at night for pain, antihistamines. • 1 yr. I know you're supposed to wait 2-4 weeks after using antibiotics to retest for bv, but I'm exclusively treating with boric acid. (This is what I did per her instruction and it helped relieve my yeast. the expiration is on the 13th of this month, so maybe I’ll just have to buy the nutrablast or phD ones. I suspect it could be that in killing off the opportunistic bacteria which causes high pH, if treatment is successful and the lactobacilli proliferate then they release lactic acid which lowers the pH. " Edit: The university of Michigan suggested it MIGHT work. I showered and scrubbed with soap but it lasted Yes you can. by Amyah__. Most only need one to get rid of BV. You may have had an anovulatory cycle (a cycle where you don’t ovulate), which can happen from stress. standard dose for boric acid suppositories is 600mg. At this point, I’m so… There are studies where people used boric acid for recurrent BV for weeks, so you are definitely good to keep using it. I’ve been on multiple rounds of antibiotics, I’ve gotten probiotics, new underwear, stopped wearing thongs, got gentle fragrance free laundry detergent, wash my underwear alone and dry it in high heat and finally decided to try using boric everyday for a month. Those results do come back faster, but they never seem to align with the later 'official' results. A few days ago I started having some more-than-normal bleeding and abdominal discomfort/pain. Personally I like using the multi day I feel like it’s more effective then the 1 day and less irritating but I think once I’m done the ms I would use the boric if I feel like I’m still off Reply reply Some people have noticed a tiny bit of irritation as it is a powder in there. I try to use them about 3x a week and that doesn’t irritate me and keeps everything at bay. I tried literally everything from home remedies to difluncan and none of it worked. If BA doesn't work test for Ureaplasma. ( u/Illustrious-Golf4057 ) Boric acid will, temporarily, bring the vagina to 5. - first use monistat for the instructed duration to treat yeast, and then use the boric acid afterwards to restore the pH. After using the boric acid suppositories, I finally feel relief. i feel like now i am almost back to normal, honestly felt relief after just 1 use She agreed that it didn't seem to make sense but despite having a high pH, using boric acid causes the vaginal pH to lower. 1. So I’ve been dealing with a suspected YI or BV for a month or so now. Should I use boric acid after yeast treatment? Advice Needed. It's life saving and I rely on it myself. Part of the vaginal changes during peri are the thinning of the walls and pain during sex, but the changes in hormones also alter the vaginal bacterial community. a month ago i was diagnosed with BV (even though i had 0 symptoms) took clindamycin cream and it worked, then got a yeast infection a week later. I got a lot of comments Gyn gave me a topical steroid for seven days. Boric acid was eventually the thing that worked, but would not recommend PhD brand, which didn't work and caused spotting/cramps. To prevent irritation, I would recommend also to apply coconut oil before inserting the boric acid suppository. You can’t really go wrong with boric acid. hi!! i just ordered some off amazon and was wondering how often i should use them. Ordinarily our vaginal pH is slightly acidic in part because of I’ve used boric acid with my iud on multiple occasions and it’s never been an issue. Boric acid will kill a lot of ants, but not eliminate the colony. The first two days were fine and I did get the normal watery discharge. how do you use boric acid suppositories correctly? 4. It's been over 30 days and I still have a little soreness, so don't be surprised if it takes a long time to recover. I don’t have insurance so I came to this sub to see if any home remedies/OTC medications could help me. Im doing a two week regimen of it. I had a dick appointment with a VERY hot dude and realized I had a yeast infection coming on the night before. hi everyone, im 21f and sexually active with my partner. I’m using the pH-D brand which recommends to use it nightly for 14 days. HOW TO USE BORIC ACID: -find a brand you like (i use azo, although i don’t believe the brand should make a huge difference). ) Hope this helps. Boric acid seems to kill off both bacteria and fungi which makes it the perfect remedy for people who suspect that they're suffering from both BV and candida, or even some viruses that usually require antibiotics I had a mild case of both yeast and BV and have used it three days in a row now. It got better after a 5 day dose of metrogel, then my period happened, everything was fine-then this past week it started itching and burning again. I had water discharge I finished my 5-day metro gel course for BV about a month ago and I’ve been inserting one boric acid suppository a day since then. And it has been recommended once a week while using the boric acid. I made my own boric acid capsules and that actually worked (and was A LOT cheaper). Sort by: Search Comments. And right now it’s been a 5 which I’m assuming is from the boric acid. [deleted] • 1 yr. Wishing you the best of luck and hope things feel better soon. The watery environment created lots of friction for cuts to appear and then they burned. I got ph-D from Target and did my first dose on Friday. I had (have?) a spell of BV (mild but persisted for 2 months before I discovered boric acid) and started using the boric acid about 7 days ago. And we have a fact sheet on using BA with inflammation that is helpful to many. This morning after I got up, as it started to leak out, the itching and pain returned, like 150x what a normal YI feels like. When to stop Boric Acid. I have been struggling with my BV (bacterial vaginosis) for a while and once it went away with antibiotics, it came back a few weeks later. Long or unusual periods need their own investigation and are usually caused by hormones, endo, PCOS or any number of many different I'd wait several days, ideally at least a week. serenityph. Normally I am raw and sensitive the next day, but by the second day it starts to feel better. One right before bed for 3/4 nights and you’ll be good as new! The back of the box should tell you how long a course is, I’ve never needed a full course, within a few days I’m back to normal! 2. Boric acid has been an absolute game changer for me!! Been my go-to for 5 years now. So i buy boric acid in the purest form i can, since purity is a variable, and stuff or half-stuff a gelatin capsule with the stuff. But the yellow discharge came back after stopping using BA. My whole vagina got really irritated. Because the BA tends to irritate our membranes when they are inflamed. We are a welcoming subreddit and support the rights of all genders. This sub SAVED MY LIFE. If this happens repeatedly I You can use it during your period but you can’t use a tampon with it. It seems to be gone but I don’t want to end treatment prematurely. Lab test positive for bv. Two cups of boric acid. Put the bait right in the crack or right on the spots they hang out. The second finding is that use of boric acid while treating BV with antibiotics can also improve outcomes. This is not a specific answer to your question but I wanted to share that I also have a copper iud, I started to get repetitive yeast infections and I tried using boric acid for a while. They cited no sources and gave no reason other then it is very old and traditional. 8. maybe yeast infection, should i use boric acid or monistat? i suspect myself of having a yeast infection as i am super itchy. The above link explains how boric acid works, like from a scientific perspective and then there is info on what the current updated treatment protocol is for chronic or recurrent infections. So the only known death according to that study is a suicide by 400+g of boric acid. Don't bomb or fog at all. The boric acid suppositories prevented this for me! I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link the ones I use, but I got them on Amazon. I also think I want to try an Evvy test to get a better idea of what's going on, as I've had bacterial vaginosis for 4 months. i only put 2 in after 12 hours for 2 days and it was fine. idk if it’s normal but my kitty doesn’t feel like normal? like i have very very VERY mild burning i think or discomfort but nothing unbearable. Fill any holes or crevices in the walls with a foam filler or caulk. I did a ton of research and found that Boric acid helps. Hi, I’m on day 5 of my boric acid suppositories journey to cure my chronic bv. A celebrity or professional pretending to be amateur usually under disguise. Well, my first day off the boric acid, my BV discharge is right back. However, when I was prescribed boric acid at a gynecologist visit it was a major game changer. Do I have to do it a certain amount of time like long term (like always take 1 a week) or only when I’m having issues? Boric. i was given diflucan and it worked. I did it for 2 days and the odor seemed to be going away so I stopped. Again, nothing to worry about if it happens just once. This was my 3rd colposcopy (HPV / high grade cells). Tells you how combine boric acid, antibiotics, and probiotics to hopefully squash it. Thelastunicorn80. Award. july2653. I recommend using them before bed time. Great for after your period, after unprotected sex, or even just randomly for maintenance. Anyone have any opinions or experiences with this cleanser. The video has to be an activity that the person is known for. Then I follow-up with a probiotic suppository for 2 days to re-introduce good bacteria. They kill pathogens that are present while helping to restore Lactobacillus bacteria strains in the vagina, they’ve helped me treat BV & a yeast infection https://www It says on the box that "boric acid is a naturally occurring compound which helps kill bad bacteria that has invaded your vagina. That is at least 400g of boric acid. Since you're only supposed to use boric every other day, I'd say space them out as much as you can. If you don’t have an infection it’s best to use max 1-2x a week so you don’t inadvertently damage the good bacteria (so every 3-4 days). Hi work in vaginal health and we have helped over 50,000 teaching them about boric acid. It mostly involves using a skin barrier. 4 it can be easy for BV to take over especially if it hasn't been wiped out enuf. I’ve been using boric acid for 3 nights so far for a recurrent yeast infection that I’ve been dealing with for a year. As someone that had chronic yeast infections (and occasionally BV) for almost an entire year, the only thing that actually made it go away was boric acid. It can trigger non period bleeding if there is a condition that already exists Eg a polyp or cervical inflammation. Welcome to TwoXChromosomes, a subreddit for both serious and silly content, and intended for women's perspectives. My gyno prescribed me 21 days of boric acid along with clindamycin cream. not too much discharge but the itching is crazy. If you do the Evvy test right after boric acid, the results aren't going to be representative of the true state of things down there. Only proves further that normal amounts of boron are perfectly safe Ok. My yeast infection symptoms are pretty much gone internally (yay!!!! It’s been 3 months lol) but my vulva is pretty red and irritated and I’m kinda crampy. andrastefann. Also switched everything non scented, cotton pantries. If you are not in pain, and this happened just once, I wouldn’t worry about it. • 5 mo. The word “acid” is probably misleading, it doesn’t burn or hurt, so no need to be afraid. I also feel like after inserting the clindamycin and boric acid into my vagina for an entire I have boric acid suppositories that were compounded at a pharmacy. Hi boric acid doesn’t have any way to cause our cervix to shed its lining and start our period. Boric acid storage tanks and use. Metro + boric acid? Ive been having weird discharge for months, not super bad smell but just off. During an emergency when boric acid is required to be injected into the reactor, is the overall boric acid solution then becomes the coolant that cools the reaction or is the solution simply ejected into the reactor to stop the nuclear fission ( temporarily halting all feed water or other coolant flow)? what . So far so good for me!! Its not bad, its just that its better to start it right away so it provides the maximum biofilm destruction for the antibiotic to access the pathogen. Eg some real life cases and reasons we have seen from women who bled non period blood after using a boric acid capsule. I’ve been doing them at 10pm right before bed. I’ve been using boric acid suppositories (compounded at pharmacy) for 2 nights now. Because boric acid will kill off the sperm and hinder your chances simply because the pH n whatnot of boric acid isn't friendly to sperm nor is a super acidic vagina. I have never heard of taking boric acid for three weeks, the most I've ever heard is two weeks. Spread the boric acid all over the kitchen cabinets, drawers, countertops and sink. i was having a possible bout of BV which is better now but i know some people take it everyday, others as needed. It might kill the yeast but you would have to do it for 7-14 days i believe. I’m having the same problem no burning though. After 2 days of stopping, I started spotting. ADMIN MOD. I feel so much better. So it doesn't hurt fertility in any way other than it can very well kill off sperm. I recommend Advion ant gel bait. Boric acid will kill the bacteria so then you just replenish the good stuff. I did use it one time after my ovulation r/Healthyhooha. r/Healthyhooha. They're called BoriCap Boric Acid Suppositories - 30 Count, 600mg - Restores pH and Normal Vaginal Health - Feminine Hygiene Products I stopped Monistat suppositories two days ago but wasn’t sure if there’s some contraindication to use the two in quick-ish succession. 4. I am treating a yeast infection. I am using “The Killer” boric acid suppository. Hi ladies! I’ve been having issues recently with an irritated vulva/vagina. For example, a professional tennis player pretending to be an amateur tennis player or a famous singer smurfing as an unknown singer. Took a long time to get lab tests done and they now came back positive for bv. For clarity I've had reoccurant bv for 1. It helps bring your vagina ph level back to normal state after a vaginal infection gets things out of what ( like a yeast infection or BV) You can also use the eraser when things just don't feel right down there. Should I try it longer, like 14 days or 30 days? Thank you so much. The new plan of treating this (recommended by my gyno) is: -7 days of clindamycin (for my BV) -1 boric acid suppository at bedtime every night for 3 weeks. i do not want to go to the doctor over a small thing like this unless it were to get worse. There are some brands this may be okay to do with, but I'm not sure what you are using, and if you haven't researched it, I wouldn't try anything you find off the internet. I will say you’ll feel less irritation if you do it right before bed and if I started taking probiotics daily along with having a yogurt every day. I'm on boric acid now for a yeast infection. If not using boric acid ecery 2 weeks is the recommended insertion interval if thats the route a person chooses but it is not necessary or required I personally do boric acid for 5 days when I have bv or yeast, it recommends 7 but I become sensitive after that many days in a row. Treatments 💊. Crispatus probiotic, it wouldnt be the most beneficial to use them 12 hrs apart i am on night 4 of using them to cure what i think was a yeast infection/bv flare up? last week i had just finished treating my previously diagnosed yeast & bv, waited 2 days, had a little fun with the guy ive been seeing and boom. ) Boric acid is great for resistant / reoccurring thrush and BV but if we experience dryness or atrophy due to chemo or menopause or even inflammation from the actual thrush and BV itself we often need to implement some tricks. And bv keeps coming back if I stop BA 3,4 days later. I’m just hesitant because they are in a gelatin capsule (I’m afraid they won’t dissolve) and the ones I have now are just the chemicals in a solid form. 0pH which is a pH that facilitate the virulization of BVAB as well as lactobacillus is typically unable to survive at this level. it’s possible for boric acid to cause some irritation like itching or burning. Also, I personally don't really recommend their PCR test option. I wasn’t as consistent for a while, maybe 1x a week, and after a new partner, I developed BV 4-5 days later (also was on my period. To the person who recommended boric acid suppositories on this subreddit EDIT: For anyone confused, antibiotics can often cause vaginal yeast infections. I’m taking oral probiotics daily. Is this Know the feeling. This is most likely just the boric acid suppository leaking out. Make sure you apply it under the sink, oven, refrigerator and We are an inclusive, supportive community where individuals with vaginas/vulvas, however they may identify, can come to seek advice and support for vaginal health. . it should be mild but i used coconut oil on my labia to prevent To the women who said to use boric acid suppository for BV, my coochie and I thank you. a couple days ago (2 weeks after my yeast infection went away) i started having my common yeast infection symptoms, just the insane okay so i wanted to try out boric acid and i did, i dont think i had any type of infection i just wanted a clean out. Don't use glue products -- roaches eat glue. I also find it EXTREMELY interesting that it includes boric Acid. io bv jb qh ni lv lm rk xn nx